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Future patch?

When the UK capital moves to Egypt the flow of MPP from Canada ends but Canada is still in the war and has units. I think that the Canadian MPP should not be lost. The Canadian units in Canada has to be reinforced or built with the very few remaining UK MPP. It would be more logical that Canada paid for themselvs. It would also help the UK a bit........

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Originally posted by Exel:

It should relocate to Canada. Is there any historical evidence to back up the idea of them fleeing to Egypt?

Canada was a sovereign nation, while African, Midle East & Indian countries were still under british control, so they might choose to go where they still had full control.

Still, who knows.

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I have to agree that Canada would be a more logical choice. A new UK goverment based in Cairo would not have lasted before long.

The same could be said about Russia moving its Cap to Stalingrad. Had Moscow fallen wouldnt moving to a more defensible location make sense like somewhere in the Urals?

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Canada would have been a safer place. That is where the Brits sent their gold during the war. It also had a better infrastructure for rebuilding the military. The Dutch royal family went to Ottawa as well. The Brits really had almost total control over Canada anyway.. at least from the military PoV.

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I think i started a thread on this called UK government in egypt, i suggested canada but they said that egypt is better because it's in the middle of the empire and the suez canal is located there. tongue.gif If your going to have the UK gov in egypt atleast give them US and Canadian convoys! smile.gif

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How hard would it be to change the script to Canada? I also think the Canadian production should then be increased to reflect the focus that would have been put into Canada as the seat of the Empire. There would be no problem with convoys to Canada from the Middle East, particularly if Gibralter and the Suez were still held.

I think Canadian production is underated in the game as a single country but is probably reflected well in the overall production as part of the Empire. It was an exporter of equipment to both Britain and the USSR but was able to focus on what Britain could not or did not want to produce. It did produce the 3rd largest navy (mostly small ships) and a large portion of the RAF. Also a large veh production.

Historically it makes sense, but there may be some game balance change that I can't see. This would also allow the US and UK to gather forces more effectively.

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Canuck_para, wishing something different:

How hard would it be to change the script to Canada?

Not very. :cool:

[... no, I won't mention the become... almost dreaded word - Editor]


Consider this... See Lowe succeeds,

Government moved to Canada,

Fine so far,


What happens then when UK CANNOT get hardly

ANY troops - all the way down to Egypt?

By transport.

Through the Wolf-packs ferociously awaiting?

Egypt very likely falls,

Right along with the whole of the Mid East.

Axis dominates the ENTIRE non-Soviet

Continent of old Europe.

What then?

Invade where?

And with what amphibs

That are less "ready & able"

After the long, long sea voyage?

UK Government in Middle East has potential

(... what with Syria and Iraq and Iran)

To STOP the Axis in their half-tracks.


IMO, Canada and USA would have forged

A "common alliance"

Militarily, and economically,

No matter some "Royal Remnant"

Of UK Government in situ

In Ottawa.

What also?

Of arriving Commonwealth reinforcements?

No more ANZAC or Indian

Or South African troops?

Where do these congregate and rally?

Egypt is the CENTER point

Of "the Commonwealth."

Canada is at the periphery.


NOBODY KNOWS what would have happened,

Since... it didn't. ;)

Hubert's notion is alright,

Good as the next guy,

Yet, and again,

You CAN change it for your own Mod.


Who knows,

Maybe enough folks - CLAMOR FOR! a thing

To be different,

Could happen? ;)

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How about India?

The ultimate safe haven. It ain't even on the map. :D

LOL, or... maybe - Madagascar!

Thing is this... IF re-located to Egypt,

Then UK

CAN be conquered, finally!

You put the Government in Canada,

And not so likely, IMO,

That UK would EVER be knocked out

Of the War,

For all sorts of good & sufficient reasons,

Some of which I cannot mention

As of yet. smile.gif

(... true also, depends on "Victory scripting"

And what will, in the end,

Constitute various "levels of victory" ;) )

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Had England fallen then how much longer tell Egypt falls??? Makes no since to move your capital to Egypt just to have to move it again in a couple of months. Now maybe for game playability sure but to be honest I would rather see England out of the war rather then moving the capital, maybe even some kind of 'Vichi England.'

I also agree with Axis_General about the Russian capital being moved to Stalingrad, if I remember right they were getting ready to move the capital to some city in the Urals as the germans were getting close, that was before Stalin decided to bring in the Siberan troops and make a stand.

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As originally posted by Rolend:

Makes no since to move your capital to Egypt just to have to move it again in a couple of months. Now maybe for game playability sure but to be honest I would rather see England out of the war...

There are those who feel that UK

SHOULD be conquered WHEN London & Manchester

Are secured.

OK, decent proposal.

There are those who would want UK

To be FINALLY conquered should Egypt also

Succumb to the daring FM Rommel.

Also OK. smile.gif

Thing is... you don't really want to be chasing

UK Government - all over the place.

Get the island, and get Egypt

And it's done with, at least,

Until USA may be able?

To liberate it... later.

Really, GErmany has a dire problem.

Trying to "adequately garrison"

ALL of their conquests.

Due to "force pool" limits, and,

Fending off stubborn Russia.

It's not so easy as it sounds. ;)

I also agree with Axis_General about the Russian capital being moved to Stalingrad, if I remember right they were getting ready to move the capital to some city in the Urals...
Russian Capital FIRST moves to Stalingrad,

THEN to... Sverdlovsk,

Which is located beyond the Urals,

Due north near the mines.

[... or, if you get Sverdlovsk first, then

Stalingrad is the last stand, there

in the crumbling Tractor Factory, maybe]


Give the Axis/GErmans decent reason to execute

What they actually DID do in the war,

IE, heed the Austrian dumkopf,

And take Stalingrad.

Without that fierce encounter,

Do you have any semblance

Of historical imperative?

Well, sure,

You could establish a defensive ARC

Which would deflect Russian reinforcements

From harrassing your effort

To get at the VERY valuable

Caucasus oil fields.

**Which, incidentally,

Is a good argument, IMHO, for having

UK Capital move to Egypt.

O/W, you have (... with possible Axis

conquest of Turkey) mostly GErman forces,

Augmented by the now stronger Italian


Hard pressing USSR from above and below,

By turning the corner sharp

At Rostov, defending behind the Don River,

And simultaneously

Surging up from Mid East.

UK-in-Canada and even USA has little actual chance

Of interfering, until, likely,

It is way too late.

There is no specifically right or wrong answer,

I am merely providing

Another perspective,

From ONLY a game-player's possible arsenal

Of potential S & T, same

As anybody else can, and, should do. :cool:

[ May 15, 2006, 09:53 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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I belive that the UK capital should move to Egypt since it will be more close to the action(the Med and southern Russia) But my original problem was about the Canadian MPP that can't be used to repair or build Canadian units. Either there should be a convoy to Egypt or Canada should act as an independent nation.

Desert Dave can I have some feedback on these ideas...?

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But my original problem was about the Canadian MPP that can't be used to repair or build Canadian units. Either there should be a convoy to Egypt or Canada should act as an independent nation.


A known issue that has been much discussed, with several good solutions possible.


Hubert has not thus far indicated, finally, how he will solve it.

The original idea to have Egypt become the "epicenter" of the future Commonwealth should the Island be conquered... was his, and the solution will also come from him.

All involved agree that Canada must be "a vital player" in the game and not remain... idyl on the sidelines.

We'll soon enough see. smile.gif

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