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[Rambo IV] There is a God! How pumped am I? LEGENDARY

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

By the way, you might want to practice with your piece, just to make sure it works in case you really need it.

Ditto. It has to work, and it has to, worst case, hit only what you intend - that takes practice. You'll be amazed at the recoil - better to find out during practice than during a confrontation.
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The point with arming yourself is that it gets out of hand very quickly.

Lets say there is a burglar in the house.

First you start with a baseball bat.

Or you grab a kitchen knife, or something similar that's at hand.

Now you scare the dude away, and call the cops.

Now you will say, in the States they come in with a gun and I have a knife or bat, so I'm doomed.

Now imagine what will happen if they come in with that loaded gun, _expecting_ you to shoot first.

They will buy bigger guns, or come in with guns blazing as soon as they see you.

It's like WWI and the arms race, or the Cold war.

Even more interesting is the US history during the early 20's.

Guns were coming over from the European front,

and mobsters were arming themselves with handguns.

Later on Tommy guns, so the cops got them also.

After that they had Brenguns etc.

It's an endless spiral.

You're better off investing in security systems and better locks.

Unless it's really that f*cked up in the states.

You could always go to Canada then ;)

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Targul --- I like you man. By the way, you might want to practice with your piece, just to make sure it works in case you really need it.

I've always liked the Biblical Proverb, The Strongman keeps his house.

I was the senior instructor for the Army Rifle Team from 73-74. I also shot for them so I am profient with weapons.

When I fire a weapon something dies.

My original training was by the Bakersfield Police Department when I was 10. They had a law that anyone who owned a weapon was required to go through a safety and training course in the taught you not only to use your weapon but all kinds of military and police weapons. It was a blast and excellant training.

I hope they still have that law. It allows ownership but only if you have been trained and qualified with your weapon. As a kid it was the best.

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Originally posted by n0kn0k:

The point with arming yourself is that it gets out of hand very quickly.

Lets say there is a burglar in the house.

First you start with a baseball bat.

Or you grab a kitchen knife, or something similar that's at hand.

Now you scare the dude away, and call the cops.

Now you will say, in the States they come in with a gun and I have a knife or bat, so I'm doomed.

Now imagine what will happen if they come in with that loaded gun, _expecting_ you to shoot first.

They will buy bigger guns, or come in with guns blazing as soon as they see you.

It's like WWI and the arms race, or the Cold war.

Even more interesting is the US history during the early 20's.

Guns were coming over from the European front,

and mobsters were arming themselves with handguns.

Later on Tommy guns, so the cops got them also.

After that they had Brenguns etc.

It's an endless spiral.

You're better off investing in security systems and better locks.

Unless it's really that f*cked up in the states.

You could always go to Canada then ;)

This is crazy. I hear this all over Europe and Canada.

When you outlaw weapons you are only giving weapons to criminals. I would never give up my weapon even if they make me a criminal for having it.

I hope to never have to shot someone again. I have shot more then enough people but when you need a gun trying to use a knife or club just isnt going to do.

First person I shot was when I was 13. He was raping the lady across the street and the kids came over and asked for help. I grabbed my gun and shot him. He died. I was happy.

Second person I shot I was 15 he was stealing my prize Lahore pigeons. I missed only hit him in the shoulder. Cursed myself since as he will probably commit a crime again.

Other then in the military I have not shot anyone else and hope not to but I will keep my gun just in case.

I guess in Europe and Canada when they rape your neighbot you call the police and watch until they arrive. I just am not that kinda man.

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Originally posted by acrashb:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

By the way, you might want to practice with your piece, just to make sure it works in case you really need it.

Ditto. It has to work, and it has to, worst case, hit only what you intend - that takes practice. You'll be amazed at the recoil - better to find out during practice than during a confrontation. </font>
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First person I shot was when I was 13. He was raping the lady across the street and the kids came over and asked for help. I grabbed my gun and shot him. He died. I was happy.
You had a gun at age 13? ....

I do know this is a while back, but is this still normal nowadays in the States?

Second person I shot I was 15 he was stealing my prize Lahore pigeons. I missed only hit him in the shoulder. Cursed myself since as he will probably commit a crime again.
Tbh I wouldn't try and kill a guy over some birds.

Here in the Netherlands we have something called "appropriate violence".

You don't shoot someone who's coming at you with his bare hands.

You are punishable then by law for using unnecessary violence.

You're probably right about him committing crime again,

but there is something like a 3-strike rule in some states right?

The system will take care of them.

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Originally posted by acrashb:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by n0kn0k:

To own one out here in the Netherlands you need to be a member of a shooting range for at least a year here.

Unless you're a criminal.

