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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

So, if we did enact some laws that would only seem to fit into the Bizarro universe of Superman comics, I lay the blame at the door of our lowbrow neighbors.

I wouldn't take that if I were you, Croda.

{asleep at the wheel again, eh Stukey?}

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Originally posted by Marlow:

Slappy, I felt bad about correcting you on machine gun matters, but I had little choice. You should stick to talking about firearms with which you are personally familiar. I believe that would be a .38 revolver with one round in your shirt pocket.

Someday, when the lynch mob has lost my scent (running through the Peng thread covers it up, and they loose track of me, since the majority cannot deal with the environment) I will discourse on the truth of grogginess. I presented the thesis of this simple idea to Seanachi last night, and he actually seemed to understand every-other word I said (about an 800% increase for him). But TRUE grogginess, of the Michael Dorosh / Andreas Biermann variety, is the belief that the free challenging of ideals and ideas using mutually understandable zero points, no matter how down and dirty, and even if friends disagree, is part of the process that leads to greater understanding of subjects. A subject untested, which is incapable of weathering the slings and arrows of peer review, such as the Bren Tripod debate, is a subject worth little thought. Only by tempering in intellectual fire can an idea grow, prosper, and spawn new ideas.

So your comments, although idiotic and uneducated ( :D just to make Peng happy ) were valid, interesting, and groggy. Had the hijack not occurred I would have had many replies for you, some to bow to your wisdom, some to point out points you did not consider, and some to utterly thrash you in your blinding stupidity. And you too would have done exactly the same to me. Alas, it must wait for the mob.

By the way, sorry Marlow. Next time I will not inform the general public that I can be bought to throw my bet.

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Marlow:

Slappy, I felt bad about correcting you on machine gun matters, but I had little choice. You should stick to talking about firearms with which you are personally familiar. I believe that would be a .38 revolver with one round in your shirt pocket.

Someday, when the lynch mob has lost my scent (running through the Peng thread covers it up, and they loose track of me, since the majority cannot deal with the environment) I will discourse on the truth of grogginess. I presented the thesis of this simple idea to Seanachi last night, and he actually seemed to understand every-other word I said (about an 800% increase for him). But TRUE grogginess, of the Michael Dorosh / Andreas Biermann variety, is the belief that the free challenging of ideals and ideas using mutually understandable zero points, no matter how down and dirty, and even if friends disagree, is part of the process that leads to greater understanding of subjects. A subject untested, which is incapable of weathering the slings and arrows of peer review, such as the Bren Tripod debate, is a subject worth little thought. Only by tempering in intellectual fire can an idea grow, prosper, and spawn new ideas.

So your comments, although idiotic and uneducated ( :D just to make Peng happy ) were valid, interesting, and groggy. Had the hijack not occurred I would have had many replies for you, some to bow to your wisdom, some to point out points you did not consider, and some to utterly thrash you in your blinding stupidity. And you too would have done exactly the same to me. Alas, it must wait for the mob.

By the way, sorry Marlow. Next time I will not inform the general public that I can be bought to throw my bet.</font>

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Slapdragon:

...free challenging of ideals and ideas ...mutually understandable zero points ...slings and arrows of peer review

After reading that I feel dirty. And not in a good way, either.

I must therefore throw in my lot with Berli on this one, viz:




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It's been a while. I've been so self-restrained. I've been fighting the good fight in the Outerboards and generally pissing off people who deserve it. Yet, like a scab you've left alone for weeks and just as it's about to heal you have to pick at it until it turns septic and, eventually, gangrenous, I'm drawn back to the Thread that Will Not Die -- no, not the Bren Tripod thread you sheep-wankers, the MBT.

I've been able to ignore it for so long, probably because of the utter absence of anyone worthy of my attention. Yes, Berli is here, but he's omnipresent, so best just to pay him no nevermind, as we say down South. Speaking of omnipresent, as in "dull, boring, and omnipresent", Seanachai continues his glabrous, gnome-like existence here, but he's just so much background noise, rather like the sounds of banjo-picking and hog-raping that I hear whenever it's cool enough at the Ol' Homestead to open the window. Yes, I can sit on my front-porch, comfortably ensconced in the pulled-out front seat of a '74 Ford F150, dip my Skoal, sip my sweet, sweet tea, down a dripping handful of pork rinds (that's chiccarones to you Texans), and think of Seanachai. But I prefer not to.

No, it is the simultaneous presence of two figures who evoke in me (as in all right-thinking persons) that visceral, unavoidable gag reflex that drags me insensibly back into the 'Cess. I speak, of course, of Slapdragon and Joe Shaw. Yes, these two evoke in me the need to give the 'Pool the cyber equivalent of a rainbow shower. My loathing for them knows no bounds.

To be sure, I loathe the rest of you too, if that makes you feel any better -- and I hope it doesn't. But I look at you all with Olympian disdain, excepting, of course, Geier, my loathing for whom can only be described on web-sites that are blocked by NetNanny. But I owe him a turn, not to mention an installment of GrogPorn™, so the less said of him the better for all concerned.

