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I like it much better and probably wont touch CMBO ever again.

However, there is room for matters of taste. There are some people who really like the fast and robust infantry action of CMBO and the predictablity of armor penetration. The new MGs and the more fuzzy armor penetration model, and the new movement point time penalities change this a lot.

Personally, I like the new combat much better and I am also convinced it is more realistic.

I won't even start on things like look, variety of commands, additional things to exploint (optics are huge!), vehicle morale and platoons, varienty of units, variety of terrain.

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Slight dissappointment? You've GOT to be kidding! ;)

It is indeed *much* better. Engagements are hard, fierce, dirty and very violent at times. It feels damn realistic, which is in a big way thanks to vehicle morale, EFOW, and the new arty rules IMO.

Glad I wasn't there at that point in history, though.

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Guest Panzer Boxb

I must say that I doubt I'll go back to CMBO any time soon. The improvements done to CMBB are all simply outstanding. From the first time I started to go through and found all the possible choices through actually playing the battle to conclusion I was in utter awe. From that limited experience since Saturday afternoon I have discovered the biggest change is the need to be even more careful on the attack as infantry advances can be thwarted very effectively by machinegun ambushed now. Failure to use effective tactics will now present you with a much less forgiving conclusion. Off all the features that have been added or modified I cannot single out one that I like the most or that I believe improves the game in the greatest measure. To put it shortly, " The game rocks!"

Also, maybe it's just me, but the turn resolution phase seems to go much quicker in the full game than the demo did. I've put some pretty big, armor heavy QBs together and it does not seem to take as long as the demo missions did.

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Originally posted by AbramsOnPoint:

Watch the map damage option when you set up a QB. A map with a lot of damage will really tax a system.

Noticed that too. Also noticed the new craters have increased dimensions/filesize.

you could try and use my old CM:BO craters, which are lo-res, fully compatible with CM:BB and less taxing.

[ September 23, 2002, 01:10 PM: Message edited by: Juju ]

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I am playing 'The Defense of Yerkhne' at the moment and I have to say to Berli


What fun. I couldn't counter the realism vs fun argument with direct full game knowledge before, but I am certain now. What a rush! Plus it's only turn 5

This is the game I have always wanted.

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I own the game since Saturday and played it alot. Yesterday i looked on one of my hiding inf`s and saw for the first time Mg impacts...today the first time bursting non- penetration bullets on tanks. Hope to find more frome those awesome small goodies.

The most interesting thing i found out....i never attacked so carefully like in CM:BB.

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Just got it bout 2 hrs ago.Haven't had alot of time to fiddle with it but played a qb of 500(minimum)points.The AI took a halftrack and alot of infantry.(was random date etc ended up being 44).I had 2 t44 and 3 smg squads plus 1 mg and the hq of course.Due to AI not taking any real AT ability doomed it.As I was able to roll tanks around the flank and massacre it's Inf as it engaged my platoon.Was relatively short fight.Only other thing I did was qb another so I could buy 4 Katy spotters and bring down a barrage of rockets.Now that was pretty cool!had to watch that one over and over from different angles.Now waiting for my buddy to arrive so we can head to head over the lan.Really looking forward to that tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Mumpfelfrumf:

(I love the new planes... for example the fighter with 96x5 pound bombs )

Yes, I think the Germans were the first to start using cluster bombs. This is probably a very primitive version of what we use today, but I'm sure still very deadly. Now, if my game would just get here I could find out for myself! GRRRR!
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Ok, only one scenario played (and I hadn't played the demo), but....

Impressions so far are excellent. I like the additions to commands (love the "shoot and scoot"), graphics look nice, but my biggest joy is the tacI. Now, maybe I just got lucky with what I saw in this particular scenario, but it seems to me that a lot of the major CMBO flaws have been improved upon/corrected. Troops/crews are definitely smarter. I also really like the "fallback position/foxhole mode" during setup phase, and of course, the cover arc commands. What a joy!

As I said, only one game played, so I'll hold my enthusiasm in check. So far though, I am very pleased, and will go ahead and give BFC a premature "Urrah!". Nice job guys.

Off to check out the scenario design aspect now. Drinking coffee, and have to be into work by about 6:30 a.m., so I'm thinking maybe I just don't go to bed at all tonight..... :eek:

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Originally posted by daveiw:

Anyone care to share their views of CMBB now that they are playing it? Is it *much* better than CMBO or a slight disappointment?