Then you need to keep shooting at least a few times each year to keep your permit.
Unless you're a criminal.

And you're not allowed to carry it around.
Unless you're a criminal.

Only from your house to the shooting range.
Unless you're a criminal.

And you need to keep the ammo and gun seperate and both locked up.
Unless... you get the picture.

Gun bans don't affect homocide. http://law.bepress.com/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6426&context=expresso

More OT, I will pass on Rambo IV. Only saw the first one, not bad, the rest were so poorly reviewed (by friends) that it was a clear waste of time to watch them. </font>

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Originally posted by targul:

This is crazy. I hear this all over Europe and Canada.

When you outlaw weapons you are only giving weapons to criminals. I would never give up my weapon even if they make me a criminal for having it.

Lol no it's not crazy. It's just a fact that more fire-arms circulating cause more violence and gun-shotings. Look at the statistics, US are over-represented big time.
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"You had a gun at age 13? ....

I do know this is a while back, but is this still normal nowadays in the States?"

Of course I had a gun at 13 recieved one for my 10th birthday.

Someone steals from me they should die. I wouldnt steal from them. He could have stopped or not started. I told him to stop he didnt I shot. It is a felony to steal property over $500 in value in most states. Just one of those birds cost me $2000 so he was a felon and you are allowed to use the force necessary to stop a felon.

Yes there is a 3 strike rule. Very poor rule but it exists in some states. Doesnt deter crime and only makes me pay to support criminals while they eat in jail.

Sorry but me and mine have never committed a felony. Throughout my families history only my bother ever committed a crime. He smoked a joint and spent 10 years in prison in PA for that. So we are a law abiding family. We are also intolerant of criminals.

My bother is still not allowed back in my fathers house because he is a criminal. Now that may be tough but he had the choice. Not sure I agree with Dad's opinion but he hates criminals.

We are also a military family and have fought in all of Americas wars so having the right to possess a gun makes sense.

Those who can do. Those who cant complain about those who can.

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Interesting read ;)


Edit: From a Euro point of view this whole culture seems very odd to me.

Getting a gun at age 10, shooting people at age 13.

I wouldn't be able to get a good night sleep after such a thing, regardless of the circumstances :(

I just hope I'm not the only one here that thinks so.

[ July 23, 2007, 03:51 PM: Message edited by: n0kn0k ]

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I got a .22 rifle when I was 13. Never shot another human with it though. Thankfully I've never been in a situation that's warranted it. My father owns a .45 Taurus. Never shot another person with it, far as I know. We've both had plenty of practice anyway.

As far as not shooting someone because they came at you with their "bare hands", that just sounds rediculous. There are plenty of people trained to kill with their hands, and even those untrained can overpower a person and kill them.

If a person gets shot while committing a crime that is the risk they took upon themselves.

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Bottom line. With all the crackheads, methheads, home invasions, road rage, pyschos, & other losers in life...it is necessary to defend yourself. It's that simple. You have only a few seconds in order to protect life, your family's, or some other dude...sometimes you don't have a choice.

The whole 2nd Ammendment thing got started with the RedCoats kickin' in doors at anytime they wanted. Brother, my peashooter ain't going to stop black helicopters, but it will stop a drug addict pyscho or some small time punk trying to waste me or my family.

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Being from canada and a firearms owner myself(avid hunter and fisherman) i have had the misfortune of having to threaten to waste a guy with my .12ga 870 wingmaster pump action.He was trying to come in through a basement window i heard the noise and confronted him.He had the choice to either see if i was bluffing(which i wasnt)or freeze.He chose to run,If i had shot him I would have been charged with murder.Within 1 week ALL the houses(even the cops house) were robbed except ours.When i confronted this punk i had no idea what his intentions were.Im glad i was armed.As far as guns causing violence, more people are killed each year in car accidents than with guns.If people(especially the ones who say nobody should own a gun for any purpose)were so interested in saving lives maybe they should start to lobby the auto ind.to lower the top speed of most cars.Where in north america are we allowed to drive at half the speed some of theses cars can go?Just think of how many lives would be saved if the S.O.B.'s who cause high speed police chases or street race KNEW FOR CERTIAN that they had no hope of outrunning a cop maybe they wouldnt do it.Yes i know cars can be modified but that would carry a minimum 5 years and it would be illlegal to sell the modifications(but wait that would hurt the economy).Ive got one even better solution:we could pass a law making it illegal for anyone who has a valid drivers license and acces to a car to have any alcohol in the home because you MAY drink and drive.We all know how many people are killed each year in drinking aand driving accidents.Its NOT about saving lives its about trying to be poltically correct(now theres two words that shouldnt be used in the same sentence)Remember a gun is an inatimit object and its illogical to blame an inatimit object for anything.Someone has to operate it.No matter how many laws get passed(i ought to know its insane what i have to go through)criminals will get guns no problem.I truley believe the big problem is peoples attitudes towards one another(no one gives a you know what)and a gun is just the tool used.