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A Brief Update:

MrSpkr: Slow down, speed up. You sound like my ex.

CMplayer: We continue pummeling each other. Lots of splody stuff in this one.

AussieJeff: Learned that He who uses Infantry Gun on Turn 1, Receives Arty on Turn 2.

Noba: A feckin draw! The rematch commences soonest.

Axis - 44 (Him)

Allies - 55 (Not Him)

Everybody else, send a feckin turn!

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Hakko Ichiu, no doubt having run out of 13 year old female cousins who didn't know any better, had nothing better to do and posted the following tripe: No, it is the simultaneous presence of two figures who evoke in me (as in all right-thinking persons) that visceral, unavoidable gag reflex that drags me insensibly back into the 'Cess. I speak, of course, of Slapdragon and Joe Shaw. Yes, these two evoke in me the need to give the 'Pool the cyber equivalent of a rainbow shower. My loathing for them knows no bounds.
Nor mine for you sirrah. Were it not for the self imposed rule of bolding and properly spelling the names of Knights of the CessPool I'd STILL be referring to you as Hewhosenamesoundslikeasneeze and it would be more recognition than you deserve.

Still smarting from the giant, economy sized case of whoopass I laid on you in our Battle That Never Ends In The Snow aren't you! There are some people who know how to use Tigers in the snow (Me, not to put too fine a point on it) and there are those who don't (Goanna for one, but who's counting).

But to dare to mention me in the same breath as Slapdragon goes beyond the Pale. Not only do I not know if Bren Gun tripods should be used in CMBO but I'd like to cast one vote right now for Don't Give A Rat's Ass Either.

Don't get me wrong, I'm as thrilled as the next guy in the CessPool to see you back ... I don't think I need to belabor the obvious point on THAT one do I.


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I too am happy to see the simple clod Hacking Cough returned, he who has many spellings of his name because it makes no fecking sense. This is because it give me one more person to shine against. In a hundred yard dash, one more racer on crutches just adds to the glory of the victory, and maybe you will get the chance to kick a few more cructhes out before you sail across the finish line.

As for Joe, what can I say. I would call him a turd, but that would mean I have to bold the word turd, so why bother. I do know that he is the floater in everyone's bowl.

Now Sedai I have special plans for. I would challenge him to a fight, except I am afraid that he will be as gamey as his fawned upon master Seanachi. Perhaps I will weave him into the next post I make on the barf? I have heard some humor quite on Sean's level recently from a crack dealer, and now I only have to fugure how to simplify it so that Hiram too can enjoy it.

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Joe, yer jess smartin' 'cos I menshun'd Slap fust. An' 'cos the Duke's bes' fillum was, "The Searchers", and not "She Wore a Yella Ribbon." Ah huh.

You unutterable simpleton! The only reason you think The Searcher's was his best film is because it was the most recent "first run" film featured at your local Bijou! Do you have to pay for your date or do they let goats in for free?

As for you Slapdragon, we of the CessPool are proud, damned proud I say, of your ability to inspire undiluted hatred at the mere sight of your name ... our hats are off to you lad.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Alternatively, failing the likelihood of the above eventuality occuring within the next 50 million years or so, you could <U>pretend</U> that you can play CM (fat chance) and meet me on the field of battle to fight for the inalienable right to figuratively dispose of said <SMALL>Hoges.<BIG><BIG> But then again, given your overwhelming display of tactical acumen on the CM battlefield to date, I suspect I shall be the one to proudly proclaim "Je suis un licker français de chèvre. J'ai un dos velu. Veuillez ne me blesser plus, monsieur. "


So many idiots, so little time. Flossy-chef (are you any relation to Rusty-Chef-Sakai, by chance? No? Just wondering), the one good thing about you is that you are not French.

Of course, you apparently desire to be French, so that pretty much negates your one good point.

In accordance with your secret fantasy (No, Joe, it's not THAT kind of fantasy -- really, its not -- okay, but don't tell Bauhaus until AFTER I leave the room, 'kay?) -- I will send you a set up -- You being French, me being Deutsch, with you dying-a-lot.

<small>[ April 17, 2002, 03:26 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Now Sedai I have special plans for. I would challenge him to a fight, except I am afraid that he will be as gamey as his fawned upon master Seanachi. Perhaps I will weave him into the next post I make on the barf? I have heard some humor quite on Sean's level recently from a crack dealer, and now I only have to fugure how to simplify it so that Hiram too can enjoy it.

