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Mac OS 10.2 & CM - Bad news

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Yup, you guessed it. CM does not run under 10.2 in Classic mode.

I just did an update to the latest available retail (Not a Beta) version of 10.2 (6C115), but unfortunatly it still does not solve our CM problem.

My set up is a dual 533mhz G4, OEM 32mb Radeon card & 768MB of RAM.



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Guest Panzer Boxb
Originally posted by Gyrene:

Yup, you guessed it. CM does not run under 10.2 in Classic mode.

I just did an update to the latest available retail (Not a Beta) version of 10.2 (6C115)...

I don't supposed you would mind enlightening us as to where you acquired Jaguar ahead of the pack? ;) I just acquired the dual-1Gig demo unit from the local CompUSA for a steal and rather than rebuild 10.1 I'd love to use 10.2 as the base.
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Yup, you guessed it. CM does not run under 10.2 in Classic mode.

I just did an update to the latest available retail (Not a Beta) version of 10.2 (6C115), but unfortunatly it still does not solve our CM problem.

This is silly. Of course it "does not solve our problem". Nobody would expect it to.

One more time: the way to run CM is to put it in a different partition (or better yet, on a second hard drive) set up with your favorite version of OS 9 and run it from there. Voila! CM in all its glory, plus your other apps that may not run well in OS X/Classic.

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Originally posted by davidh:

One more time: the way to run CM is to put it in a different partition (or better yet, on a second hard drive) set up with your favorite version of OS 9 and run it from there. Voila! CM in all its glory, plus your other apps that may not run well in OS X/Classic.

Er, CM doesn't have to be on the same partition as 9 does it? If it does, then this is a new wrinkle for me.


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I did consider upgrading to OS X either by buying OS X or by simply buying Apple's latest incarnations of the iMac, iBook or Powerbook.

I'm still running the Oct 99 era iMac (the DV version).

It's running now on OS 9.2.2.

The new 17 inch iMac still looks inviting thought...

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If you want to run CM from insice X through Classic, the only way is to hold down the space bar while Classic/OS9 is booting to bring up the extension manager and disable Classic RAVE. This will force CM to run is software 3D mode. It doesn't look as nice from close up, but from level 3 or so, it isn't so noticeable.

There will, most likely, never be a way to play CMBO or CMBB with hardware 3D unless Apple updates Classic RAVE, or BFI rewrites the 3D code. Neither of which seem very likely.

I recomend putting OS9 on a seperate partition. CM doesn't have to be on the partition, just the OS. This way, OSX can use the OS9 on the OSX partition as Classic, and you can have a copy of OS9 for CM that you don't have to fiddle with each reboot. The main advantage of this method, is that you can hold down the option key when booting and the boot loader will fire up showing you which volumes have bootable OSs on them. If partition MAIN_HD has OSX and Classic and SECOND_HD has a different install of 9, holding down the option ke when booting will give you 3 options to try and boot from . X on MAIN, OS9 on SECOND, and NETBOOT.

You don't even need to run any programs or utilities to reboot into different OSs if they are on different partitions/volumes. It's very clean. If this is confusing or I worded it wrong, please either post back or send me an email and I'd be happy to help you out.


Scott Karch


[ August 17, 2002, 01:14 PM: Message edited by: karch ]

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Er, CM doesn't have to be on the same partition as 9 does it? If it does, then this is a new wrinkle for me.


Apologies for my being vague; see karch's note above for details. It is the version of OS 9 you want to play CM under that you want on the different partition (or, as I do, on the different hard drive).

I was mostly just being cranky about seeing yet another thread about 'CMBO/CMBB can't be played on the Mac', when that just simply isn't true. Play CMBO on your Mac now, and play CMBB on your Mac when it arrives next month, and let the future take care of itself and quit losing sleep over what Apple may or may not do...

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Er, CM doesn't have to be on the same partition as 9 does it? If it does, then this is a new wrinkle for me.


Apologies for my being vague; see karch's note above for details. It is the version of OS 9 you want to play CM under that you want on the different partition (or, as I do, on the different hard drive).

