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All my life i have understood barrier's such as RIVER'S... in a 'Military Sense' to be an obstacle or an asset!.

Meaning,...in this particular case that if you are behind a RIVER , perhap's even "ENTRENCHED!" , that you should receive a bonus for being behind that river... if 'attacked or assaulted' from across the river from the other side!.

Yet!,... in SC2_WaW...i am seeing that RIVER'S have no bearing either way???. Why is that so???.

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I thought rivers reduced the attacker's attack by 50%. (Or is that just tanks.) I forget...But I do notice a difference on any units attack when attacking from across a river. (It is reduced.) If I move the attacking unit, so the river is no longer an obstacle, then the damage to the defender is higher.

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So does that mean that you, as the defender is in the tile that the river flows in or behind the tile that contains the river?

Or does it work when the attacker is occupying the river tile? What about attacking down or up the same river where the attacker and the defender both occupy adjacent river tiles of the same river?

Further....if an enemy attacking unit has a friendly unit on the defender side of the river that has already attacked the defender from a clear tile, shouldn't the following attack by the river occupying attacker not suffer quite as much penalty, simulating a diversionary effort?

Are we all confused yet?

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Okay, I'm game, lets try to crack the confusion...or make it even more confusing...

"So does that mean that you, as the defender is in the tile that the river flows in or behind the tile that contains the river?"

My guess...If the river runs from the top (north) along the north east (see pic for example,) then depending on what direction your enemy is coming from is where you want to be...Using the pic, the 8 strength army would be defended by the river from a west, southwest, south or south east attack. (Yeah pretend those AT's are not there or are the enemy.) Sorry just picked the first pic I had with a river. If the enemy was coming from the north east, then you would want to move the army one space southwest (the empty one to the left of the AT's.) There the army would be protected by the river by an attack coming from the north and north east.

"Or does it work when the attacker is occupying the river tile? What about attacking down or up the same river where the attacker and the defender both occupy adjacent river tiles of the same river?"

See 1st answer. If you want to see where the river will occupy in a space, (north, west, southeast, etc.) right click over the space and look at the river's properties. This will tell you where it runs, and where you want your unit, depending on where the attack is coming from...

"Further....if an enemy attacking unit has a friendly unit on the defender side of the river that has already attacked the defender from a clear tile, shouldn't the following attack by the river occupying attacker not suffer quite as much penalty, simulating a diversionary effort?"

The friendly on the defender side won't suffer the 50% river lost in its attack (since he is already across.) The enemy attacking unit (across) the river still has the river as an obstacle, so he should still suffer the same penalty. (Because the friendly's on the other side are so excited they got there 1st, they forgot about their "brothers" on the other side of the river.) Otherwise they could have laid down some bridges to make it easier to cross...

I think I've said too much...


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K Man I just started reading that and WOW(that was real neat)

.In Third Reich if you have units on the otherside of a river hex then the defender looses the river atvantage.I dont think thats possible in this game because you can only attack with one unit at a time.I guess you could have it in such a way that all the units attacking are pre allocated to a defender and if one of the attackers is on the otherside of a river(or behind a fort)then the defender would loose the river atvantage.

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