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I'd sure like to see some AARs from the players who won Ready for the Fray as the Canadians. I personally felt swamped by the German armor. My A/T guns and Shermans accomplished absolutely nothing. If the Firefly hadn't done well, the score of my game with Sgt. Shultz would have probably been about 95-5 or something!

Did anyone else have the experience of some of your infantry reinforcements showing up on the wrong side of the bocage, just a few meters from German infantry?

Oh, and congratulations Sgt. Shultz. You were always able to find a counter for everything I tried against you. :( Whoever you play next will be in for a tough time.

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I won Ready for the Fray as the Canadians. My opponent had his infantry sneak thought the woods in the center of the map and tried to manuver his tanks down the flanks. The short AAR goes like this:

On the right Flank (the big hill): He tried to move 2 tanks and 2 HTs down the hill to the road. When he got to the road my snipers buttoned his tanks and the 6 pdr killed all 4 vehicles in 1 turn.

In the center (the wooded area): He moved at least a company of German engineers up to my position. He over ran a platoon, a PIAT, and a MG. I used all my mortars to pound him in the woods and the MMG carriers to shoot anything that came out. He still managed to make it across the road to the woods until the last few turns.

On the left (by the wheat field): He lost one tank to the 6 pdr then drove around it. He shot up the 6 pdr and a piat I had over there. Then he drove straigh for the road in the back. My reinforcement PIAT killed his 3 remaining tanks as they came through gaps in the bocage.

All in all I got a little lucky. If he had kept one platoon of infantry on the left he would have wiped my reinforcment platoon out along with several MMG carriers and an FO.

I'm ready to DL the scenario and try it as the Germans.

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I played Ready for the Fray as the Canadians against Stormin Norman and ended up with a 69-29 victory. Apologies if the wordiness is a little excessive, but this is my first AAR. Apologies also to Norman, as I’ll be telling this from what I saw and probably missed a lot of the behind the scenes action from his side. Here’s how I saw it:

Setup: 1 platoon plus the Company HQ, 4.2 in mortar spotter & a sharpshooter hiding along the tree line on the right flank. This platoon stayed pretty much hidden until the last 10 turns or so. 2 AT guns near each other near the centre flag covering the open killing ground on the right flank. 1 platoon in the centre woods, with another platoon held in the rear of the centre of the map as a reserve. Left side of the map apart from the AT gun with a PIAT and a couple of MG’s covering it. Most importantly, half a rifle squad hiding at the far left of the map in the scattered trees with a clear LOS to the bocage-surrounded orchard type thingy in front of the wheat field. This team stayed hidden through the entire battle, but paid for itself many times over by keeping me posted on what Germans were moving around there.

Turns 1-10: Moved half a rifle squad (the other half of the one hiding on the left flank) forward in the centre woods trying to find some Germans. Found a platoon, team got pulverised, but allowed me to drop 4.2” & 2” mortar fire in the woods for a turn or two, causing a fair bit of disruption to Norman’s fellas. Meanwhile, another German platoon moved into the killing ground on the right. I kept my head down (apart from my sharpshooter taking a few pot shots and harassing fire from the bren carriers) and allowed them into the scattered trees before opening up on them, again with the big & little mortars. A halftrack is observed with a “Flamethrower?” on board on the right flank which drives up to my sharpshooter. I leave it alone, rather than expose the AT guns yet, but pull the sharpshooter back a bit. On turn 10, it all starts to happen as troops appear in the left side of the wheat field, while on the right flank I drive 2 carriers up to hose the infantry moving across the open from a shorter range just as 2 tanks appear driving pretty much straight towards them. Scratch 2 carriers.

