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Beta Testers Needed for Modern-Day Mod

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OK, folks, remember that Fortress America thread in the design forum? Well, the scenario isn't dead, but it is so massive that the AI can't handle the turns in a reasonable amount of time.

However, I have a scenario based on the old one, except that it focuses only on the U.S. West Coast.

The setting I will be using for a series of scenarios:

Just slightly post-modern, in a world where the Soviet Union did not collapse, but instead invaded America. It is based on a favorite board game of mine.

This first scenario focuses on the invasion of the West Coast: the map goes to just past the Rocky Mountains.

Here is a screen shot of the map:


Much, MUCH time was spent in making the map as accurate as I could, although with the prespective and tiles, some things are slightly off, but has little effect on gameplay. There are two new types of terrain: highways and rough. All interstate highways are represented and are an actual terrain type; they become critical when crossing mountain ranges! Rough terrain is basically an in-between of clear and mountains. Also, many desert locations are difficult to traverse, so highways are important there as well! All cities with a population over 20,000 are represented and named, although only cities with a major airport can be operated to/from. Most major military bases are represented. Every landmark present, highway, river, and range is named.


As you can see, the graphics are completely converted for modern-day. Most of the sounds have been replaced as well.

I estimate that this scenario will be ready for beta testing before Christmas, around the 21st. If you wish to beta test it ( In V 1.05a), please post an email address here, and I'll send you a copy. I'd rather not have it on cmmods though.

Future scenarios planned include a strategic look at a war between Russia and China, with the Koreas, India, Japan, Pakistan, etc all involved as well, as well as a Middle East conflict (not based on the current one).

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You are breaking new-ground Normal Dude! , an appreciated change of direction at least for a bit!.

Im very interested, but will wait a couple of day's to see first if you have enough play-tester's, and if you don't,...im signing up!.

Good to see those 'Interstate' High-Way's put in, & where is the Major SeaPort City of 'Vancouver'?,...as well as now 'Vancouver Island'... has a land bridge-way across the strait's,...which is normally about a 2-hr Ferry-Ride!.

UPDATE: If you want too!...send the files to...


[ December 11, 2006, 03:45 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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Unfortunetly no, there would be no real way to model them. My storyline assumes that neither country wishes to use nukes, and that America has a space-based missile shield.

However, the Americans do get ICBM silos with conventional warheads. : D

Here is the unit breakdown:

Both Countries:

USA Only:

The USA is broken into two countries. Land units and Army/Marine aviation are in one slot, and the Navy/Airforce are in another slot. Thus, each has their own leadership and MMPs, which you must allocate to them. Naval forces include surface warship task forces, a carrier task force, attack submarine packs (these are only for attack other ships), and strategic SSBN submarine packs (these are using a surface ship naval slot, they have strategic missiles but are vulnerable).

Predator UAV attack squadrons. Very powerful vs tank and infantry targets, but extremely vulnerable to air intercepts and can be reinforced only very, very slowly. Plus, no more can bought.

Militias. Nuf said there.

ICBMs. A limited number of ICBM silos tipped with conventional warheads. Must be protected, very expensive to repair.

Plus, there are a number of other unit surprises waiting.

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OK folks, thanks for the good response! I will be sending the scenario probably next week.

Keep in mind this wont be your standard SC 2 campaign... I am expecting the turn lengths to be long at first, since the initial Soviet attack is supported by a massive amount of aircraft and naval forces, but the scenario is one year long, so it balances out (56 or so turns, one week per turn).

The AI turn time is pretty decent. Units are fairly fast, so this is a war of maneuver and firepower.

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Still working through some game kinks and other issues, should be ready for playtesting this weekend. I am especially interested in PvP testing, so if anyone is interested in playing head to head let me know.

Also, I have to work out how to deliver the files, because the size unzipped is 85 megabytes, since all graphics and sounds have been changed (those are massive files!).

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Update (And Merry Christmas you crazy basterds ;) ):

Thanks for the offer Terif, I think I will post it on cmmods though since everyone is familiar with that.

The scenario should be up tomorrow.

Beta Testers: This is game is definetly best as PvP, but the AI can hold its own as long as you give it an exp bonus. Also, the AI does not play the Americans well, so for now I suggest playing vs the Soviet Union if you play it single player.

The combat data, map, units, etc are all complete. The last changes to be made are some finishing touches to the graphics and working out some AI scripting kinks.

