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The Nordic Champ/Wannabee Scenarios Chat

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I tried to split the middle. I started well against the Sherman’s but when the M10’s and self propelled’s showed up I got jammed. The self propelled guns showed up as “tank?”’s and I hesitated on the assault.

The continuous rain of mortar fire didn’t help things either.

At least the Germans weren’t all green!

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I tried a three pronged attack and almost got it working. Unfortunately there were two 105mm how's foiling my attack in the center (one got nailed, one nailed my Stug and stopped my infantry for 10+ turns) and my arty got delayed for like 10 turns before it started ~3 turns before the scen ended.

IMO with a few more minutes in the clock the scen would be more manageable for the Axis player. He starts out with the flags in the hands of the Allies and if he is to take them he must either risk attack from the flanks or get stuck in the flanks while clearing them. I got almost to the bluff to the right of the flags and I almost got to take the Allied flank and rear. But then I ran out of time as a head long dash was right out of the question.

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Yeah, more turns.

I already retreated from the map when I got the second Tiger on my right and used whatever infantry was left. As it happend my opponent had vulnerable Shermans on my right, so I started to kill his tanks from right to left with one tank, but got stopped by the clock after two kills.

So I caught him off balance and it would have been very interesting to see when my run hit the wall - maybe he will overact and take further losses from too hasty moves to stop the Tiger or maybe he just raised his spears and ended my hopes.

(I still lost, of course)

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I tried a two pronged attack. Pz IV and Tigers up the right to dominate the high ground. The rest went up the road. Got the crack Shreman (Wilder) a piece of cake but things went down hill from there. A M-10 did to major damage taking out a couple of tanks.

One thing that threw me in this game was the Panzerfaust 100's my troops had. I'm not sure if this was a over sight or a balancing thing. I am tending towards an oversight. (Not that they ever used them).

Once I had spotted the guns I area targeted just in front of them and removed one that way. Lynx (WOOT) got another and arty a thrid by the flag.

BTW I was playing Wreck

[ April 17, 2002, 04:49 PM: Message edited by: Cpl Carrot ]

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I had the unfortunate luck of replacing one of the original participants, and he left me with an impossible situation.

Upon opening the scenario I discover all my armor destroyed except for a StuH42 and a Lynx. All of my infantry is still embarked in HTs, with the exception of one platoon which was already shot to pieces. The HTs were still in convoy formation and heading straight into a three way ambush of Tanks, TDs and SP guns. Worse, I also had tanks working their way around to my rear.

I lasted all of two turns before I committed the cardinal sin of tourneys - I surrendered. I knew the consequences of that would be severe, but I don't think I could have watched another 5 turns of my forces being blown to hell without any hope of resisting or escaping.

Needless to say, it was not a fun time for me :mad:

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So I caught him off balance and it would have been very interesting to see

when my run hit the wall - maybe he will overact and take further losses from

too hasty moves to stop the Tiger or maybe he just raised his spears and

ended my hopes.

Yea that tiger did catch me off guard. You did have just enough inf. to keep my zooks at bay. You might have been able to work your way down that hill. I did have a 105 how. about 30m from the rightmost sherman your tiger killed that might have been able to kill the tiger had it turn toward the flag to early and shown its rear. My m10 probably could have taken the tiger but not without casulities.

By the way those m10 showed up just in time to stop the first push. They were actually on fast move from their entry to get to a firing position. If they arrive 2 turns later they would have been a rear guard

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Yeah that Tiger was a surprise. But a late one. In my game vs. MrJohnson, he got a Sherman and M10, but couldn't really impact the outcome of the battle.

I have a question about Aftermath. I played the Allies and lost a good bunch of points when both of my M5 Halftracks knocked themselves out (my opponent confirmed that, none of his units where credited with kill, hafltracks however each had "1 unidentified vehicle knocked out"). Did any of you had the same thing happening? I'm not a big fan of night battles, does this happens often when unit gets itself with MG fire?

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They may have targeted one another and fired a burst. Sometimes in a taffic jam light vehicles can be knocked out when they are run into.

I played the Allies on this as well and everything was going well untill I lost my croc to a minefield. After that I chased every one of WARHAMMER's squad into the ground trying to get my points back. A couple of more turns and I may have found the pillbox too.

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Originally posted by Cpl Carrot:

They may have targeted one another and fired a burst. Sometimes in a taffic jam light vehicles can be knocked out when they are run into.

