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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Dame YK2 you know that I can refuse you nothing ... except this. In short and with no intent to offend or cause dismay ... not just NO, but HELL NO! The Shavian House has it's dignity to consider.




Awwwwww shucks * looks all sad *

Me and Roxy spent quite a lot of time fixing up this little number for Papa, and Persephone took a few snaps of a rather worse for the wear dummy dressed in the end result.

I promise you it's not undignified.....

Are you playing hard to get with me Joey boy? *tickles behind joes ear* I promise to mix all your drinks for a month and serve them just the way you like, Hell I'll even ask Roxy to supply you with massage whenever needed..

Come on Joe is there nothing that will change your mind?

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Originally posted by Roxy:


If you really want Fallout 2, you can have mine, complete with manual.

So where is it? I'm back from buying filmjölk (regular and with strawberry for Junior) and I want it now!

Alright alright. I'll take you up on your offer. If you should send me Fallout 2 (it's not as good as Fallout but I know where I can get that baby for 25 SEK) the Old Firm will admit to owing you, the entity known by some as "Roxanne", one (1, uno, en, ein, yxi) Favor.

Not a Really Big Favor, yet a Favor it would be.

Ask Berli (or Mr Morningstar as we've always called him) for a Standard Contract of One Favor and he'll set you up, should you wish for or require an intermediary. Otherwise, email is in our profile.

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Originally posted by Roxy:


If you really want Fallout 2, you can have mine, complete with manual. It won't work on my 'puter.


How dare you serve me a Mai Tai with a smiley attached! Do you see any smileys in this thread?! Take this garbage away, and make me another one.

...and don't be lazy, boy! Make Persephone her own Mai Tai. Don't forget the umbrellas either.

Oh my mistake, here is your own Mai Tai complete with Umbrella, i realy do hope you enjoy it.

Persephone the paddock has been mucked, is thier anything you would like? Let me start you off with a gift, *hands you a Mai Tai complete with umbrella*

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

YK2, chill a bottle or two and mix liberally with creme de cassis to produce kir royales (thereby making any cheap tat palatable) AND avoiding headaches the morning after.

Its the bubbles that count.

Guaranteed to produce severe munchies... the pepperoni pizza is looking... vulnerable.

A donkey must have its protein.


Kir? Hmmmmm sounds lovely, I might just try that tomorrow.

Hmmmmm wonder if Jamie Oliver shops on a Sat!!


Thanks for the nice thoughts Yeknod I'll pick you up a few sprouts and such while there.

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Sherriff Joe would not want a massage from me, even if I wore the red. In fact, he wants to put me in jail(like half the state of Texas)for whinning about a PoolBoy.

To My Heroes

A PoolBoy with a plagiarized signature. How appropriate. Perhaps we should encourage him to post with smileys too? I mean, he's dead at dawn isn't he?

Please don't lock me up, Sherriff Joe. At least not until I beat the San Antonio thing. I'll be good. I promise. See, I'm scrubbing the floors now. Oh...PoolBoy....

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Ummmm, My Liege, Your Greatness, My Brave Sir "4 Legged" Knight, winner at Crufts please don't beat me, but.... umm..... I just w o n my first game! I gave the pillock plenty of chances, but he's an outerboarder, and well, I just sorta, somehow, like........errr........won!

[ August 16, 2002, 06:08 PM: Message edited by: athkatla ]

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Originally posted by Roxy:


Sherriff Joe would not want a massage from me, even if I wore the red. In fact, he wants to put me in jail(like half the state of Texas)for whinning about a PoolBoy.

To My Heroes

A PoolBoy with a plagiarized signature. How appropriate. Perhaps we should encourage him to post with smileys too? I mean, he's dead at dawn isn't he?

Please don't lock me up, Sherriff Joe. At least not until I beat the San Antonio thing. I'll be good. I promise. See, I'm scrubbing the floors now. Oh...PoolBoy....

Put you in Jail????????

What the .........

Who told you to scrub the floors Roxy ?

So many questions and not enough time...

First get up of your knees and don't ever let me see you scrubbing again.

As a Lady Of The Pool you do NOT scrub.

A light flick of a duster here and there, and providing refreshments for those hard working Knights is all that's expected from any Lady Of The Pool .

Don't worry Roxy you won't be sent to jail just forget the Poolboy thing.

You're doing chores you have no need to do.. Just stop doing them and you won't need the poolboy.


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Now, for some bitterness.

