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Would 3 or 4 player PBEM be possible for CM3?

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Originally posted by Letar:

I'm involved in one game where each side has battalion commander and four company commanders. We command only our own companies and then save game and send the file to next player. Works fine actually.

How do you do this? You can save the file multiple times and email multiple times before actually viewing the RT Action? I don't see how, please elaborate.
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Ok heres the skinny on the Onion Wars:

No. Well kind of. Not how u are thinking of it.(?u are thinking 1 CM battle map with many commanders?)

The ORIGINAL onion wars(there is a new one going as the first one failed):

Its one large operational map divided into sectors. The operation map is not a CM map.

Each sector had a corresponding 2km x 2km CM map.

Units move between the sectors. When there are forces from each side in one sector, a battle happens.

Each battle is handled by 1 commander, usually via PBEM.

The CURRENT onion wars is slightly different.

It has one large operational map divided into sectors. The operation map is not a CM map.

Each sector had a corresponding geographical map, gathered from USGS maps. these are NOT cm maps.

They are real maps, 10km x 10km in size.

Units move between the sectors. Units also have deployment within the sector, by drawing on the USGS maps.

When deployments are close within a sector, 1 ore more new CM maps are generated for that sector.

These map is based upon the area of USGS map.

Its size can vary from 400 square m to 3 square km, depending upon deployments.

So convcievable, you could have many battles in a single sector.

Each battle is handled by 1 commander, usually via PBEM. They have 3 weeks to finish. Too long in my opinion.

there ya have it hope it helps.
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According to the ongoing threads on the topic, EVERYTHING is planned for the rewrite!

Apparently after the big rewrite the owners of the game will have the power to turn lead into gold, foretell the future, drive stick, balance their checkbooks... and maybe do multi-player PBEMs too!


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It can be done ... I think. It requires the players on one side to use the same password and coordinate turns. Essentially one player plots the moves for his units then SAVES the game. He sends it to his partner who plays the saved game, makes his moves and then sends the PBEM turn to his opponent. It can get a little trickey with the movie file that requires plotted moves at the end. In that case both opponents would get the PBEM file, that way they can both see the movie. Then player one on that team plots, saves, sends etc.

It may well be more trouble than it's worth and seems to have a lot of room for confusion. Mind you I've never really tried it with a team so I can't guarantee it but it seems like it will work.


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