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And I want to make clear that IMO SC 2 is a masterpiece. As a platform the sky is the limit. What we're doing here is not complaining by any stretch, just giving input on how to make the game even better.


The sky is indeed the limit.


All of the VERY "informed critiques" in here

Would be better heard,

And more closely considered, IMO,

Should you put them in a specific thread

Dealing with - what?

EACH of the 8 or 10 issues

That have been raised. ;)

This is not necessarily about bugs finding , which is Blashy's job as a beta tester...
Blashy and et al,

Do FAR more than that, LOL,

IF you might only be able to read

The Beta Forum,

Beginning to end,

Over several years,

You wouldn't say it so simple-severe as that,

'At's fer sure. ;)

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Two heads are better than one, and scores of beta testers are better than a handful. That's all that's happening, is the legion of informal beta testers are now reporting in, especially the premium players...


And I address this to all,

Not merely yourself,

I would estimate, oh... somewhere

In the vicinity of .001 %

Are "premium players,"

Whereas the IMMENSE, "critical mass" majority

Are... what?

(un)Rank(ed)... Amateurs? LOLOL! tongue.gif

The game is made for THEM,

Every bit as much as it is made

For... who ARE those

Premium! Players?

Tell it again?

I forget. ;)

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...premium or not premium, leaded or unleaded...
You mean you ain't drivin'

One a'them HYBRIDS yet! :eek:

Gasoline/petrol is going the way

Of the dinosaur,

Didn't you know? :confused:

You think FM Rommel had troubles gettin'

His hands on fuel,

Just wait!

Until China and India build all them

New and shiny automobiles!

Let's see... back to horses?


They'll all be eaten by then.


Get you a bike, hellraiser!

I recommend... Indian,

IF you can find one over there in old Europe.

Mostly just collector's items now

Here in the worker's paradise,


Where we don't build nuthin' of consequence,

Other than "play toys" for the rich,

Enny more! ;)

BTW, do you know?

Can you tell me?

How it is a HAND-FULL of folks

Know ALL there is to know

About - you name it! LOL! :D

PS: When are you going to write us THE next great novel?

From what I can tell, yer pret' damned good

At the English lingo (... seriously),


Like John Lennon! :cool:

How adept you must be in - what is yer native


Transylvanian? tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Desert Dave:

All of the VERY "informed critiques" in here

EACH of the 8 or 10 issues

That have been raised. ;)

Do FAR more than that, LOL,

IF you might only be able to read

The Beta Forum,

tongue.gif Oh Master of the waterless sands another hard question since we mere mortals CANNOT read in the beat forum. What of the the following things are real.

1. Santa Claus

2. Easter bunny

3. Patch for SC2 in our lifetime.

Only 1 of these choices is real.

TIP: Millions of children cannot be wrong tongue.gif

P.S: A date for a first patch , a list of issues worked on wouldn´t be to hard . IMHO

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P.S: A date for a first patch , a list of issues worked on wouldn´t be to hard . IMHO
No, Sombra,

It really wouldn't be so hard

Since all of us assisting are sort-of aware

The "general nature" of potentially

Implemented things.

Not ALWAYS though,

As Hubert loves to spring surprises! smile.gif


It would no doubt be - off to Gaol,

Sans ANY gruel for me

Should I reveal what I know

The future to be,

Which is, as per usual, not

An awful lot. ;)

You guys know what's up anyway:

--Improving plunder calculus.

--Something RE: amphib.

--Help for UK in some certain ways.

--Improved AI.

--Other cool stuff too. :cool:

And, I guess I could venture

That you'd see something

By Canada's "Victoria Day?"

Or, at least - USA "Memorial Day," that

Seems OK to say?


Is it?

Off to cruel, gruel-less gaol

Yet again!

When! Will it end? :eek:


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Originally posted by hellraiser:

btw, they shouldn't have ever sold SC2 to Sombra - always bitching, complaining, grumbling :D:D:D

Lets say it with the words of "Life of Brian"

I want to be a woman (complaing and bitching forms part of my nature)

SC2 is fun and has some great additions regarding the options and lot of potential. Alas, we human players are always finding loopholes or bending rules to the breaking point.

[ May 16, 2006, 07:37 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]

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Alas, we human players are always finding loopholes or bending rules to the breaking point.

The best SC-2 can be could NOT be done

Otherwise, thank you. smile.gif

Sombra, not no longer sombre:

Lets say it with the words of "Life of Brian"

I want to be a woman (complaing and bitching forms part of my nature)

At least you are forthright.

Most Machismo Sorts REFUSE

To allow their "Jungian animus"

To even SEE the freeing

Light of the day.

Doesn't mean you should, necessarily,

Cross dress, LOL,


Artistic and Aesthetic sense

Derives, arrives

From out of the right side of the brain.

Tra la! ;)

The gamemechanis and balance still needs some tweaking
No doubt.

It shall be accomplished! smile.gif

BTW, the PL-approved list # 1-6 above

Will very probably be not necessary

... "as time goes by..."

(accompanied by Sam

soft on the Ivories, Ilsa looking on, looking good, radiant! like 20,000 assembled Suns, in her role of... cherchez la femme :cool: )

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