Turns 11-20: My reinforcements become my new reserves, while the existing reserve moves up into the central woods, as I’m guessing this is where they’ll do the most good. On the right flank, 1 of my AT guns starts to get receive some off board arty. By now, a third tank has appeared on the crest of the hill, so I figure “what the hell” and order it to open up. The other gun doesn’t have a clear shot, so it stays hidden. When the smoke clears, there’s 2 dead tanks & 1 dead 6 pdr. Gotta be happy with that. A couple of tanks have turned up on the left flank and are dismantling my Vickers teams, while staying tantalisingly just outside the LOS of the gun hiding there. In hindsight, it’s hiding in a fairly obvious spot. I’ve started dropping arty on his troops with my reinforcement 4.2” spotter (the old spotter still has about 60 rounds left) as they move through the wheat field. They don’t seem to like it much. The half squad that got mauled early on in the central woods has been left nearby in the middle of the woods as a canary. It suddenly dies without anything apparently nearby, so I guess (correctly) that an infantry assault is coming through there. This coupled with the wheat field guys also heading in that direction leads me to shift my reserve forward into these woods. An ugly firefight develops as we both pour men & artillery in there. 4 Shermans & a Firefly turns up at just the right time on the right flank, just as a major assault develops there involving at least 3 assault guns and a Tiger. I lose 1 Sherman pretty quickly because I exposed it too soon. The rest of my tanks pop out of cover all at the same time on the next turn, and I order the remaining AT gun on that flank to unhide & start shooting at the same time. 3 dead assault guns, 1 more dead 6 pdr. Meanwhile, in the centre woods there’s lots of dead Germans and almost as many dead Canadians (a win-win situation, some might say!). So far, local numerical superiority has saved the day on the right flank & centre, but more German armour has appeared on the left.

Turns 21-30: An SPW251/2 has got a little too close to comfort to my sole surviving 6 pdr AT gun, so the crew decide they won’t hide any longer and take it out. Of course, this is just what Norman wants. 1 more dead 6 pdr, courtesy of a nearby tank. Maybe an ambush order next time to keep them quiet for longer? In the meantime, I run the Firefly & 2 of the Shermans around the back of the map to engage the armour on the left flank. The other Sherman stays behind on the right to harass the infantry there & (hopefully) get a flank shot at the Tiger. In the centre woods, a series of withdrawals & ambushes finally swings things in my favour. The 2 Shermans on the left flank make a mad charge through the middle of the German assault there, turrets spinning like tops, with the Firefly laying down supporting fire from the other side of the bocage. 2 more dead assault guns plus a PzIV for no loss on my side, but it was blind chance that it worked out that way. On the right flank, Norman made a final assault by the surviving platoon and Tiger. The Sherman on the right ran around the low hill for a killing flank shot on the Tiger, while the hiding platoon in the tree line sprung an ambush on the infantry about 40m from the trees out in the open, taking the steam out of the attack.

In summary, a large dose of luck and some local concentration of force saved the day. The same can’t be said of our other battle, where Norman wiped the floor with me, but I’ll let him tell that story. Many lessons learned from both battles, I just wonder how many I’ll manage to remember next time.

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I did some quick calculations on the scores for each of the scenarios, and here's what I came up with (somebody may want to check the math :D ):

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">

Scenario Ready for Snow Standing

the Fray Warriors Strong

Allies Avg. 43 59 51

Axis Avg. 56 38 44

Difference -13 21 7</pre>

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I didn't do Snow Warriors.

Stand of the Strong was a meeting engagement with just about equivalent forces. The vehicle component was a PSW with a 20mm and a Panzer IV against a Greyhound with a 37mm and a vanilla Sherman.

At first, I thought the Axis had better forces in ready for the Fray. I don't know what the infantry comparison was, but in terms of barrels at the start, the Axis had a Tiger, a Panther, two Pz IVH, a Pz IVG, and a StuG IV. There were also two halftracks. Reserves included two StuH, two StuG III, and two 81mm mortar halftracks.

The Canucks started with three 6-pounders and a division of Bren and Universal Carriers. They got four Sherman V and a Firefly as a reserve.

Looking at it, it really all depends on what the Canadian commander got out of the AT guns. My opponent placed them in good positions, but not where they could support each other. He also forgot to protect them from infantry. They got a Panzer IV and a halftrack, but two of the three were destroyed by German infantry within 10 meters.

