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Wine, Women And Sing songs, Long Live The Peng Challenge Thread

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Originally posted by Nestor:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Say no MORE!

Is that a promise you overblown, over-the-hill, alcohol fuelled, sun addled, Ozzy pillock?

Just for the record, England coming over to you for the Ashes is not about playing cricket, it's about getting the 'barmy army' out of the country for a few months! You see, we're still using it as a penal colony. Didn't anybody tell you?

Australians - always the first to get to Friday and the last to realise that the joke's on them!

Clearly, you are not going to shut up until you've been metaphorically smacked around the head with a virtual lump of willow for 25 turns or so by an Englishman. So, send me some form of 'hard track, lots of sunshine, it rained 5 years ago' setup and we'll see what's what and who's who shall we?</font>

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Originally posted by Noba:

Some of us are on SIX WEEKS LEAVE.

Were you ASKED to leave? Big difference, you know.

Some of have a climate that allows laying on the beach in 30Celsius temperatures listening to The Poms Getting Another Hiding.

Yeah, well, it's summer down there isn't it? So, you'd think that it might possibly be warm, wouldn't you, Mr. Master-Of-The-Obvious?

Ah well, it's to be expected, I guess. Although "the Poms getting another hiding" is something I can go along with. Unless you're talking about that dreadful pseudo sport of "Crikey" or whatever it's called.

[ November 29, 2002, 10:15 AM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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It's so much fun watching you colonials tear each other to shreds trying to be the best at insulting the mother country.

We all know that the 'Mericuns were the only one's to make anything of themselves after giving the stuffy Brits the BOOT!!! .

We can pollute our own air quite nicely...thank you very much, and we are big enough and careless enough to pollute everyone elses as well, if you piss us off...

Now that we Yanks are all fat and stuffed with the bounty of our hard work and ingenuity, after celebrating a remembrance of our ancestors. We can reflect on one positive result of our association with the other English speaking peoples of this planet.

We never adopted that pointless, dress wearing ,sissified GAME??? of Cricket!!!

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Let me inject a bit of "I beat cmplayer!" into the MBT. After 14-20 games lost, I have finally given the sumbitch the bum's rush back to Not-quite-Finland.

In other news, I have succesfully engaged all of Radley's Playouse on the field of battle, and, in light of set-up, purchase, and parameter hijinx among that sad-clown lot, am well on my way to Final Victory.

Did I mention my head hurts. Whoever it was invented jello-shots needs to be shot - preferably with enough jello-shots to make his brain a sacharine-dripping gelatinous cube. Whoever heard of mixing vodka with sacharine?? It tastes like that crap your dentist washes your mouth out with, you know - so he doesn't have to smell that stench wafting from your bowels as he climbs into your mouth.

Fecking Australians.

[ November 29, 2002, 01:08 PM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Did I mention my head hurts. Whoever it was invented jello-shots needs to be shot - preferably with enough jello-shots to make his brain a sacharine-dripping gelatinous cube. Whoever heard of mixing vodka with sacharine?? It tastes like that crap your dentist washes your mouth out with, you know - so he doesn't have to smell that stench wafting from your bowels as he climbs into your mouth.
How old are you? Those drinks are what kids with false IDs imbibe, or the pre-30's mommy set have while they are sitting around lamenting about how they could have been supermodels if they hadn't gotten knocked up by the jerk from the next block.

Serves you right boob!

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

In other news, I have succesfully engaged all of Radley's Playouse on the field of battle, and, in light of set-up, purchase, and parameter hijinx among that sad-clown lot, am well on my way to Final Victory.

HAHAHAHAHAHA...HAH...HAHAHA...Hahahaha...Heh heh heh...sniff...ha...

You amuse me.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Let me inject a bit of "I beat cmplayer!" into the MBT. After 14-20 games lost, I have finally given the sumbitch the bum's rush back to Not-quite-Finland.

That you did you cheating, gamey, T-34 tank rushing, crew scouting, variable rarity loophole exploiting, conscript arty-spotter purchasing, dirty, no good low-life GROG WANNABEE! "T'34s were common on that front, la tee da".

Well listen.

I got a molotov with your name on it. Well, with the name of Fred on it actually. And I've got the boxed set DVD of Winter War and I've got Aquavit with melted licorice candy in it. I've got daisy chains, I've got SMGs, I've got arty traps, cul de sacs, kill zones, bunkers, complex ambushes with mines, flamethrowers, smgs and TRPS ARRANGED IN A BALLET of fire and brimstone to destroy your infantry. I've got AT guns, high velocity ones, I've got armor, fast and nasty one's and above all I've got the Womanhood of Karelia, a sturdy breed, on my side cheering us on. You drunk Ivan snots will WISH YOU WERE HOLIDAYING IN CHECHNIYA when we're FINNISHED with you. Dja hear that. FINNished whicha. Get it? Finn-ished. ha.

The setup's in the mail and this time the loser has to GO TO CHURCH 2 SUNDAYS IN A ROW IN HIS LOCAL COMMUNITY Unless it's MRSPKR in which case he must vist his local Buddhist Temple and prostrate thrice to the Guru .

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

We all know that the 'Mericuns were the only one's to make anything of themselves after giving the stuffy Brits the BOOT!!! .






We never adopted that pointless, dress wearing ,sissified GAME??? of Cricket!!!

And to think that up until this I thought he was extolling the good points of his fine up standing country.

Never mind - don't you owe me a turn??

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Let me inject a bit of "I beat cmplayer!" into the MBT.


Did I mention my head hurts.


Fecking Australians.

Roight Ho ! Thats enough of the insults. Your offhand, poxy petty remarks about Australians can be ignored no longer. You shall feel the misery of defeat at my hands. You shall join the rest of the losers in battle versus the might of my Russian Hordes. You shall lose mightily and post the result forthwith.

A set up shall be yours.

(And take a dozen asprin for that headache).


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