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[AAR] RAMBO WINS game #1 July '44!!!! A.I. doesn't count match --> Timskorn vs Rambo

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Here we go, Timskorn is in a new arena, one with the Yankee Hero. After a short round of smack wars, we take the A.I. lover onto the field of battle with the Legend. He wants strategy, he'll get strategy.

I ain't the A.I.

Good luck to Timskorn.

Turn #1 --- I got the Axis.

-Panzer unit attacks Warsaw

-Ground units weave into Poland

-both weak LF are upgraded

-LF attacks Warsaw

-Navy, well, none of your business smile.gif

[ July 14, 2006, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Haha, great title.

Poles strike out valiantly. Runstedt's tent has a few bullet holes in it and his staff car driver is dead. A couple German armies and a tank group take a little heat on their way through Poland. Warsaw reinforced, awaiting invevitable doom.

French forces strike the Siegfried line, where a fresh German Corp. straight outta boot is shown the art of war.

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Mr. Legend JJ Rambo I have 2 questions for you:

1 any time have you conquered France with axis in a game against a Human, without needing to conquer or invade Benelux and Denmark?

2 Do you think it is a good strategy not declare war to neutrals until Barbarossa?

What´s your opinion?

Finally I want to say you that I always enjoy with your comments, do not change.

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@Barcelona1936 --- Thanks for the kind words & welcome to the virtual Camp Rambo team & family.

1) I've always had to go thru Benelux against Human players. Not much else you can do. I'm sure you could force your way thru the M-Line, but no reason to delay yourself that long, taking extra damage...there is too much to do. You can force the action quicker on France by attacking with your strong units immediately on the DOW on Benelux, but it might delay or cost you a first turn capture of Brussells. Either way, France is rather easy to take. Far as Denmark, well, that's a personal preference. Sometimes I take it, other times I don't. It's a walkover...advantage the morale swing. But once again, France is a joke, so no worries.

2) Avoiding DOW's against neutrals is another good strategy question. It depends what you want or need. If you want to play the game correctly & nothing whacky, probably avoid DOW's against Scando countries. Norway is a pain to garrison & they are already sending you some cash. Spain & VF are better targets. It comes down to "what are you going to do with Egypt" and/or England.

I prefer extreme & whacky strategies for fun action. I've been enjoying the Axis fleets in the majority of my games, blowing off Egypt & launching SeaLions. Sort of depends. I also like Diplo strategies...Hungary, Romania, Spain, USA, Russia. Choice is yours smile.gif I'll build rockets, subs, tanks, whatever smile.gif

"Buy the truth, and sell it not" --- Proverbs

"You never got me down Ray. Hey Ray, you never got me down" --- Raging Bull

May God richly bless & keep you,


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Thanks JJ Rambo,but by the other side is not worthy that USA didn´t wake until late of 1942? I have tried this tactic and leave UK lonely until the end of 1941 and when I call to the door of the Ussr I have 4 minors that boost my moral in the attack of leningrad and moscow ( i dont used to attack the minors until i,m in range of both cities).

In two games i have conquered both in two turns and the counterattacks are minimal (penalty of 20 to 40 to moral of Ussr for 2 minors conquered).

Don´t you think that the better effect of minors with only one city (Benelux,Denmark,Tunisia,and Greece) is this boost to moral than the production itself?.

I think that your way of playing is very creative, and i think that a player for having a good time must to be creative and do not do every game the same path to victory (or defeat) because the play becomes a reiterative task (not very funny).


Buena suerte a ambos contendientes JJ Rambo and Timskorn.

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Poland rolled on turn 2. They scratched and clawed whatever was in reach. Rambo op-moves forces to the Benelux/French border. The French are smug with their concrete wall and the RN convenes on how not to get sunk by super-laser torpedoes JJR may be working on.

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November 1939 --- German units have poured thru into France! The weather has been kind. 2 French Armies destoryed, 2 trapped in M-Line & the mine captured. Was able to springboard attack after taken Brussells the turn before. French Armor in Paris with 2 damaged units in front.

Here comes Legend!

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French curse the weather. November and no rain? Storm clouds should be brewing.

French counter-attack German 4th army, soon to send it scurrying back behind the lines or livened up with some freshies from boot. French army near Paris reinforced and hoping some chilly weather will let them live for another month.

German U-30 spotted off the western coast of France and dinged up as allied ships pursue her into the cold Atlantic sea.

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Christmas 1939 --- German 4th Army was dinged down to strength 2, but the good news, plenty of fresh recruits bring it bad to strength 10. Nazi units attack French HQ West of Paris, while a panzer camps outside the city. Another two French Armies are killed, and this turn was in the mud smile.gif Politically speaking, the Italians should be happy. AH is well pleased by the initial success in the Western Campaign.

@Barcelona1936 --- Interesting concept of waiting to take minors as a method for a power punch to take your favorite cities in Mother Russia. I thought about that, but have never executed that game plan. I've found the German Army always has enough power, so I've gone for greed over true grit timing.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Barcelona1936 --- Interesting concept of waiting to take minors as a method for a power punch to take your favorite cities in Mother Russia.

