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If only we can have politicians wake up in Canada.

We don't need to import ANYTHING.

Canada has ALL the resources it needs to survive alone. We could completly close ourselves off from the rest of the world and still have a great society without missing of any essenetiels (not saying we should close ourselves off).

But like all other countries who could do the same as Canada, the whole world system is based on a flawed capitalistic system.

We import apples and yet we have enough for everyone here and more. Just an example.

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I agree, I notice just like the USA you guys import a lot! NAFTA has only ruined your dollar. On my recent trip to Quebec I couldn't help but notice everything was overpriced and that taxes was outrageous, what is it? 30% plus! If you buy from the USA it is even worse, a punishment Tax. Canada is backwards but they give out Welfare to their Minorities who run their Children prisons who are underfunded and undersupervised and care nothing about their Children! ::smiles::

Reminds me of the USA and I thought I should move to Canada and rid myself of the Dirt and Filfth here in the USA!

Well, just goes to show every nation has it's dirt. Is there any such thing as Utopia, no! Can you avoid world trade, absolutely not! The Canadian Government is finally got a decent Dollar, I think it's all the charges at the Door.. How do you guys make money? I paid 1.50 for a COKE! Jesus! Nowonder you're making money, the Government forces you to pay out the rear for everything...

In the Good Ole USA there was a time when Quality was cheap, not just quantity, now we lost the Quality. We're trying to get it back and to be quite Honest you our Canadian Brothers are divided pretty much as far as I can tell..

Your Local Frenchies hate your Englishmen, your 10-20% imported in Quebec Italians Russians hate the English too. The English Hate the Foreigners and bring in the Haitians... It's all mixed up, a Mini-USA in the Making. Watches your Minority, Social System and Government screw ups match the USA's.. and giggles, I thought it was all different

smile.gif I saw a National Geographic back in the 80s of what a Vancouver Suburb looked like, 20,000 needles laying about.. IV drug use we cannot touch, in just one Park.. Still I think you're less likely to get Shot in Canada, then again I just heard you guys had your own Columbine

Lordy, the World is becoming so Universal. "It's not I'm turning Japanese anymore, I really think so!" It's, "I'm turning Universal Commercial I really think so!"

Let's go back to some tradition! Let's get back to our Roots! What happened to the strong idealistic Youth that created these New Worlds? The Men that founded the Pillars of our Societies, throughout the World From Rome, to Shores of Virginia..... ::Sad look stares out into space:: Perhaps it's not the countries, or the politicians, rather culture is suffering from a lack of Humanity!

Out with T.V.s Out with Consumerism, let's get rid of our PCs, and make a real difference, countries, self substenance doesn't matter. We need to something More, God I'm being a Hypocrite, I haven't did a Public Service since 1997

""looks down"" Well, Maybe soon I'll change the World for the better join in folks tongue.gif Join Amnesty International, volunteer, give money to the poor and change your World and Uhhh, Like me stop complaining on a BF Bulletin Board about it all hehehehehehhehehe tongue.gif

Goes and destroys Scook In MultiPlayer! Die SCOOK DIE! Hehehehhe, Don't be so serious I guess

Originally posted by Blashy:

If only we can have politicians wake up in Canada.

We don't need to import ANYTHING.

Canada has ALL the resources it needs to survive alone. We could completly close ourselves off from the rest of the world and still have a great society without missing of any essenetiels (not saying we should close ourselves off).

But like all other countries who could do the same as Canada, the whole world system is based on a flawed capitalistic system.

We import apples and yet we have enough for everyone here and more. Just an example.

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Originally posted by Blashy:

If only we can have politicians wake up in Canada.

We don't need to import ANYTHING.

Canada has ALL the resources it needs to survive alone. We could completly close ourselves off from the rest of the world and still have a great society without missing of any essenetiels (not saying we should close ourselves off).

But like all other countries who could do the same as Canada, the whole world system is based on a flawed capitalistic system.

We import apples and yet we have enough for everyone here and more. Just an example.