I was mostly just being cranky about seeing yet another thread about 'CMBO/CMBB can't be played on the Mac', when that just simply isn't true. Play CMBO on your Mac now, and play CMBB on your Mac when it arrives next month, and let the future take care of itself and quit losing sleep over what Apple may or may not do...

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Originally posted by Panzer Boxb:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gyrene:

Yup, you guessed it. CM does not run under 10.2 in Classic mode.

I just did an update to the latest available retail (Not a Beta) version of 10.2 (6C115)...

I don't supposed you would mind enlightening us as to where you acquired Jaguar ahead of the pack? ;) I just acquired the dual-1Gig demo unit from the local CompUSA for a steal and rather than rebuild 10.1 I'd love to use 10.2 as the base.</font>
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Guest Panzer Boxb
Originally posted by Gyrene:

The new G4 towers come with 10.2 installed and in their recovery cds package is a 2 disc set of 10.2 installers that are not model specific, ergo.....(Selling computers for a living has a few benefits every now and then. ;) )

Aiieee! Ya rat bastage! :D I was going to try asking around some of the local stores to see if they had received their stock yet. Sometimes you can catch a goof who doesn't know they shouldn't sell it.
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David, I don't understand what you find so silly about this post. I have been testing all versions of OS X & CM from Developer Preview 4 to now and posting the results here and this is just a continuation of the same.

"Nobody expects" is a false statement as there are several unadvertised improvements in 10.2 and better RAVE support could have sneaked in, and yes I am fully aware of how to run CM in my mac under a 9 partition (I have 3 partitions for 10.2, 10.1.5 & 9.2), so I don't need to be reminded by you "one more time", you are not telling us anything we don't already know.


Posting the non-news that CM still doesn't run under Classic RAVE with the headline "Mac OS 10.2 & CM-Bad News" is, I think, pushing a negative impression of how CMBO (and CMBB) work on Macs. As of now, they work fine. For the foreseeable future, they will work fine.

As for your other point... I was offering advice to Mac users who may not be as knowledgeable as you, and who might have read your post in this new thread and gotten the idea that they wouldn't be able to play CM on their Macs.

I do not see the point of wailing and moaning about possible future problems with Mac/CM compatibility. They work together now, they will work together a month from now when CMBB comes out. Past that, who knows? Leave it up to Charles, Steve and company. For now, shaddup and play!


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Originally posted by Gyrene:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Boxb:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gyrene:

Yup, you guessed it. CM does not run under 10.2 in Classic mode.

I just did an update to the latest available retail (Not a Beta) version of 10.2 (6C115)...

I don't supposed you would mind enlightening us as to where you acquired Jaguar ahead of the pack? ;) I just acquired the dual-1Gig demo unit from the local CompUSA for a steal and rather than rebuild 10.1 I'd love to use 10.2 as the base.</font>
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  • 4 weeks later...

this is it

CMBO and CMBB won't run on NEW macs after sometime in 2003......

Mac OS X only booting in 2003

by Jim Dalrymple, jdalrymple@maccentral.com

September 10, 2002 6:05 am ET

Apple on Tuesday told attendees of Apple Expo Paris that its Macintosh computers would lose the ability to boot in the older Mac OS 9 operating system in 2003. While customers will no longer be able to boot their machines in OS 9, they will still have the option to run the OS in the Classic environment in OS X.

"We expect that 20 percent of our entire installed base will be using Mac OS X by the end of this year, making it the fastest operating system transition in recent history," said Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO. "Now it's time for Apple and our third-party developers to focus all of our resources exclusively on Mac OS X, rather than dividing them between two different operating systems."

Apple switched its default boot operating system at Macworld Expo in San Francisco earlier this year -- according to Apple, 75 percent of customers have chosen to keep OS X as the default operating system.

Appple said in a statement today that the company has an estimated 3 million Mac OS X users and expects to reach 5 million Mac OS X users -- or more than 20 percent of the installed base -- by the end of this calendar year.

"We're happy to see Apple take this next step to drive adoption of Mac OS X," said Kevin Browne, general manager of the Macintosh Business Unit at Microsoft Corp. "Mac OS X has really come of age with the release of 'Jaguar,' and we think the combination of OS X v10.2 and Office v. X for Mac provides our customers with the power and compatibility they're seeking."

