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Distributing the Peng Challenge In Europe: No Rest for the Wicked

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I move to make Joe shut up by any means necessary.

Do I have a second?

Sure, why not? I tried to be gallant and told Joe I'd be his second in the Blood Hamster match, but he shunned me like I was an Amish boy wearing a nipple ring. So, yeah. Let's gag him.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Further I would advise the lad that, having raised three (soon to be four) fine young squires to the ranks of Knighthood, I know a GREAT deal more about the art than any here.

When you can claim a Great Grand Squire, then we might talk about you having equal knowledge as me. Til then pipe down
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Further I would advise the lad that, having raised three (soon to be four) fine young squires to the ranks of Knighthood, I know a GREAT deal more about the art than any here.

When you can claim a Great Grand Squire, then we might talk about you having equal knowledge as me. Til then pipe down</font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'll be gone all next week ... does that count?


So Joe, you won't be here next week huh? But of course Harv will be here right? And he will be left in charge as usual? But you won't be here... sure...I believe you Joe.


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Anyone ever notice that you never see Joe and Good Taste together at the same time?

Updaticus maximi

Boo: Has resumed writhing in the crushing grip of my superior play. My Merry Men have dropped out of the trees and are beginning to do their Dirty Work all over his larking party.

MrSpkr: Seems to have more interest in Frenchmen dropping their pants than in sending me a turn so he may continue to writhe in the crushing grip of my superior play. Sorry about that StuG, by the way. At least it's not on fire like some of your other AFV.

Dorosh: I believe my valiant Poles need a turn from you so you may resume your starring role in the piece titled "Writhing in the Crushing Grip of dalem's Superior Play".

OGSF: My ISP was giving me lip the other night. So you either didn't get a turn from me or you are hiding it under you sporrrrrrrran to avoid another 60 seconds of writhing in the crushing grip of my superior play.

Noba: Hear that? That's the sound of pain. Better learn how to make that sound. Setup coming.

Leeo: I'm going to do to you what I'm going to do to Noba, but I'll be sure to wash up between sessions. Setup coming.

[ July 11, 2002, 12:21 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Joe... I HAVE trained 4 squires

Two of them have trained squires

One of those currently has a squire (btw, Mace, which one is yours?)

unless you want the house of Shaw to burn like Atlanta, don't screw with the House of Berli. I'll happily match the Legions of Darkness against you Mormon Choir

Did I forget...


[ July 11, 2002, 01:36 PM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

unless you want the house of Shaw to burn like Atlanta, don't screw with the House of Berli.

You have Houses these days? What a novel idea. One might think that there exists som (mild of course) rivalry between these Houses am I correct? So, going out on a limb, there are instances where one House is upset with another House yes? And would like some members of that other bad House hurt, distorsoed, dismembered, disembowelled or disordas but just haven't the guts/time to perform this themselves?


Anyone seen Yojimbo? Fistful of dollars? Last man standing? Flight of the Raven? No? Good.

Cue Commercial

The Old Firm is, as always, happy to perform any service involving pain, death or discomfort to your competitiors that your sick twisted little minds can come up with. We can charge you by the hour, per head or just charge you. For further information on our services you may order our little booklet How to get a head in advertising. For references, see above poster and Atlanta.

At our sevice,

The Old Firm

"Dismembering and Ignoring people

since 1172 AD"

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Oh Geier that idea is just <big>spiffy!</big> I'd volunteer as a goofy sidekick if it weren't for the fact that I have issues with both of these rival houses. No it's up to the bell-tower with me to snipe at all and sundry.... now where shall we begin?...

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The Hiram

You have failed to send us a setup. We noticed that, strangely enough. The Lizard King has offered to play "To the Last Man" by Andreas or "Village Les Moulins" by Satan. Since we have played neither we have decided that we will play His Satanic Majestys Scenario against Goanna as the Allies. The reason for this is that anyone choosing the titles Rittmeister and Freiherr must know the difference between an Albatros DIII and a Pfalz DIII. This scores highly in The Book.

That leaves just you, us, a bottle of suspicious-smelling spirits and "To the Last Man". We will be the krauts. You will be the others. If you have already played this scenario please delete all knowledge.

Or find something else.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

The Old Firm

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Originally posted by Marlow:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Joe... I HAVE trained 4 squires

Two of them have trained squires

Aren’t they cute when they are all puffed up and playing the “my squires are better than your squires” game.</font>
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Originally posted by Geier:

The Hiram

You have failed to send us a setup. We noticed that, strangely enough. The Lizard King has offered to play "To the Last Man" by Andreas or "Village Les Moulins" by Satan. Since we have played neither we have decided that we will play His Satanic Majestys Scenario against Goanna as the Allies. The reason for this is that anyone choosing the titles Rittmeister and Freiherr must know the difference between an Albatros DIII and a Pfalz DIII. This scores highly in The Book.

