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Is the Battle for France Different?

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Well, yes and no. We have played through the fall of Poland and tried some things in the west, but many things are still under development. I suppose we could set up a Fall Gelb scenario and give it a whirl but I don't expect significant differences in how the French campaign plays out.

It will be interesting to see how the early years play out once we get things like production delays, weather effects, and other new features implemented. Until then, there's just not much to say. I'm expecting the production delays and winter weather effects will natuarally postpone major operations in the west until spring 1940, so that's something to look forward to. smile.gif

[ November 18, 2004, 09:52 AM: Message edited by: pzgndr ]

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Likewise this will work against the Axis player if Barbarossa. Possibly a Sea Lion if he attempts to launch it at the wrong time of year. Plus a bit for the Allies when they launch D-Day. Ultimately weather effects should cancel bidding if we still get plunder. The Axis will be heavily hampered and forced to launch Barbarossa on time ;) hopefully

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Yes Night that would seem to be the case...i personally think that it will take another 3-4 months to wrap it up!.

In the meantime...for something different to play ... im toying with Civil War Generals 2 from http://www.the-underdogs.org/game.php?id=4336 (Download the game at this site).

...then, goto http://groups.msn.com/CWG2/downloadcivilwargenerals2.msnw for patches and instructions to get the game to work. You will need to register for some MSN...account first to be able to access the web-site...no big deal!...then you're on your way!.




If you have DOWNLOADED Civil War Generals 2 from the-underdogs and cannot get it to work because of the error message, TERRFX FILE MISSING, then here is your solution. Simply overwrite the CIVILWAR.INI file (notepad file) and install the NO-CD REQUIRED patch and the game will start for you. These patches are available on this site, click where it reads, "PATCHES NEEDED TO PLAY CWG2".


1. Double-click on, MY COMPUTER.

2. Double-click on, (C:) <YOUR hard-drive>

3. Double-click on the folder/file named, SIERRA.

4. Double-click on the folder/file named, CWG2.

5. Look for a NOTEPAD document that is named, CIVIL WAR (civilwar)

6. Double-click on the document named CIVIL WAR (civilwar)

7. You must change the directories listed there for the game to start. You can do this by either typing in the commands or OVERWRITING the file with the one available in the patches section. If you use the patch you can ignore step 8 as the patch will do it for you.

8. After downloading you have to to alter the civilwar.ini file (the WORDPAD file named civilwar). Make sure to use the directory path you installed the game into. If you installed it into c:\sierra then this is what you would change it to:



















9. After making these changes, go to FILE, then SAVE AS….and then save the changes you made. Make sure you copy the above EXACTLY or the game will not start. If you miss a : or \ then it will not work !


1. Go to, http://pettigrew100.tripod.com and download the GAME PATCH and save it to your DESKTOP.

2. Double-click on the GAME PATCH and it will upgrade your CWG2 to the latest version.

3. The NO-CD PATCH is a ZIP FILE. There are 2 files under this ZIP FILE

(gcg.nfo & credit0.lbm). This patch is available in the patches section on this site. You must have WINZIP to extract / unzip these files.

4. HIGHLIGHT both of these files (gcg.nfo & credit0.lbm) by clicking on one, depressing the CTRL KEY on the Keyboard, then clicking on the other. Both files should turn BLUE in color.

5. Once both files have turned blue in color, EXTRACT them to this directory;


6.The computer may tell you that these files already exist & do you wish to over-write. If it asks, tell it YES.

7. If you have followed the instructions then the game should start when you double-click on the orange & yellow icon that reads, CWG2.

8. Once the game is working properly you can DRAG the orange CWG2 icon to your DESKTOP for easier start.


-***The game Sound-Effects work fine...but since the Music Doesn't...goto... http://www.fortnet.org/~meh/scouts/bugle/




...and download whatever music you like...Make a Civil War Music File and have it play on WinAmp or what-ever for 'atmosphere music' as you run the game. The game 'Music' doesn't work with my sound card...so i had to shut it off...as it gave off annoying popping sounds.


If you have downloaded your CWG2 game and are getting a SMACK 32 error then go to your GAME OPTIONS and make sure the VIDEO CLIPS are turned-off. The downloaded game is not capable of playing video or sound clips.


WING32.DLL error :(I just downloaded WING32.DLL and put it into my WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder.)

If you are getting the WING32.DLL error then you need to install WINGDING to make Civil War Generals 2 work correctly. WINGDING is available on this site under the PATCHES section. Download the WINGDING zipfile and save it to your desktop. Make a new folder on your desktop and UNZIP the downloaded file into the new folder. Open the new folder and click on the setup icon for wingding (SETUPWIG). The wingding will install itself to the correct directory once you click on it.

With these few additions and adjustments the game works just fine...and this old game is a challenge to play...even on the easy level...which i consider -'even gameplay'-.

The higher levels are too-much in favor of the AI player.

***The Bottom of the Game Screen is partially cut off...so just click the most right box at the bottom of the screen to bring up the game tool-bar...and check the headings there to assist in understanding what the lower click boxes represent.


REMINDER--- Look for a NOTEPAD document in the game 'Main Directory' that is named, CIVIL WAR (civilwar.ini).










In this example below...since my game is on 'H'-Drive ...i substituted the 'c' for 'h'.











To better move units and setup for various functions use ' Change Formation for Column & Line and for Limber & Unlimber... . Use Dig-in to Fortify & Entrench. Rest & Resupply to revitalize your tired and decimated troops!.

Now...when your all done installing and have checked the tool-bar for unit actions...it's time to go after those Damn Yankee's !!!.