I played the Allies on this as well and everything was going well untill I lost my croc to a minefield. After that I chased every one of WARHAMMER's squad into the ground trying to get my points back. A couple of more turns and I may have found the pillbox too.

They weren't in the LOS of each other, when the thing happened.

BTW, i found the pillbox, but time ran out...

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I had a M3A1 knock itself out by shooting into a house right in front of it. And the 7mm or 8mm is vulnerable to 7.92mm fire at 20-30m. So that's very well possible and seems to be modeled.

My M5s committed suicide by driving right through enemy infantry, and I lost the Croc in the bloddy minefield, too. I found the pillbox, though and had a HQ knock it out with its first hand grenade :D

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It’s funny but in the Aftermath I was the Germans and I read my orders as saying hold the bunker at all costs, my opponent read it as hold the cross roads at all costs. So more or less we just sat there waiting for the other to attack.

After several turns I sneaked forward only to be confronted by a Croc who promptly sprayed and bombarded the woods I was in. I quickly chose the better part of valor and retreated to setup ambushes for the forthcoming attack that never materialized. All in all it was one of the quietest battles I ever fought.

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I pretty much screw up at the Aftermath, as you probably can see from the scores. smile.gif

Biggest problem was that I realized the need to attack some ten turns into the game, and even then I didn't do what would have been best - concentrate the meager forces I have and strike with them. Instead I just probed the flanks and tried to hunt Cogust's tanks with my 'schrecks.

After the "main thrust" was repelled bloodily, I resigned to defend my only flag. Cogust attacked really well, and the game ended with a big defeat.

Anyone else who made the mistake of completely ignoring the road running at the edge of British side of the river in the Economy of Force? I completely forgot to consider it as an enemy attack route, with the result of being flanked bad by Stugs and PzIVs. Luckily my reinforcement Sherman II had a good day, and it eventually got some three tanks and two halftracks.


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Anyone else who made the mistake of completely ignoring the road

running at the edge of British side of the river in the Economy of


I never pushed to the far bridge before the very end of the game. I

had infantry left of the river (covered by the Stuart on my river

side), the Churchill on the high ground left of the Bacage and the

rest of my stuff pretty far back. When the Panzer IV appeared, they

had a long way to go. My opponent also seperated them, one went right

up to my map edge where Sexton, Sherman and Daimler AC waited (it went

hulldown, getting a turret hit by the DAC after it killed the Sexton),

the other went center, I dashed the Churchill through the Bocage, he

tried to flank it, but it didn't work well in snow and against the

fast-turret Churchill.

His StuGs did not participiate in this fight.

[ April 18, 2002, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: redwolf ]

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Originally posted by Cpl Carrot:

How did you guys take out the FlammHetzer? I was VERY lucky and got a 'lower hull at weak point' with a Stuart on its very first shot. Man I was stoked over that.

I got lucky. I assume my opponent tried to make it turn at a street corner to face my infantry and instead it started a full 360 the wrong way. It ended up mooning my troops and I got to nail it with a shot up the tailpipe from across the river. :D

[ April 18, 2002, 05:31 PM: Message edited by: tero ]

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Originally posted by Cpl Carrot:

How did you guys take out the FlammHetzer? I was VERY lucky and got a 'lower hull at weak point' with a Stuart on its very first shot. Man I was stoked over that.

I got a Stuart shot into the rear.

Before you cry my opponent was stupid, it is a longer story.

I had two platoons moved over the near bridge and in the houses, and the Stuarts giving overwatch from my side of the bridge. But he blocked the bridge with a StuG and a AC shooting along the river, so the Stuarts couldn't cross it when the Flammpanzer, two Lynx and lots of halftracks pushed on to my infantry. He chased my infantry from house to house (I used withdrawl everytime) with the Flammpanzer, while killing my PIATs with Lynx and halftrack MGs (they were too slow in snow and hedges).

That would all have been well for him, but when he lost his Pz IV on my right flank, I rolled up the map from right to left, in the center killing the AC and immobilizing the bridge-blocking StuG with the gun not pointing to the bridge.

The Flammpanzer was flaming away at the houses near my map side with my platoons in them. A few minutes more and I would have to retreat from the map. But when the bridge blocking force fell, I got over the Stuarts over very fast and shot the flammpanzer into his very rear before it reacted.

[ April 18, 2002, 06:38 PM: Message edited by: redwolf ]

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I ran up to a sexton with my flampanzer, fried it, started to back up and got hit from the side.

