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How do I keep wife from bugging

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1) Buy wife bargain-basement computer for web surfing, keep good computer for CM.

2) Buy latest greatest PC for CM, give current computer to wife.

3) Bargain with wife for more computer time (good luck).

4) Duct tape wife to chair, play CM on current computer. (this option saves you money as well).

5) Declare that you have a mistress and you are going to visit her, then go somewhere where you have computer set up to play CM in peace. (this will, however, be extremely embarassing if she finds out the truth).

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Option two works great. It costs a little up front, but the payback is CM ANYTIME!

I bought a new computer, top of the line, gave the old one to my wife and kids. Set her e-mail up on it and now she can't use mine....muhahahahaha!

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1) When she bugs you say "What's that?!?!" and point behind her, do that until she gets annoyed and leaves the room.

2) Tell her you hacked into the US Defence system, and this isn't a game.

3) Just tell her to "Get back in the kitchen, and make me some pie!".

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Through out the course of recorded history, Man has always painted himself as the dominate influence in human society . This theory is incorrect in its inception and regrettably its use. Solution: Admit to your wife that she is actually the boss of your home and beg her forgiveness. In an excited state of euphoria your wife will either: A) Go out and earn the families money, leaving you home to care for the house, you can then hire a maid and play CM until your eyes bleed, or B) Grant you more computer time for being so honest :]

[This message has been edited by Covenant (edited 01-12-2001).]

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Guest Der Unbekannte Jäger

Wife = Problem

No Wife = No Problem


"The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum."

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Ehm... upgrade her! (Wife 1.0 has normally a bug, that can make problems with a lot of programs: Dinnerwithfriends 1.0, blondandnicenewgirl 1.0, beerandfootball 1.0... and also Cmission 1.1... BUT upgrading to Divorced 1.0 fix the bug). The upgrade is not so easy and also expensive (think to upgrade Windows...) but the fixes are a lot -not like Windows-


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So what version of wife are y'all up to? I'm still using Ver 1.0. I refuse to upgrade to Ver 2.0. I figure if I get rid of Ver 1.0 I will never use the Wife program again. I know some that are using Wife Ver 2.0 and Ver 3.0. I think their nuts because half of them are still having the same buggy problems they had with Wife Ver 1.0. I'll certainly use the Girlfriend software but I would never go back to using Wife software. Its just too complicated and user unfriendly.


(This post is in jest)

(Really it is!)

(I swear!!)

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Spend the dough, get a new PC and give wife your old one. Greatest thing I ever did for my marriage. Even when she's not interested in surfing I'll ask my wife to keep me company while I do some work on my PC (which eventually leads to CM) and she ends up glued to her PC for hours.

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I have slowly taught my girlfriend to love WWII and will be introducing her to CM. 4 years ago she actively disliked talkingabout the war. Then SPR came along. We talked about the Normandy campaign in general and some of the weapons in the movie... Then one weekend I blitzed her with viewings of ABTF, Kelly's Heroes, and Das Boot about a month before we went to New Orleans and among the drunken stubleing, spent a couple afternoons at the D-Day Museum... a great beginners WWII experience.

She started raiding my library after that and has read up on Stalingrad and the Burgett books...

Started in on small doses of CM... nice graphics helped and her imagination and huge competitive spirit is taking care of the rest. I estimate that it will be only a few more games before she admits to being a nerd and fires the game up on her own.

Then the only thing I'll have to worry about is losing to my gf... hmmm...

And who will cook dinner?

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