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Thanks for the update. Looking forward to seeing if the AI will have a more varied response to the defense of France. (example: disbanding ships and air to build lots of corps, sending a corps or two to Egypt before Italy enters the war, moving the corps in Beruit to Egypt after Italy enters the war so it becomes Free French, the defend France at all costs strategy, advancing into Germany, etc).

[ November 19, 2004, 09:30 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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FYI, the new FAQ has a pretty good pic here that shows the west front. The Maginot Line is a bit longer and a bit tougher. On the other hand, attacking fortresses from the rear is now easier and the new morale rules weaken defenders after sustained attacks.

The optional production delay rule will probably have the most impact in a campaign. It will take time for Germany to build new air and tank units after Poland, delaying Fall Gelb until spring 1940. Regardless of winter weather, it will be difficult to launch an offensive without sufficient forces to sustain it.

On the French side, it will pretty much be a come-as-you-are battle when the fighting starts. Any units that are destroyed probably can't be replaced in the couple of turns before France surrenders. So it may turn into a race to have units in place in time to defend, and then save your MPPs for reinforcement expenses.

This new production delay should be a very interesting aspect in the game. :cool:

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RE: HQ for Poland and other Neutrals. I don't think so. The HQ unit in SC is not just a general but an entire supply train that has been mobilized to support front line units. When Poland was attacked by Germany it was a surprise and they did not have time to organize a proper supply system for their units.

A similar situation existed for the French. Perhaps JerseyJohn would like to comment.

[ November 24, 2004, 09:36 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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If the default game doesn't include a HQ that YOU think SHOULD absolutely! be in the game,


All you gotta do is go to that incredible Editor and type one in... whatever name you prefer, and whatever inherent strength you think it should have.

For instance, IF the final version doesn't have a HQ for:

1) Finland.

2) Rumania.

3) Spain.

Three of which I personally would think deserve to have one, then, just add it on in. :cool:

Everyone keeps forgetting, every now & then, that the new! SC2 Editor will allow almost limitless variation. ;)

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I knew when I asked the question someone would bring up the "Holy Editor from Antioch"... ;)

Ah, JPW, I do sometimes sound like an old broken record, eh?


Sorry, see... it's due to way back when,

I used to listen to Bobby Darin

Wailing out about Mack the Knife,

And I played it SO often... that get-down, kick a** hot-licks track... it

Got... cracked, and then...

You know.

Now I occasionally can't help it.


The thing is, however, it would be VERY oustanding grand IF some other game designers would do the same or similar as Hubert is VERY generously doing for all of us, so that we might ALSO modify their games, but,

I guess they prefer... holding back.

Keeping their game X-tremely limited,

Sly, stringent stuff like that.


Everyone who buys this new! SC2 is gonna have the time of their lives... just like...

Mack the... Mack the... Mack the

Knife. ;)

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Remember everyone HQs represent doctrinal, organizational, and communication efficiency. Also perhaps a level of intelligence gathering advantage over your opponent. You must think abstractly for the operational and tactical levels of SC even though it represents a grand strategy scale, the other scales are just as prevalent. Think about patrol activity, defensive and offensive combined arms deployments, NCO efficiency, junior officer leadership skills, the processing of battlefield information,etc., all at the lower scales,...where's your imagination?

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I hope the AI is better...game play for France '40 should not have an Allied advantage, the beauty of playing strategic games of this mature is to (sometimes) re-enact historic tactics...ie: blitzkrieg, etc...) So, a strong Fr. in 1940 (or anytime) would frustrate me to no end...I expect some historic balance.

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After fall of France must be little chance occasionally partisant groups there, the same in Poland, Finland (if conquered) and another minor countries. If not - ocupants can go away with armies and leave defendless cities.

Maybe shoul be possible create cheap antipartisan units to guard mines and cities?

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The French resistance was most likely so big because the UK and USA did give them support.

This could be another option for the Allies.

Give MPPs to the french resistance in the hopes it creates havoc (sabotage).

Could be simply stuff, "Resistance sabotage mine, production will be 50% for the next 5 turns" . Stuff like that.

The same should go to other resistances, give MPP, take a chance it produces concrete results.

I can just see a game where a player relies heavily on diplomacy and the Axis are just going nuts, sabotage everywhere, countries declare war on Axis, yet the UK and USA have very little troops.

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As originally posted by majama:

After fall of France must be little chance occasionally partisant groups there, the same in Poland, Finland (if conquered) and another minor countries.

A little click, and a check-mark in the "partisan box" in the SC2 Editor... and you CAN have them havoc-makers wherever you want them, either during (... as with Soviets) or following (... as with French resistance) conquest.


For Poland or Norway or Greece, should you prefer.

Default game will probably not be so very partisan intrusive, but, here again, YOU can do whatever you choose to for YOUR game. :cool:

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"And Saint Desert Dave raised the SC2 Editor up on high, saying, 'O Hubert, bless this Thy SC2 Editor that, with it, Thou mayest blow Thine competitors to tiny bits in Thy mercy"......

"And Hubert spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Holy Cursor. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then, demonstrate thou thy Holy Editor of Antioch towards thy competitors, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

Sorry DD, I could not resist!....


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Blashy I like your idea of using diplomacy to influence resistance.

I would like to see players have the option (and I know that it is not included in the current game specs but I wish it was) to use diplomacy chits to activate partisans in specific countries such as the Norway and Greece for a cost in MPPs.

As for the French Resistance I don't know how effective they really were defore D-Day. After the war everyone claimed to be part of the resistance. In my view their efforts never rose to the same level of resistance as occured in Yugoslavia or Russia and I remember reading somewhere that the resistance in France, based on population, was below that of other occupied nations.

Perhaps JerseyJohn can shed some light on this topic.

[ December 03, 2004, 01:38 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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