The most hilarious thing of this scenario is that I was a Canadian playing the Germans and my opponent was a German playing Canadians. smile.gif

[ August 24, 2002, 10:46 PM: Message edited by: Webs ]

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This is my first ever AAR. Any criticism (like length, style, detail, etc.) or suggestions (like to shut-up) would be appreciated. Email me at jbmnd93@hotmail.com

Scenario: Snow Warriors

Side: Americans

Turns completed: 30 out of 30

Result: Allied Tactical Victory (62-38)

Battle Plan:

Ruppenvenn is a small village forming a rough Triangle. Flanks are not viable approaches towards company objectives. Near side of Triangle includes the Major Objective Flag (MOF) at church. Far side of Triangle is enemy’s most likely axis of approach. “Hypotenuse” is most likely threat to flank. Balance of the battle will rest in possession of the "Right Angle."

Orders: “Rush to Defend.” Recon to jump off fast, advance past the MOF, and set up defense-line as far forward as possible along likely enemy axis of approach. Recon to perform delaying action until main body of Rifle Company sets up echelon defense behind recon. Late arriving armor to counter enemy armor assets and search for targets of opportunity.

Turns 1-7: First Blood

Recon platoon in halftracks flew over to off-load point; big house west of The Angle and railroad tracks. There they put an LOS on slag pile behind Ruppenvenn, and advanced into the village on foot. Two Greyhounds went left to Hypotenuse to feint towards enemy.

Both Greyhounds knocked out by one Puma in two minutes. Recon platoon caught debarking by another Puma that rounded the slag pile. Puma was buttoned and targeted halftracks. Recon platoon bugged out across open ground and into Angle without loss.

It was Open Season on halftracks so they scattered to take refuge in the alleys of Ruppenvenn. Along the way, their .50 cals knocked out both Pumas. One halftrack lost.

GIs set up defense forward of Angle and halftracks stayed in alleys for fire support. One German recon squad caught as it advanced. Another enemy squad worked in close and killed one halftrack with his faust. Offending squad paid ultimate price, and was eliminated by cross fire of two squads of GIs and halftracks. No infantry casualties in exchange, but position revealed to enemy.

Turns 6-19: Banzai AT Guns and Sacrificial Halftracks

Recon platoon fell back. Lead squad bloodied during withdrawal. Reinforcements arrived: 3 infantry platoons (C, D and E), 2 AT guns, 3 MGs, 2 mortars, and 105mm artillery spotter.

AT guns dumped in woods in favor of moving other heavy weapons forward; recalled some halftracks to rear to help. C Platoon sent left to Hypotenuse, D & E Platoons ordered to Angle directly. Transport plan worked well as all rifle and support units reached Ruppenvenn total on time.

Upon arrival of C Platoon to left flank position, out of fog, German truck and towed AT gun charged down Hypotenuse. Halftracks and small arms fire destroyed said enemy assets. Pursuit of surviving crews resulted in heavy friendly infantry casualties due to unseen heavy weapons.

Mixed results on left flank good compared to punishment of Recon Platoon on right flank. Enemy recovered from initial engagement and reinforced. Enemy directed heavy small arms fire on point recon squad. Friendly halftracks targeted by schrecks and fausts and knocked out one by one. D & E Platoons established defense positions in echelon behind Recon Platoon, latter rotated out of line of fire. 105 mm artillery established LOS on enemy rear and approaching assault squads.

Turns 14-25: Turning Point in a Tinderbox

C Platoon on left inoperable due to panic and regrouping, and right flank in excellent cover taking moderate casualties under heavy fire from superior numbers. Four Hellcat TDs arrived as last reinforcements. Three left to counter anticipated enemy armored force on Hypotenuse, and one Hellcat TD to right to support infantry in Angle.

