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Not a peep about bridges, very interesting?

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Somewhat tangential, but nevertheless, I was wondering the other day whether perhaps rivers were modelled any differently. I mean, wouldn't a river current be an interesting twist, and certainly realistic, too.

Maybe it wouldn't be worth it since actual river crossing scenarios are so few and far between, but, smoke drifts in CMBB, so couldn't water too?

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Originally posted by Spanish Bombs:

Somewhat tangential, but nevertheless, I was wondering the other day whether perhaps rivers were modelled any differently. I mean, wouldn't a river current be an interesting twist, and certainly realistic, too.

Maybe it wouldn't be worth it since actual river crossing scenarios are so few and far between, but, smoke drifts in CMBB, so couldn't water too?

BTS or BFC or KFC or whomever they are this week walk a VERY fine line between eye candy and hard sim. I imagine if the water moved, grogs of all descriptions would rant and rave that it was both gamey and unnecessary, and at any rate really bogged down their P90's with on-board EGA.


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

If water had currents and we really screwed with the elevations in the editor, could we make a swirling vortex? :D

Yeah!! And fast flowing white water rapids with salmon spawning and........ oops! This thread is drifting...... still, it never hurts to fantasise a little bit I s'pose. I bet Steve and Charles even do that - occasionally. ;):D


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