That leaves just you, us, a bottle of suspicious-smelling spirits and "To the Last Man". We will be the krauts. You will be the others. If you have already played this scenario please delete all knowledge.

Or find something else.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

The Old Firm

That is acceptable. I would humbly ask a representative from The Old Firm (may their breath never stink of fish) send this this scenario my way or a setup my way insofar as I am so busy with things other than CM.

So many luscious booty's to tap, so little time.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Joe... I HAVE trained 4 squires

Two of them have trained squires

One of those currently has a squire (btw, Mace, which one is yours?)

unless you want the house of Shaw to burn like Atlanta, don't screw with the House of Berli. I'll happily match the Legions of Darkness against you Mormon Choir

Did I forget...


Fiddledeepoop Berli, the operative word, I believe, would be Trained. It's been clearly established that your training regimen consists mostly of "bring us another beer, lad, and put a head on it this time." I have prepared my Squires for the rigors of the CessPool with education and exercises designed to make them Knights that any Liege would be proud to call his own.

Your pathetic lot is lucky if they can call out before they have to go to the toilet!

House Berli indeed, the Shavian House is the envy of the entire CessPool.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I have prepared my Squires for the rigors of the CessPool with education and exercises designed to make them Knights that any Liege would be proud to call his own.


These "exercises". They wouldn't involve tight little spandex outfits and large amounts of sweating, would they?

Or are they even more...involved?

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Unless you want the house of Shaw to burn like Atlanta, don't screw with the House of Berli. I'll happily match the Legions of Darkness against you Mormon Choir

Dear Mr Shaw

As you know, we in the Old Firm have always supported your good work as Justicar of the Pool and gladly taken the assignments given to us. With enthusiasm. Therefore we feel it is our duty to inform you that according to our discreete sources House Berli might be, even as you painstakingly mutter your way through this message syllable by syllable, putting out a contract on you and your House.

As you know we can be trusted to carry out any sort of depraved mission on anyone at any place in any time, should you deem it necessary to strike first. Let it not be said that you are a boring old fart that lets others have their way with you and yours. We hear that that is more or less what House Berlis denizens are saying.

Looking forward to your order,

The Old Firm

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Your pathetic lot is lucky if they can call out before they have to go to the toilet!

Mr Satan

Sir. I wouldn't take this if I was you. Time to teach those Shavian dogs a lesson I would think.

Since we always have an open account for you and yours we will not charge you an arm and a leg this time. One of your squires' will do nicely.

You know where to find us,

The Old Firm

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Guest PondScum

Good work, Geier. Once these two houses have torn each other to pieces, House Persiflage will step disdainfully over the slaughter and take up its rightful place as Scummiest House in the Pool.

The usual payment, I take it?

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Originally posted by PondScum:

Once these two houses have torn each other to pieces, House Persiflage will step disdainfully over the slaughter and take up its rightful place as Scummiest House in the Pool.

Hang on there, little buddy. Let's not be forgetting House Croda, where the sun never sets (subsequently we're all pretty cranky over here because it's hard to get a good nights sleep).

You'd be hard pressed (preferably between two large rocks) to find anyone, anywhere scummier than my ex-liege Croda.

So just cool your jets, Pool Gunk.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Let's not be forgetting House Croda

My thoughts exactly Sir. How dare he? Who does he think he is? I'll bet he wouldn't be talking so tough if he was to be thrown into a meat grinder. Just an example. Or might I interest you in a bit of arson? Homicidal of course. Or, our Millennia Special, General Beheadings?

We aim to please.

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Bah, you're all rank (in more ways than one) beginners! Why I was training, TRAINING mind you, Squires when your idea of a house was an extra large refrigerator carton in the alley between the liquor store (Haqim's El Cheapo Wine and Cigars) and the brothel (Big Al's Damsels O' Dusk).

Why the Shavian House has a proud and distinguished history of producing proud and ... uh ... distinguished Knights of the CessPool. I am the ONLY Knight to show any evidence of training and education and IT SHOWS!

You call yourselves Houses ... HAH!

And Geier you'll not be getting a red cent from the Shavian House ... millions for defense, not a penny for tribute ... that's our motto ... well, along with SO ... where's the Babes? You can never have enough mottos, that's our motto ... or at least one of them.


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