Last halftrack at Angle disabled and lead Hellcat TD on left knocked out by unseen gun. In woods on far right flank, bazooka team acting as FO spotted 2 Hetzers south of slag pile. Lone Hellcat TD on right established firing position and knocked out both Hetzers as they rounded slag pile. Enemy armor judged not to be moving down Hypotenuse, all armor thrown to right flank to press advantage at slag pile.

Recon Platoon down to 50% strength and enemy infiltration into Angle. 105mm artillery called down on follow-up assault squads. Buildings heavily damaged.

At 20 minutes, last Recon elements forward of Angle fall back to final positions. Ammo levels of all squads excellent due to withheld fire. Most squads at rear of buildings to engage enemy at close quarters. Conversely, enemy fire continuous. Enemy ammo levels expected to be low. Enemy reached point of furthest advance. Estimated remnants of two enemy platoons occupied large forward building as jump-off point for final assault on church. Friendly artillery directed at said forces. Building set afire. All enemies within forced to abandon burning structure into heavy small arms fire. Most killed; small numbers escaped to rear.

Turns 23-30: Hellcat Finish

One Hellcat TD knocked out by panzerschreck. Last two Hellcat TDs took advantage of turretless enemy armor, penetrated enemy rear. Two Hetzers, three SPW 251/1 halftracks, one truck, one jeep destroyed in quick order. One Hellcat TD lost.

C Platoon on left flank regrouped and advanced in good order though woods at center of village into right flank of enemy advance. Enemy lead element cutoff from supporting troops and offered only sporadic fire. D & E Platoons captured remnants of enemy assault, including two officers.

Enemy fire minimal. C, D & E Platoons linked and began advance along enemy axis of advance to eliminate gains. Secondary objective captured. Last Hellcat lost to Hetzer. After 30 minutes, enemy infantry routed, Ruppenvenn secure pending mopping up operations.


Establishing defense in depth, ammo conservation, and effective artillery fire were keys to breaking enemy assault. At conclusion, only two friendly rifle squads had been eliminated and all others had ammo to spare. Armor penetration to rear disrupted enemy’s supporting fire before final assault. Less aggressive use of halftracks may have reduced losses of these elements, but .50 cal fire support was invaluable to distracting and blunting enemy advance. TDs used well despite avoidable early losses. Dumping AT guns in woods saved them from damage and allowed quick forward movement of more effective forces.

Allied Tactical Victory (62-38)

Axis Losses:

173 casualties (55 KIA)

9 captured

1 mortar destroyed

2 guns destroyed

13 vehicles destroyed

Men OK: 52

Allied Losses:

110 casualties (27 KIA)

12 vehicles destroyed

Men OK: 154

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Hey, woofers congrats on getting in 2nd round you deserve it.

Out of the few human games I played before this battle and the many afterwords this was my the most total and humiliating defeat. (I still get beat lots just not so well)

I'm trying to forget this battle. So, I'm mostly commenting on what Woofers posted.

I'll use left/right from Woofers point of view just to make it easy.

Setup: Idea was to advance infantry, covered by MG's. Only bring up my tanks once enemy armor/atgs/PIATs revealed.

2 plts center woods 1 on in left woods. Motars +ldr in left woods behind grain. other support weapons spread around.

2 tanks behind bend in sunken road

Tiger way out of sight on right

Rest of tanks on right behind ridge, out of sight.

Couple flamers in HT ready to go whereever some fire and HMGs were needed.

> Most importantly, half a rifle squad ... This team stayed hidden through the entire battle, but paid for itself many times over by keeping me posted on what Germans were moving around there.

You bastard, smile.gif now I know why I felt so totally out manuveoured. great move.

Turns 1-10:

Just probing with infan, vehicles stay back.

I drop some arty on obvious ATG locations nothing happens so I call it off. Bad for me cause there was a gun almost dead center under that barrage.

Canadians are cool customers.

>drop 4.2” & 2” mortar fire in the woods for a turn or two.

I ran like hell and stopped follow on troops, not too much damage IIRC.