Her hair is totally gone now. That is what she seems to regret the most. She doesn’t care about how the right side of her body goes numb every once in a while causing her to tip over. She is back on steroids because of the pressure on her brain.

It’s one year, two surgeries, and plenty of radiation treatments later. We are glad that she is still alive and quite spunky. I do cherish her spirit and am humbled by it. I know that I would be awash in self pity if it was me going through brain cancer. The whole experience is beyond description. Somehow, I’ve been a good brother and friend. That’s all I can be because I am not the one with the scalpel.

To the very first doctor who said that “it’s only a part of the brain that is missing” and gave her pain meds, we will see you in court. I might see you in the parking lot with a baseball bat.

To the first surgeon who gave her 6 months at most, In your face, Motherf***.

Now for some hope

When you see the youngest at 12 lbs. after she was born at 3.75 lbs is a testament to almost divine intervention. Anabella has quite a spirit. When you see Beth giving the doctors “what for” when they give her a run-around, I can’t help but smile. She is one tough individual.

Chemotherapy is next and Beth looks forward to it. I will be there for her every step of the way as it weakens her. I hope to be posting a year from now about how my sister is in remission.

I know that when some of you demand turns, you understand that “real life” happens and I take it as such. Thank you for the support many of you have given me in the last year. I was scared and discouraged more times than I can count. It’s quite a community of good people we have here.

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Memoirs of Papa Khann

Book 1: The Day the Sky Fell



My legal wrangling has failed to bear fruit. It's all too plain now that a conspiracy of Draconian proportion has been set in motion, and I am its target.

For the time being, anyway, I must resign myself to Squiredom at the hands of The Fiend Shaw and his simpering band of House Shave-My-Head picaroons. Blast and d*mn them all.

In the end, of course, I'll have my revenge. Oh yes, they'll rue the day they dragged me kicking and screaming through that otherworldly portal into this infernal lair they call home. And I'm not about to forget the wanton acts of hatred perpetrated upon me by those who voted me into this insane asylum.

But I shall have to bide my time. Self-preservation dictates that, for now at least, I shall have to play along and endure these indignities. My dagger will find its way into their backs soon enough.

Chapter 1:

Last night The Fiend Shaw ordered one of his underlings, Lard I think it was called, to "Take Khann down below and clean him up a bit. In the Shavian way, mind you".

sidenote: Why does Shaw always have to end everything he says with "mind you"?

This henchman, Lard, is a great hulking beast of a creature, mind you (edit: good lord now I find myself doing it). One of its eyes is so full of rheum that it no longer appears to function, and this leaves the wretch continually tilting its head to one side to bring its good eye to bear. It never smiles, for fear of showing its few rotting, yellow teeth. And it wheezes habitually while drawing breath.

And so this Lard proceeded to guide me into the darkest depths of the lair. Once there, Lard seemed able to move about in the blackness with surety and ease, almost as if the creature were more nimble and confident in the absence of light. He secured me to a post which was moist with I don't want to know what, then proceeded to shave the top and sides of my head bald. Bald!!! My beautiful man-locks have been stripped from me!

As if this torture was not sufficient, the butcher then showed the audacity to shave a giant "E" into the remaining tufts at the back of my head. Why on earth Lard should place an "E" on me, like a brand of some sort, befuddled me of course. At first it appeared that an "E" would have no connection to this thrice accursed House, or to Shaw, or even to Lard. That is, until I deduced that this Lard, poor humpbacked monstrosity that he is, must harbor secret affection for Fair Emma. Emma, whom I was so unjustly accused of wronging in those glorious days when I was allowed to cavort gaily in the open light and fresh air of the outer Pool. Lord knows I meant her no offense. But in the end even a lout like me could see that she had been offended, and so this one indignity of my servitude to The Fiend Shaw and his horror House I shall bear without complaint. I shall bear the "E".

Chapter 2:

Night falls on House Shave-My-Head. I find myself locked in a tiny, damp chamber that makes even The Box at House Persiflage seem roomy and elegant. O fair House Persiflage, how I long for thee now.

Just a moment ago The Fiend Shaw poked his bony face into the portal in the door (it only unlocks from the outside, and isn't large enough for me to squirm through) and bade me "Sleep well, it's not your turn tonight, mind you."

I find his remark odd. Not that everything about Shaw isn't odd. But this particular remark strikes me as more odd than usual. What sort of noctural goings-on are practiced in this bughouse?

I shall ponder this further tomorrow. For now I must sleep. The new day will no doubt bring yet another game of "Kick the Khann".