What I need the Beta testers to look for:

1. BALANCE. This is the single most important. Especially later-game balance. The scenario is exactly one year long, so the Soviets need to have the possibily of reaching Norad by then.

2. Game length. Help me decide the proper length for the game, and maybe even turns.

3. Any ideas for event scripts. Right now they are sparse, mostly just partisan scripts.

4. Supply. At the scale this scenario is at, the current SC 2 supply engine doesnt always work properly, so if you see any supply glitches let me know.

Known issues:

1. For some reason some Soviet-occupied tiles, like highways, don't always light up properly when highlighted.

2. Artillery and missiles is way under-powered and doesnt seem to inflict damage often, I have no idea why.

3. The ICBM silos, which should be immobile, have a movement of 1 since it cannot be set to 0.

4. Modern subs can attack land targets, but subs in SC 2 cannot, so don't worry about reporting that.

5. Paratroopers may recieve landing damage if they land on highways, since the game engine still regards highway tiles as marsh tiles, nothing I can do about that.

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Ive installed the FORTRESS_AMERICA_WEST_COAST_v1.05 MOD!...and have given it a go for about 5-rounds!.

My observation's to this point are:

-Movement Capabilities/Capacity over Forest's, Mountain's/Rough-Terrain is too-great, i live in this country/area...and so i know how nearly impassable some of this terrain is!. For Example: I just bought a lot in Kitimat, B.C. and after walking through the lot for a few minutes, i thought that i was in the Darkest-Deepest jungle of the Darkest part of Africa!,...i was glad to get out of there!. So!...in NO-WAY should Ground Formation's be able to blast through this terrain as if it was Clear-Terrain!.

-I found that i was UNABLE to move my U.S.A. 'Air-Assets' from Uncontested Quiet Area's,...they could have been a great help if i could have been able to relocate them, but so far i am unable to do so!.

-Russian Air-Power seem's Overly-Strong & i would think that it would also be unable to strike from the Russian Continent to the U.S. mainland in such force!. To begin with, perhap's only Russian Strategic Bombers should be able to do that, then as Air-Fields are procured, the Russian Fighter Wings would be transferred over 1st before they,...too...would then be able to participate!.

-Weather seem's so-far to have little or no-effect, and in the North-West, WEATHER is a tumultuous-beast, IGNORE it at your own PERIL!. Weather should/could have an effect on the number of Air-Mission's that could would be able to be conducted!. As is right-now, the Massive Russian Air-Power Might...relentlessly, without respite,...keep's hammering the U.S. mainland from the Russian Continent without any interruption.

That's it for now!,...so-far im enjoying the game, so what about some U.S. PARTISAN's???. There are so-many Gun-Loving addict's down there, that i think that this inclusion in this game would not be out of order & would keep the Evil-Russian invader's on their toe's!.

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Most areas in the U.S. mountains on the West Coast can be transited fairly well by roads, I can't say the same for Canada (haven't been there). I originally had the movement costs higher, but found it to be unrealistically inhibiting considering that a turn is a week long and a mobile unit can get quite far in a week.

Air Forces:

While I am looking for balances especially with the Russian AF, I have found they need a strong AF at the beginning or US airpower simply obliterates anything that moves. Plus, this scenario assumes that the Russians own Alaska and are launching from there. The Russian air power will diminish greatly in power as the ground forces get further inland, and the American air power begins to show its true colors.

Aircraft can only move one tile, otherwise they must be operated.


It is July, and turns are simultaneous one week long, so the weather will not show itself for a little bit.

U.S. partisans are included, but if you are only five turns in then you will have to wait a bit, because the invasion force is occupying all the tiles where they could appear.

Thanks for the observations!

P.S. I am thinking of toning the Russian air power down anyways.

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Ok, new version will be posted before the weekend.


Toned down the Russian air force, so turns should be shorter.

Added some extra partisan scripts, namely more supply disruption attacks.

Keep the observations coming folks, 30+ downloads and one comment: At leats tell me if you dont like it. :D

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Normal Dude ...your game is NOT the problem, the problem has been the holiday's getting in the way, as well i am at least giving some of the other MODS a go too!, BUT!!!,...we will/shall again!,...play your game!. It cannot be ignored!.

Im just finishing off 'Thrawns' EUROPEAN THEATRE, then i will give your effort another go!.

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