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Good point arado, I never understood why we let cars and bike be sold that can go over 100km/h (55mph) if the maximum limit is 100. Makes too much sense.

Canada does not even permit the sale of pepper spray because they say criminals would use it... WTF??? If they don't have that they'll use a knife.

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Well, every situation can be different. Shooting an UNARMED dude who is OUTSIDE a basement window, is alot different than an ARMED (pick your weapon of choice) intruder INSIDE the house. By the grace of God, I hope I've never got to experience any non-sense.

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by targul:

This is crazy. I hear this all over Europe and Canada.

When you outlaw weapons you are only giving weapons to criminals. I would never give up my weapon even if they make me a criminal for having it.

Lol no it's not crazy. It's just a fact that more fire-arms circulating cause more violence and gun-shotings. Look at the statistics, US are over-represented big time. </font>
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Originally posted by n0kn0k:

Interesting read ;)


Edit: From a Euro point of view this whole culture seems very odd to me.

Getting a gun at age 10, shooting people at age 13.

I wouldn't be able to get a good night sleep after such a thing, regardless of the circumstances :(

I just hope I'm not the only one here that thinks so.

You know it may just be possible that if every man woman and child in the countries invaded had a gun when Hitler was vacation over all of Europe, the Europeans may have been better able to defend themselves if they had guns.

Americans have always felt we are not able to be invaded because we all own guns. Even our own government is aware we all own guns. This prevents unwelcome guests from the local thief to the soldier from walking in unannounced.

Sure we would lose vs the Army invading our home but at least they are aware it is not just a free ride.

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Sorry Rambo I am Buddhist.

My religion is pretty non violent but I tried on some martyer clothing and they just didnt fit. So even though I now attempt to avoid confortation I still find myself involved in stuff.

I hope someday the world learns to live without violence but until that happens someone has to just say no.

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Originally posted by targul:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kuniworth:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by targul:

This is crazy. I hear this all over Europe and Canada.

When you outlaw weapons you are only giving weapons to criminals. I would never give up my weapon even if they make me a criminal for having it.

Lol no it's not crazy. It's just a fact that more fire-arms circulating cause more violence and gun-shotings. Look at the statistics, US are over-represented big time. </font>
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Originally posted by arado234:

As far as guns causing violence, more people are killed each year in car accidents than with guns.If people(especially the ones who say nobody should own a gun for any purpose)were so interested in saving lives maybe they should start to lobby the auto ind.to lower the top speed of most cars.Where in north america are we allowed to drive at half the speed some of theses cars can go?Just think of how many lives would be saved if the S.O.B.'s who cause high speed police chases or street race KNEW FOR CERTIAN that they had no hope of outrunning a cop maybe they wouldnt do it.Yes i know cars can be modified but that would carry a minimum 5 years and it would be illlegal to sell the modifications(but wait that would hurt the economy).Ive got one even better solution:we could pass a law making it illegal for anyone who has a valid drivers license and acces to a car to have any alcohol in the home because you MAY drink and drive.We all know how many people are killed each year in drinking aand driving accidents.Its NOT about saving lives its about trying to be poltically correct(now theres two words that shouldnt be used in the same sentence)Remember a gun is an inatimit object and its illogical to blame an inatimit object for anything.Someone has to operate it.No matter how many laws get passed(i ought to know its insane what i have to go through)criminals will get guns no problem.I truley believe the big problem is peoples attitudes towards one another(no one gives a you know what)and a gun is just the tool used.

Actually we got automated checks here over let's say 50 km of road,

timing you as you pass checkpoints ;)

If you drive too hard you got a 100% chance of getting caught.

For places that don't have that we've got those nasty photocamaras that check your speed.

It's pretty damn hard already to drive past the limit to work.

Ive got one even better solution:we could pass a law making it illegal for anyone who has a valid drivers license and acces to a car to have any alcohol in the home because you MAY drink and drive.We all know how many people are killed each year in drinking aand driving accidents.
Now lets turn that around.

Why are drugs illegal in the US?

It's just an innatimate object ;)

It's the people who misuse it.

We actually got a tolerant law here on Soft Drugs like Hash and Weed.

It's even legal here, and like alcohol and tobacco just as addictive.

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Soft drugs or alcohol are not addictive when used responsibly, not so for hard drugs.

Making hard drugs illegal is logical because it can take one or two uses to make you an addict and once an addict you become useless to society and there is a good chance you'll do anything (crime) to get your next hit.

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