Hey Mister Slappy Pants. The bard was my sponsor but not my master. He taught me nothing as is evidenced by my lack of wins. I do hope you can "fugure" out a way to send a setup, if that is what you want to do. I have a special place in my heart for bumpkins. I got pulled over by the Alabama state police once and he was a fine fellow. Granted, I wasn't doing any crack, so you can't really relate to this story. Tell your brother/cousin/uncle I said "Hey, ya'all"
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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

<font size="-1">No, it is the simultaneous presence of two figures who evoke in me (as in all right-thinking persons) that visceral, unavoidable gag reflex that drags me insensibly back into the 'Cess. I speak, of course, of Slapdragon and Joe Shaw. Yes, these two evoke in me the need to give the 'Pool the cyber equivalent of a rainbow shower. My loathing for them knows no bounds.</font>

So we can thank those two gits for your unwelcome return? Hell, I had forgotten that Sir Soundslikeasneeze was ever here. Thanks for ruining my day and reminding me. Slappy, Joe, one Hiram Monday each
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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Now Sedai I have special plans for. I would challenge him to a fight, except I am afraid that he will be as gamey as his fawned upon master Seanachi. Perhaps I will weave him into the next post I make on the barf? I have heard some humor quite on Sean's level recently from a crack dealer, and now I only have to fugure how to simplify it so that Hiram too can enjoy it.

Hey Mister Slappy Pants. The bard was my sponsor but not my master. He taught me nothing as is evidenced by my lack of wins. I do hope you can "fugure" out a way to send a setup, if that is what you want to do. I have a special place in my heart for bumpkins. I got pulled over by the Alabama state police once and he was a fine fellow. Granted, I wasn't doing any crack, so you can't really relate to this story. Tell your brother/cousin/uncle I said "Hey, ya'all"</font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Joe, yer jess smartin' 'cos I menshun'd Slap fust. An' 'cos the Duke's bes' fillum was, "The Searchers", and not "She Wore a Yella Ribbon." Ah huh.

You unutterable simpleton! The only reason you think The Searcher's was his best film is because it was the most recent "first run" film featured at your local Bijou! Do you have to pay for your date or do they let goats in for free?


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Hmmm, I see that the idiot formerly known as Croda tossed his vomit stained hat into the fray: Searchers - Yellow Ribbon. It's a great battle. Personally I prefer the emotionally charged scenes in The Searchers, but a good argument can be made for the fantastic lack of emotion used in Yellow Ribbon. Both true classics, but I agree that The Searchers ranks as hist best. However, I'm also quite fond of Ths Sands of Iwo Jima and McClintock as great acheivements in the Duke Arts™.
This stands as proof positive, if any were needed, that Croda is a blithering fool of the first order and conclusive evidence that retrograde evolution DOES occur.

NO EMOTION! Who among us can view the heartrending scene in which C Troop gives Capt. Brittles an engraved watch with the inscription "Lest we forget" and NOT have a ... a ... {sniff} ... a tear or two well up. No emotion he says, The Searchers he says ... BAH!

As to the Sands of Iwo Jima or McClintock, not even MrSpkr would fall for that.


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I was going to make a joke about not liking John Wayne, but then I realized that you lot are exactly the right kind of folk who would all burst a blood vessel trying to wring my neck through your pitiful 56k dialup lines.

I mean, John Wayne. Really.

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Originally posted by dalem:

I was going to make a joke about not liking John Wayne, but then I realized that you lot are exactly the right kind of folk who would all burst a blood vessel trying to wring my neck through your pitiful 56k dialup lines.

I mean, John Wayne. Really.

Then I'll say it...John Wayne movies suck.


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I don't know, I've always liked "The Quiet Man', but as it is neither western or war story, I doubt that you clods would count it. If you can count. Beyond 10, that is.

Isn't it about time to start a new MBT? Or are we attempting to sneak this one under the radar?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I don't know, I've always liked "The Quiet Man', but as it is neither western or war story, I doubt that you clods would count it. If you can count. Beyond 10, that is.

Isn't it about time to start a new MBT? Or are we attempting to sneak this one under the radar?

We don't start worrying about it until we approach the 300 ceiling.

Feel free to stop posting here for awhile though, if you're getting nervous.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

***BOOT*** Diceman ***BOOT******BOOT***[/b***BOOT******BOOT******BOOT***. He has not, however, ***BOOT******BOOT******BOOT******BOOT******BOOT******BOOT******BOOT******BOOT***


Ahh, Joe, Sire, long time no see. Glad to see you’re all settled in to your new job and all. Been frightfully busy as of late. Full time, college, full time job, and a full time family have just gotten the better of me. You wouldn't believe the monstrous FUBAR my boss dumped on me at work that I'm supposed to turn into a benchmark example of reimbursable collections. But I won't bore you or anyone else with the drudged details. You might try a little polish on those boots. They're a bit scuffed up.
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Originally posted by Diceman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

***BOOT*** Diceman



***BOOT***. He has not, however,






Ahh, Joe, Sire, long time no see. Glad to see you’re all settled in to your new job and all. Been frightfully busy as of late. Full time, college, full time job, and a full time family have just gotten the better of me. You wouldn't believe the monstrous FUBAR my boss dumped on me at work that I'm supposed to turn into a benchmark example of reimbursable collections. But I won't bore you or anyone else with the drudged details. You might try a little polish on those boots. They're a bit scuffed up.</font>
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