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I do a lot of play testing besides playing the game. Two things must change in waw add on or global or whatever, supply and zones of control must be implemented or this game for me is through. I watched closely in global war and watched an all out attack by the Japanese on Wake island, boy what a joke, attack after attack by six battleships and six aircraft carriers could hardly dent the island and its American fighter plane on it, the fighter had an attack of 7 which was after many attacks reduced to 1, lo and behold it was replenished to a 7, no wonder the japs lost the war, they let supply ships slip thru I guess from Pearl, This must be corrected and some sort of ZOC's have to be implemented before the next patch or I personally have to find another game to play.


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Your 'Sarcastic-Remark!' ... "John DiFool the 2nd!"...is 'Insanely-Hilarious' and impossible to argue with!.

When and if a 'DIAGONAL-SUPPLY-ROUTE' is opened, and provided it is kept continuously opened for at least 2-turns let's say, it should not be able to permit SUPPLY to be initiated until this or some other condition is fullfilled!.

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Well I think we have to look for sc3 for hexes.

Personally I will continue to support Hubert and PDE(Im sure it will be great) but I hope work on sc3 will start soon to take us to the next level. Otherwise I think war in flames will suck up many ole grognards.

[ May 02, 2008, 03:18 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Well judging by the way Hubert and the rest have put their efforts into SC2 and its addons im sure if they make SC3 it will exceed all our expectations.

As far as loosing grognards to W.I.F. I cant see the reason.The games are different.Im sure W.I.F.will be alot fun but so is SC2.The vast majority here im sure really enjoy the game.Im sure Hubert takes all what we suggest into consideration.

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SC is more pseudo-historical, that you can finish within a reasonable amount of time -it's fun to play although unit scales, mechanics, economy, manpower, etc. is very simplified.

Versus WIF, which takes into account historical representation of warfare on a grand strategical scale, hard-core grognard style, which you can't finish in one sitting, is more tailored to patient grognard players.

SC is still a beer and pretzel type of game getting better with more features, eye candy, and variety with what you can do with the editor. I would still support both types of game although war in the pacific and war in russia is too tedious for me for sure.

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Forget MWiF! All we need is a beach tile in which any naval unit can enter, except maybe BBs and CVs. Transports have to remain in the tile one turn before disembarking into an adjacent land tile.

The only two units that are allowed to change from Amphib mode to assault mode are corps and special forces(ie. Marines, SNLF, etc).

The PTO is beckoning. :D

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Personally!,...for myself at least ..."strategical scale, hard-core grognard style" ...really appeal's to me very-much!.

But at the same time...i do not like 'NEEDLESS-COMPLEXITY', however what i do like is enough complexity to give FLAVOUR to the situation at hand!. That is to say,...so that in a way,...for example, for you feel like you are really in WW2!.

SC2 is 'for-sure!'...'very-good!', but!!!,...we all know that it can be improved upon & it has been improved-upon...continuously!. It definetely fill's the Beer & Pretzel's request's very-well...AND THEN SOME!!!.

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