Maybe they import apples in winter and in spring, when there are no apples in Canada? ;)

This shouldn't sound as cynical as it probably does. smile.gif

Theoretically, the so called free market economy should be the most efficient way to produce goods and distribute them to the customers.

Practically, it leads sometimes to situations, where goods travel around the half globe to satisfy needs, that are artificially created before.

And other services, where you can't make much profit, aren't offered at all, or at least not at a reasonable price.

But a centrally planned economy is not that good either.

Therefore, here in Europe we combine market economy and socialism, so that we have the drawbacks of both. :D

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Actually Liam there is very little hate for immigrants in Canada.

Are only problem is that some come here and they then complain about certain laws... they can simply go back, but they are VERY few.

Quebec people (like me) don't hate english Canada (a few idiots but that happens everywhere) we simply are more socialist by nature and want to preserve our different culture and the best way to do so is to have full control of your futur.

I support sovereignty but more for a practical reason, I always say the smaller the country the better it is to administer. I've always expressed that I thought Canada would be better divided in four parts.

And yes NAFTA is a big POS that only favors USA.

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Originally posted by Blashy:

Actually Liam there is very little hate for immigrants in Canada.

Are only problem is that some come here and they then complain about certain laws... they can simply go back, but they are VERY few.

Quebec people (like me) don't hate english Canada (a few idiots but that happens everywhere) we simply are more socialist by nature and want to preserve our different culture and the best way to do so is to have full control of your futur.

I support sovereignty but more for a practical reason, I always say the smaller the country the better it is to administer. I've always expressed that I thought Canada would be better divided in four parts.

And yes NAFTA is a big POS that only favors USA.

Agreed to some level whoever created Canada (Bloody English probably) didn't think of the fact there is a huge French population on the East Coast. I know about your near miss in seperation. Then again blame it on the French Indian-Napoleonic Wars..would've cost the Freedom of French people there either way.

Montreal was a real somber view of Canada. Meanwhile the rest was basically an olive branch. I didn't miss anything in that town. It possesses an Amsterdam like appeal to it if you're in the wrong/right district. Not like the USA. I notice all the Frenchies there gave me that look as if I were an "American on Tour," and were quite happy for the export of unlimited drugs,sex and whatever else money can buy! I didn't even get my feet wet either, I'm certian it makes my Little Southern towns down here look boring!

Free Trade alone isn't what is killing you, it's the fact that Mexican's and Chinese are making it a lot cheaper. In 50 years when their economies match your own it'll be manfactured in the Sudan, cheap labour is all the craze that or Robots! smile.gif So I say get into Robotics, get rid of the foreign market! smile.gif

Plants can be grown indoors by the way

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Hmmm, seems you have a one sided argument on Canada here. Let me put in my two cents, from a Western perspective. There is some racism in Canada just like anywhere else but not nearly to the degree you see south of the border. Overall we are less violent and have far fewer murders (even per capita) than our southern neighbor. As for Quebec, its not the people of Quebec I don't like, its the politics surrounding the province and the a** kissing that the federal government does all the time to appease the French speaking population. I am not advocating that Quebec shouldn't get their share, only that things should be even on both sides of the language laws, I could go into a vast number of disparities in the federal government but it is flogging a dead horse so I will leave it alone. The end result is that although it is aggrevating to have to hear it all the time Quebec does add something to the country. I am not an advocate of central government (especially in a country as large as Canada) so I agree with more powers at the provincial regional level, and in essence that is what the government of Quebec is asking for when it comes to Soveriegnty. If you actually listen to what they want it is independence from the debt accumulated over the years, freedom to deal with whom they wish for immigration, trade etc but keep the currency and all the ties to federal jobs etc. (cake and eat it too smile.gif ) and who wouldn't want all that! I would prefer to see a stronger provincial voice for all provinces (or region - the maritimes wouldn't do well as individual provinces). Lets face it, in specific terms what common ground do Quebecers and British Columbians have? Defence and Health I suppose, after that it breaks off rapidly, so if we gave more regional powers to govern eah would be able to keep their people happier as they would be more specific in setting goals etc.