Chapter 3:

Dawn breaks, but I am not rested.

The mewling began just after midnight. Upon awakening, my mood immediately brightened. I thought "Surely this must be Lard discovering the reptiles I placed in his bedsheets. How wonderful."

But the noise endured for far too long, and after a while came to be accompanied by snorting and panting, and...

... I am forced to compose myself. The memory of those sounds. And the crys for it to stop. Oh no, no... I can't write any more about this now. Strength. I must preserve my strength...

Later that day:

I think I've managed to give them the slip for awhile. You'd think they'd have better security in place, but then again they're by far the most inbred and abjectly stupid lot of would-be jailers I've ever seen.

No. Wait. Blast!! I can hear them! It sounds like Shaw, Lard, and Harv. Their clawed feet scrape upon the cold stone floors of the corridors. They are coming my way...

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Originally posted by Roxy:


How dare you serve me a Mai Tai with a smiley attached! Do you see any smileys in this thread?! Take this garbage away, and make me another one.

...and don't be lazy, boy! Make Persephone her own Mai Tai. Don't forget the umbrellas either.

and PoolBoy, don't forget to make one for Joe...give him two umbrellas...he really likes them.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Papa Khann:

No one informed me that I was entitled to a recount!

Note: This morning I was sitting in my office, feet propped up upon my desk, fending off phone calls from old friends running for elected office who had heard I got a raise and therefore might be in a position to donate money to them, flirting with the secretaries, etc., when my reverie was rudely interrupted by Roxy and She Who Must be Obeyed.

It appears the two of them were at Neiman-Marcus purchasing a rather long list of clothing, accessories and other merchandise when Papa's, err Roxy's newfound credit card was declined. Both ladies were irate and demanded to know what I was going to do about it.

Fortunately, my loyal secretary, seeing the jam I was in, pulled the fire alarm. I was able to lose myself in the crowd and have been hiding out in a storage closet four floors up, behind a locked outer door to a disused lavatory with a sign on the door reading 'Beware of the Leopard'.

Fortunately, this has given me ample time and motivation to focus upon this interesting question of law Papa has brought forth.

Papa, it appears you may be, no, indeed you ARE correct -- you were entitled to notice that you could demand a recount of the Olde Ones' decision. The undisputed evidence before me seems to indicate that indeed you were not informed of this right.

However, the failure to inform you of this right was, at best, a technical error unlikely to have influenced the outcome of your particular situation. The Olde Ones' decision would not have changed one iota had you been informed of and demanded a recount.

It is a well settled principle of law in this jurisdiction that if an animal be killed or injured by a person in the necessary protection of his property, after he has ineffectually used ordinary care to otherwise protect such property, such killing or injury will not be deemed either 'wilful or wanton' within the meaning of the law. But that's not important right now.

It is also a well settled principle of law that a decision will not be reversed for harmless error. Harmless error is that error which, though wrongful, does not give rise to such a level as to affect the outcome fo the decision.

In this matter, failure to inform you of your right to demand a recount was, Papa, harmless.

You are still on the hook. Next.


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Originally posted by Croda:


Send Boo Radley the following setup or face a Crodaburg™ challenge match with another SSN of the Pool's choosing:

700 pt Attack

Allies - you - French Inf - Defending

Axis - Boo - Mech - Attacking

June, Light Rain, Small Hills, Light Woods

Any parameters I missed, make them up and put yourself at a disadvantage.[/QB]

Whoa! Hang on there, M'Lud! How did I get dragged into this contretemps? Here I am, doing my best to keep House Croda afloat in your absense, with nothing but an absentee squire who pops in every fortnight or so to say, "Did you know we're out of burrito's? Can I borrow the keys to the Hetzer?" and two days after you pull your "Prodigal Croda" routine, I have to junk up my schedule with this Buzzard bait. I was holding out to challenge YOU, you rusty old diaper dabbler!

Here, I've got a deal for you. How's about we get my squire, Lurker-the-Laidback to do the Crodaburg<small>TM</small> Dance with him and you and I can have a go at something else?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Hiram, my prayers go out to you and your family.

WHAT? NO BOLDING FOR HIRAM?? Oh, the shame of it Boo-boo!!

Still, your HEART is in the right place fella, and I should like to second your sentiments.

So, Hiram my family and I would like to wish the best of luck for now and in the future for your brave sister Beth and yourself.

Fight on.........


[ August 16, 2002, 08:30 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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