Here's an (admittedly long) copy of a post I sent to my two regular PBEM buddies, who were laggards and thus don't yet have the game. I'd already told them my copy arrived today, but that depending on how the evening went I might not get a chance to try it out. (Yup, lot's of willpower-- that's me! <g>)

"OK, I did install the game tonight (you knew I would <g>), and fired up a miniscule (400 pt) quick battle. I let all the conditions including weather, era, map, and mission be set randomly-- some *after* I made my force selection. All I knew was that it was Nov '42 and my Germans were defending. I tried the new force selection system out, complete with rarity factors. I was dreading Russian armor, so I knew I needed some AT guns-- and bigger than the wimpy 37mm PaK in the demo! I didn't have enough infantry points to buy a whole line company of Wehrmacht troops, so I ended up buying a platoon and reinforcing them with an MG42. I added an 81mm F.O. tied to a six-tube battery. (It was the same cost as the four-tube version-- I found out the hard way this just makes your salvoes bigger, and you can burn through 150 shells in two minutes! <g>) For my AT assets I bought a 50mm Pak and a captured 76mm Russian AT piece. I bought three target reference points, both because with the rarity factor they were *cheaper* than list (reflecting German doctrine and the defensive nature of this mission, I guess); also tried two trenches and a single AP minefield out as well. That was it-- not exactly a large force.

Imagine my surprise when the map opens and I find myself on a 400m wide frontage of tundra, broken up by one damaged house (not in my setup zone) and 3-4 clumps of trees, one of which houses the sole flag of the map and is close to my front lines. The finishing touch is that it is night and the maximum sightline is 190m. Oh oh Hans, we're not in Berlin anymore! I end up putting most of my force on line-- defense in depth doesn't work when you can't see squat... I buried one of my four line squads in the copse of trees that housed the objective flag, and stuck a TRP at the front of that copse-- a last-ditch boresighted fire sack! My other three squads I spread on line, with the AT guns some dozen meters behind them, and the HMG anchoring the far flank from which position it could just sweep both edges of the map.

When the game opened, after a few minutes of silence I heard engine noises. A few seconds later a column of figures (literally a half dozen squads in column) appeared nearly at the objective flag. Damn... most of my troops are still using the "hide" command! The nearest two squads unmasked automatically, though, and the non-hidden HMG joined in. This is as good a time as any to add that I had already plotted my mortar fire on speculation on the only thing resembling a chokepoint ...which just so happened to be 50m from the Russian column. My troops opened up at 30-50m., pandemonium erupted, and the next turn my mortar barrage landed in the middle of the recoiling Red assault force. The column is repulsed for the moment. I then find out that the Russian vehicles are continuing to advance and are some type of armored car. They operated in pairs, just coming close enough to hit my nearest units like the HMG (which was *just* enough closer to the front than my AT guns to be targeted in isolation.) Over time I put a number of 50mm PaK rounds through the Russian vehicles, but found that they didn't die easily. (It turned out they were BA64's, which only have 10-15mm of armor. It is a sign of how significantly the vehicle kill model has been revamped that even light armored vehicles don't seem to die easily or always in the face of AT gun hits.) The Russian horde and armored cars were close enough to take the AT guns under fire, and my crews spent a lot of time hugging dirt. Over time, though, my 50mm PaK (which was the one closer to the objective and hence in the better vantage point) managed to account for three of the BA64s, while the captured 76mm brewed another one up with the only catastrophic kill of the game.

When the clock ran out, I was still firmly in possession of the victory flag, and learned out that I had inflicted 99 Russian casulties (incl. 25 KIA) on a mechanized infantry company and whacked a whole 5 vehicle platoon of BA64's to 5 German wounded and 1 KIA. I checked the "kill" totals of my units and the Russians. My only casualties had come from the armored car machine guns. Much to my surprise, my kill leader was the mortar F.O. Yup, the end of game report finally gives full credit for casualties inflicted regardless of whether or not they were observed, and my 81mm shells had accounted for 40 Reds and an armored car. (My second mini barrage had come down on the Red staging area for their third and final assault while their sole remaining armored car was moving through it. If you can't be good, be lucky!) The only German unit that didn't have any kills was my squad that had spend the game lurking on the objective flag-- no Russians ever got in the the treeline that constituted the edge of its line of sight.

This is a long-winded way of saying "Wow guys, we're gonna' have a lot of fun with this game system!"

That's what I wrote to my gaming buddies-- guess you'd say I give the game two thumbs up!

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:eek: My God, man! Can you say 'Canister'? This stuff just had to make a footsoldier cringe like unto a girlie!

Just got finished running through my very first scenario, 'A Deadly Affair', by Schrullenhaft.

(...and I'm more than a little pleased to announce a minor victory!)

CMBO now seems akin to a novel's "Reader's Digest" version.

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Extremely happy with the game. The A/I was more than a match for me, when I just rushed in full bore.

Its great to be getting hit from such long distances and not being altogether sure what's hitting me.

Was really cool the first time I heard a plane coming, and then saw the shadow. Then my StugIII goes up in flames.

Coming over a rise and craters start showing up as shells come in. MGs opening up and AT guns firing at me. Tanks from another hill far off in the distance, past the city below start bouncing shells off my armor.

Firing with all the AFVs I could bring to bear on a lone dug in AT gun, and realizing after all the flaming wrecks that I'd better try HE.

Its on the Eastern Front. When all the textures are in, and the Panther G turret armor is corrected, it'll be a second to none.

Already my favorite game.


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