Canada is a great country, and despite the general apathy of the majority of the population it is by and large a fantastic place to live and thrive. We still have the best apples going when they are in season ;)

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Yes, I hear what you're saying Shawn, real insightful for a Politician, not real practical though. You have a bunch of Quebecers who do not identify with the Canadian Government. A few extremists that make them look bad and basically there goes the AppleCart. Socialists do not appeal to the masses and since Quebec is now integrated with English and other races that what in the Major cities make up nearly half the population now? Not that of 50-100 years ago when seperation would be impossible. It is true what the Extremist Socialists in Quebec side it is the Minorities and Immigrants that have caused Quebec to Remain part of Canada. Clinton Threatened that he would not let QC seperate smile.gif

Canada is not as bad as USA, but it's also 1/10th the population and a lot less minorities. The Minorities within Quebec are primarily European and that isn't the lot that is going to cause issues. The USA is stifled with an ex-slave population, MASSIVE immigration from the Latin Nations of Middle and Southern America equal to your Population in both categories. Try Dealing That? The border with Mexico cannot be patroled and it is in the end cheap labour for our Rich LandOwners in California who rely on agriculture and that Race to Flourish Likely. However the Cultural and Racial conflicts do stem from it anyways and especially for those who are not forunate.. I like CCR's song, "It ain't me, It ain't me! I ain't no Senator's Son! It ain't me, I ain't no fortunate one, yeah, come on!"

Canada is not the Great Issue that the USA is, though I have been in personal and close contact with your your Seperatists and they do not like the way they're treated. There are probably Millions of Quebecers who loathe the fact they must learn English and most English cannot speak French. As far as your social system, yeah great medicine, everyone gets help. That is good! Dreadful Social system for children, worse than the USA. Cheap Lockups, they put Youth Offenders in Montreal and in rest of Eastern Regional Canada in with Troubled Kids(innocent kids that have parents that beat and molest them) and then I will not go on to explain what you obviously no nothing of in your own country.

Not gloating my country has had it's bugs too. Noone cares, oddly enough, Dans La Rue, Pops one of the few Catholic Priests on the Streets of Montreal attempting to do something, to make changes. They closed down a few old Detention centers but reopened them under a different name. You know what you get for Selling Drugs in Canada? Or for Other Various Sex Crimes! I have heard of this case of a male visiting Public Swimming pools in Montreal and molesting kids. The judge ordered, "No More visits to public swimming pools for you!" You're prisons are overpopulated, Yeah Canada is fortunate if you are... but I'll stay in the USA if I am not! Otherwise I am not confidant after the stories I've heard!

Better have Two Parents that love you in Canada I'm just saying that much. I've heard the testimony of Youth and I will hear some more and hope to understand some more.. I've lived in the Armpit of the USA, Southern States with Welfare CrackHeads all over, not nearly as Sad sounding as Canada.. I hear Toronto, Vancouver are just as bad if not worse in some aspects.."8 year old boys hooking for 10 bucks to get cocaine!" Unthinkgable in the good ole USA

Do not claim you do not have your "bugs" so to speak... :( Sad thought, I'd look into the Darker Area your Canadian Cities, Biker run gangs.. Misplaced runaway Youth, Tens of thousands of streetwalking Prostitutes.. Yeah it's beautiful, it's pristeen and clean but it's a rottens system and it's going to go, "Down!" smile.gif USA needs something, probably will be a Mexican President by the year 2020 I'd rather be here Honestly after hearing it all! Objectively and completely

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What is the point of this debat? It seems that the people from Canada are saying that America blows and it has all this crap. Then, the American people trun around and say, "No Canada blows."

This is a very "Adult" way to debat. All people speaking in this debat have a flaw. You are trying to say your country is better but no one has really defined what makes one country better than the other? So, both sides are debating with their own ideas on what is correct and thus, a point will never be reached.

Every country has problems, which have been pointed out above, but which problems are worse than another? Right now both sides are running adds like two American Presdients, "This person sucks becasue of this." Then the other person says "I do not suck because of that, but you suck because of this."

It is not really going anywhere and is quite pointless.So what are we all really debating here?

Each country has its' pros and cons, and it seems that each country is trying to do the best that it can with the problems it has...

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