>I leave it alone, rather than expose the AT guns yet

Very prudent, that made me think it was safe. Actually, I started to convince myself that this was an "unbalanced" scenario or that I had to get early gains in order to withstand your later game reinf. So, I eventally scrapped the slow scouting (my troops were just dieing anyway) and moved fwd more agressivly, which just got my tanks to die along with more infantry.

Turns 11-20:

>I’ve started dropping arty on his troops with my reinforcement 4.2” spotter (the old spotter still has about 60 rounds left) as they move through the wheat field. They don’t seem to like it much.

I was surprised at how much arty you had, it hurt a lot. Not as much as you might think in casualites but it slowed me down enough for your reinf to come and finish the job.

> The rest of my tanks pop out of cover all at the same time on the next turn,

A few turns before this I decided it was safe and ran all my armor way out into the open in a vain attempt to turn the tide in the infantry battle which I was loosing badly. They all died.

>almost as many dead Canadians

Wow, I thought it was 3-1 dead germans to dead Canadians, I thought I was fighting british btw. Maybe i would do better if I had paid more attention. smile.gif

>local numerical superiority

I would say this was the SOP for Woofers. I seemed to have the wrong thing (infan, armor) in the wrong place (in woods, out in the open) at the wrong time (as arty lands, as enemy armor crests ridge) over and over in this battle.

This is a lesson I have taken to heart.

Turns 21-30:

>Of course, this is just what Norman wants.

Too wise, are you. I find it so hard (and also so fun) to face differnt play styles. Recent other people I played weren't as crafty as you. And, no offence, but IMHO the other game we played you were not nearly as crafty. That was actually a big factor in me "underating" you and taking risks/assuming things I shouldn't have.

>get a flank shot at the Tiger.

I don't think that tiger ever shot a single round in anger. Not vs a tank in anycase, so sad.

I found the bocage hell, cause the enemy could move back and forth behind it out of LOS and at any point poke his nose through and get a flank/rear shot. (I don't like whoever designed this map, that's a round-a-bout compliment)

Woof had way more tanks and possibly infan AT, ATG's so I had to be extra carefull. I couldn't scout with my infantry as his MG/carriers/tanks would (and did) kill it and I couldn't retailate with my armor cause then it would (and did) get flanked and raped.

Towards the sad end I was racing my dwindling panzers back and forth desperately trying to flee his flanking armor. Woofers seemed to know how to counter every move I made. In retrospect the left side of the map was not a place to take tanks.

>while the hiding platoon in the tree line sprung an ambush on the infantry about 40m from the trees out in the open, taking the steam out of the attack.

I was stunned that you had infantry there. Geez, I can't believe you kept them not firing for so long. You are so patient and cool 'under fire'.

>In summary, a large dose of luck and some local concentration of force saved the day.

(the luck was to me in the other scenario, you earned this one)

In hindsight, I made the very worse decisions in this scenario.

I started cautious when I proly should have been agressive.

I should have led with the hvy tanks.

I expected tanks and hvy ATGs

I was totally stunned by the reinf (had no plans for them and did not want them esp did not want enemy to have them, was something in the brief about this?)

I divided into 2 thrusts, I should have picked one side and put every thing there and then sweeped. (would still have been bad when the reinf came but not as bad, maybe)

To whoever is playing Woofers in the second round, please beat him so there is no chance I will have to face him again smile.gif


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Hey Webs, I didn't stand a chance vs. you in StandStrong. Your infantry was faster than weasels, your tanks kept well hidden while my troops just scrambled from one edge of the woods to the next, trying to react. Next tournament, ban players with 3-digit board member numbers smile.gif


Did anyone else have the experience of some of your infantry reinforcements showing up on the wrong side of the bocage, just a few meters from German infantry?
They appeared just as I needed them most. Unfortunately, when taking cover in the bocage they came under heavy fire - then the AI decided that bocage isn't really cover at all but considered it open ground (there was a thread here about this a week ago). The next cover was scattered trees - towards the enemy. Scrap most of two platoons...

But I would have lost that one, anyway.

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