This was tough. I raced one of my MkIV’s around the corner and started down toward the bridge but as I reached the corer I was targeted by a Sherman, that Sherman targets me through one multi-story building than another before it fired. The shot went completely through one of the multi-story stone buildings and hit me in the side. How the…did that happen!

Next one of my green Stugs was in ambush behind a house at the intersection on the Allied right that leads down to the river. All of a sudden it goes immobile while it was just sitting in the road! Ok I thought he still has to come past my ambush marker on the road to make a left and head for the river. Well his Sherman moves right into the ambush marker and stops! My unbuttoned Stug doesn’t even see it! The Sherman after a few seconds of just sitting there, spots the Stug and starts to turn it’s turret toward the Stug. I’m yelling SHOOT! SHOOT! but to no avail. The turret finishes it’s turn and pow one dead Stug. Arrgh, I hate green troops.

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As the Germans (with green troops) I had thought the Allies were on both sides of the river like I was. I figured it would just be a task holding the one bridge closest to me. Not knowing on whose side the imbalance lay (I thought it would be on his side since I didn’t feel all that strong) I set up a defense position around the 1st bridge closest to me. By the time I realized he was only on one side, it was to late to move up. He had placed guns in the top floors on the other side of the river and I kept getting caught in the open around the Church, My green troops quickly ran back to where they started.

I moved my FO up on the right in a second story that had a LOS to the high ground on the other side of the river, the Allied right, and blunted his assault there. That helped immensely.

[ April 18, 2002, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: Ricochet ]

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Enough is Enough:

I came in as a reserve and took over about 3 minutes into the game against tero. The 105mm howitzers were in an interesting position indeed. They were deployed far forward into the center and managed to hold of the Germans for a loooong time. The tank battle went pretty bad initially, but I managed to take out some Panzers and halted his offensive. More turns would probably be helpful as tero was forced to make a pretty fast attack and run into my M10s and infantry ambushes.

Economy of Force:

This was a very interesting scenario, I came in at turn 3 or so and my guys hadn't advanced very far. I rushed forward towards 'my' bridge, but the Brits was able to beat me to the bridge on my left flank. A PSW 234/1 managed ran amok in among the Brits on my left and killed a LOT of HTs and some ACs as well. This made it possible for me to drive my entire left flank armour to the enemy rear and to his bridge (using the road in the British back field). The StuG bogged and got immobilized before getting anywhere, one Pz IV got hit by a Daimler (first shot kill) and the other Pz IV and the PSW got killed at the bridge by a Stuart but I managed to take out some British armour on the way. On my right I lost the Flammpanzer and everything seemed hopeless when a Sherman went HT hunting. A shocked StuG managed to take out the Churchill though (he was too occupied blowing up German infantry) and the game ended up in a draw. The Brits had a Sherman and a Stuart left armourwise and I had my immobilized StuG.

The Aftermath:

I began the game with very little infantry, but as Juha were a little coservative and did some careful scouting I managed to get my reinforcing infantry foward before he could close assault my tanks. I beat off his attack and launched a counterattack aimed towards the pillbox (I also hunted down some Schrecks and broken teams) where one of my platoon HQs threw a handgrenade at a German squad close to the Pillbox but missed and knocked out the pillbox instead!? I got REALLY lucky in this one.

Gotta Get Up:

This was a non-event, I ran as fast as I could towards the enemy back field with my flanking force and very little escaped. My river crossing operation was not even necessary to perform to win this one comfortably. I feel sorry for Kingfish who didn't have that much to do in this one.

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Originally posted by Cpl Carrot:

How did you guys take out the FlammHetzer? I was VERY lucky and got a 'lower hull at weak point' with a Stuart on its very first shot. Man I was stoked over that.

My churchill, after killing two Panzer IVH´s , a PSW234/1 ??? and some inf, finally killed it. I´ve split my forces, taking the left bridge first. Ole Strider killed my Sexton at that bridge and later a Daimler. I could hold that bridge however. Meanwhile my other cloumn moves to the crossing where I will come to the right bridge. My HT´s have loaded my inf near the houses.Lost two to the PSW 234/1 arriving. Slowly the churchill, my only heavy asset of that battle group moves to thr crossing, there nailing the two Panzer IV´s at 34 meters. Unluckily Strider uses his Flammpanzer to spray my inf in the houses on the left. SO the churchill moves down the road and killed the Flammpanzer at 60 meters.
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