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For BTS and those in the know about CMBB

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1) Is there going to be roads of different widths in CMBB and

2) Is it going to be possible to mount more than two units per vehicle in CMBB. At the moment 2 sharpshooters seem to take up the same amount of room as a stormwhatsit of 13 men.

I'll stop bothering you now smile.gif

Cpl Carrot

[ March 05, 2002, 11:37 PM: Message edited by: Cpl Carrot ]

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Originally posted by Cpl Carrot:

1) Is there going to be roads of different widths in CMBB...

Wasn't much in the way of roads in the USSR in the GPW period. More like dirt tracks. If you needed to move anything very far, it had to go by rail. One of the major reasons the Germans lost.


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Incipient thread hijack. I've read volumes(relatively speaking) about how the difference in gauges slowed the Wehrmacht in 41 but nothing to suggest the same difference slowed the Red Army at all in 44-45. Maybe just a case of Urrah Studebaker! or another lack of foresight in planning Barbarossa.

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Originally posted by gatpr:

Incipient thread hijack. I've read volumes(relatively speaking) about how the difference in gauges slowed the Wehrmacht in 41 but nothing to suggest the same difference slowed the Red Army at all in 44-45. Maybe just a case of Urrah Studebaker! or another lack of foresight in planning Barbarossa.

I think you may be on to something by suggesting that by '44 the USSR was less totally dependent on rail movement than either army was in '41. But I have read something else that is interesting if true (it remains unconfirmed for me at present): in regauging the Soviet rail lines, the Germans did not pull up either rail and move it over to obtain the gauge they could use, they simply laid down a third rail inside one of the existing ones. Thus, the old Russian gauge was still in place and the Soviets would have had nothing to change. This sounds to me unlikely, but life and war are strange enough that I won't rule it out of hand. Anybody definitely know for sure? How would you get the points, etc. to work?


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One more question:

A) In scenario design, will it be possible to have units with toggles to be muliplayer only or single/human player only.

The reason I ask is that I have found the AI can't use mortars indirecly and therfore needs to have a spotter instead. It would be nice to have a spotter for the AI to use and regular on-board for a human to use.

Now I will really stop bothering you, honest


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Russia had European gauge rails that went as far east as Velikye Luki. They had three different gauges for that matter. European gauge in most of the Baltic States, old Poland, and some of the Ukraine, Russian gauge in most of Russia and a narrow gauge that they used on small trunk lines. The Germans had little trouble repairing the European gauge lines in the first summer. The reason why they laid the third rail was because they wanted to use captured Russian rolling stock.

The Russian advance was greatly delayed by German distruction of the rail net. That is one reason why they were forced to stop when there was little or no German resistance in front of them from time to time.


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Not that I am using newsreels as a reference, as I talked about in the 88 thread, but the moving pictures of the Germans using, in one instance, a machine on wheels the pulled up and destroyed the railroad ties as it went along, has always had me wondering how commonly these devices were employed - or if they had a name?

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Michael Dorosh,

In a book I saw years ago called RAILS AT WAR or some such, the device you describe, called a Track Wolf, was shown in several photos. There may also have been a version which automatically injected small charges at intervals to add to the destruction. The Track Wolf's been shown on the U.S. History Channel and in the old "World at War" series.

Hope this helps.


John Kettler

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