That sure seems gamey. The morale boost from benelux affecting french/brits/germans makes sense. A similar boost for taking over vichy affecting the soviets the turn before you attack moscow makes no sense, IMHO.
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Well IMHO it isn,t gamey becuse you have to make a superior effort to conquer france I usually lost from 1 unit to 3 units ( I rebuild them just before Barbarrosa at reduced cost , and i have had luck in Prod.Tech. rejoin my oob with the most advances avaliable). Gamey is not to conquer Cairo after a retreat but I say you that Paris Battle and french counterattacks are superior if you dont take Denmmark ... I take more risk and employ more time in the first phases in the war but this tactic help me in the big task ( conquer Ussr with less units) there is a trade off time an points for moral boost.

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Winter finally hits and the French are hoping it'll be a long and blistery one. Paris armor enjoys some target practice on VIII Corp. in the snow to keep their engines warm while U-30 is chased unmercifully into the Atlantic. I have to say, subs are painful. Even if they don't dive they barely take any damage. I can see how advanced subs could dominate a game.

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French 4th Army on the Maginot, the last Army left there, withstands withering attacks by more than 3 German units and 3 Luftwaffe runs. The snow has done its job so far! French Tank in Paris sorties out against another German Corp., stinging them in the nose and racking up some experience in the process.

In the Atlantic the crippled U-30 fires a torpedo and manages to get a hit on an RN Battleship before attempting to escape again, only to be caught in the net and finally sunk to the bottom. RN accepts this as a first minor victory in the war at sea.

Italy gets trigger happy at the prospect of Paris falling soon and joins the Axis.

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Originally posted by Barcelona 1936:

Well IMHO it isn,t gamey becuse ... if you dont take Denmmark ... I take more risk and employ more time in the first phases in the war but this tactic help me in the big task ( conquer Ussr with less units) there is a trade off time an points for moral boost.

it is gamey because you are exploiting a game function for a completely unrealistic result. That is my definition of gamey. I wonder if Hitler ever thought, "Lets wait to take denmark until right before we attack Moscow. That will surely cause Stalin to throw in the towel." That so rediculous, i.e. GAMEY!
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May 1940 --- Paris is burning. Axis troops begin loading the paintings for Goering. Legend begins to plan next phase of the war. Have only lost one piece, the original sub in the Atlantic. After the fall of France, LF takes one pot shot & RAF positioned East of London.

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I agree David Chapuis! ...what you just reiterated is an example of depreciating the realistic WW2 simulation situation that we are seeking in this game!.

Although!...i think that taking other countries recently would sure have upped the Morale & Attack Capacity of the conquering Armies, i also think that a resulting Morale Boost/Attack Capacity should only give that advantage to local countries that are attacked next...within a realistic time frame!.

Not to give those advantages later on for some far off conquest!. Think of the Morale Boost/Attack Capacity Multiplier as something that has it's own Zone of Control around the recently conquered country!,...and can only be applied to the next country to be attacked if that next country is within it's Zone of Control!.

I think that something like this would be more realistic?.

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Originally posted by David Chapuis:

it is gamey because you are exploiting a game function for a completely unrealistic result. That is my definition of gamey. I wonder if Hitler ever thought, "Lets wait to take denmark until right before we attack Moscow. That will surely cause Stalin to throw in the towel." That so rediculous, i.e. GAMEY!

Not really. Stalin went catatonic when the Germans surprised him.

If he had read in the papers that four countries went up in smoke the week before I'm sure he'd be downright suicidal. :D

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When has this happened historically, Blashy? If I understand the logic here, the conquest of Denmark - a tiny country on Germany's border - is supposed to depress the Red Army 500 miles away?

Since the game is supposed to model morale, can Blashy or someone explain to me how it reflects the "our backs to the wall" desperation that creates a burst of higher morale, such as Britain after the Fall of France?


Originally posted by Blashy:

It is not gamey, you know if you victories boost morale and so the general staff waits and plans to have a victory just before entering a major conflict.

That has been done for 1000s of years.

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Back to the real deal...

DCR Tank Group in Paris goes down fighting, knocking 2-4 points off of multiple units. British hold onto Brest + port for a few turns, squeezing out what MPP they can from it. Lights are out in Europe...where Axis forces will be striking next remains to be seen.

USSR is gearing up production and the UK cabinet is considering its next move as part of their "Action Not Reaction" military strategy.

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Not much going on yet. Rambo seemed to put the brunt of his forces into the attack on France as no visible activity went on elswhere. Italy is pretty quiet, although a cruiser was spotted off of Malta, but doubtful he's gearing up to take that.

I didn't manage to take out any units during the defense of France but I inflicted light to moderate damage on most of his core units there by the time Paris fell, and nearly knocked out an Army group. I imagine he'll be spending upwards of 200-300 MPP's repairing all of his units and almost all the French units were gone when France surrendered so hopefully he had a low MPP yield out of those paintings. ;)

We're now entering the post-France stage, it's about late July 1940 and it'll probably be 2-3 turns before I see where his next move is. No diplo movement seen in Spain yet and Italy is suspiciously quiet.

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