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Originally posted by Ignatious J. Fathead:

Some of us did, anyway. Others seemed to be living in a state of serious denial. Effectively, no Mac sold after the end of this year will run CM.

*sigh* I never saw anyone state that this wouldn't happen eventually, despite all of the straw men you tried to put up.

People were stating that CMBB will continue to work fine on current hardware. Which is still absolutly true, even after this press release.

That still leaves a pretty good user base to sell in to.


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Originally posted by Ben Galanti:

*sigh* I never saw anyone state that this wouldn't happen eventually, despite all of the straw men you tried to put up.

People were stating that CMBB will continue to work fine on current hardware. Which is still absolutly true, even after this press release.

That still leaves a pretty good user base to sell in to.


Look, I sincerely have no desire to start a flame-war over this, so if I can forestall one before it starts by withdrawing my previous statement, I will.

To rephrase: It seemed to me that several posters in prior threads on this subject were arguing that the action Apple announced today would not occur until well into the future. I recall having my ears boxed pretty severely for arguing that it would probably happen sooner rather than later.

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Originally posted by Ignatious J. Fathead:

Look, I sincerely have no desire to start a flame-war over this, so if I can forestall one before it starts by withdrawing my previous statement, I will.

To rephrase: It seemed to me that several posters in prior threads on this subject were arguing that the action Apple announced today would not occur until well into the future. I recall having my ears boxed pretty severely for arguing that it would probably happen sooner rather than later.

Fair enough, I should probably do the same, as I don't want to start a flamewar either. There was just a lot of misinformation flying around that thread.

Granted, the whole thing is pretty silly. Obviously, if it was easily done, BF.com would have made CMBB compatible with OS X. They decided that the effort wasn't worth the return for this version.

The best any of us can do is to file a bug report with Apple about the problems with Classic and RAVE compatibility. If Apple thinks classic is a fine solution, they might as well get an ear full when it doesn't work...


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Originally posted by Ben Galanti:

The best any of us can do is to file a bug report with Apple about the problems with Classic and RAVE compatibility. If Apple thinks classic is a fine solution, they might as well get an ear full when it doesn't work...

There you go. I doubt very seriously that Apple is going to change anything on this issue, but at least we can let them know that they have a bunch of seriously displeased customers on their hands. Might make them step a little more carefully next time.

Personally, I think one of Apple's greatest commercial failings has been its neglect of gamers as a population. They completely ignored us for years, then they gave us a little lip service, finally they've thrown us a crumb or two. But they sure have been slow to seize the nettle.


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Originally posted by Ben Galanti:

I just sent them the following under the Hardware/Software compatability feedback:-

I am an avid player of a made on a Mac game called Combat Mission made by an enthusiastic and 'indie' company called Battlefront(.com). I bought the original game Combat Mission:Beyond Overlord (three years in development, but they were caught out when Apple changed 3D specs to Open GL) when all I had was a Umax Pulsar and to due the demands of the game I chose to upgrade to a G4 DP450 and purchase an aftermarket ATI Radeon graphics card. Battlefront are due to release in next couple of weeks a new game Combat Mission: Berlin to Barbarossa based on the same engine as CM:BO.

While the new game ( two years in development) will run on my current machine in OS9 (and in OSX only by disabling RAVE and getting to run in Software Emulation in Classic - v poorly), I was seriously considering to upgrade to a new G4 tower Mac in 2003 - Until I saw that Macs will not boot in OS9 which obviously will close a door on my being able to play my favourite game. Please can you offer some suggestions/alter specs so I can enjoy in the near future the best Macs working in harmony with only recently released 3rd party software. Cheers from the UK

[ September 10, 2002, 07:07 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]

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By all means, complain to Apple. But as I read in another thread, Apple has updated RAVE support in 10.2, but CM still won't run in the Classic Environment. So -- at the risk of playing human mine detector here -- maybe this problem should not be placed entirely on Apple's shoulders. Might it not be appropriate to rattle CM's cage as well?

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