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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

So tell me Sean, do ya really want to go to war over Noba?

Don't think of it as a 'war', Berli. After all, he's only an Australian. Think of it as a Police Action.</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

So tell me Sean, do ya really want to go to war over Noba?

Don't think of it as a 'war', Berli. After all, he's only an Australian. Think of it as a Police Action.</font>
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Originally posted by Noba:

Not half as challenged as you. That pathetic attempt bears up not at all. Superior tactical awareness means you know when you are losing...right ?

Of course. And it does occasionally happen. Not against the likes of you, naturally, but when I'm pitted against someone of cunning and intelligence, like, um (glances desperately around the Peng thread)... never mind.

Still, why would I send an SSN to do my work. Only Kanniggetts get to do that. Pillock.

I am presuming that you prefer Germans. So send something in the meeting engagement type, 1500pts, no snow or FRENCH, thankyou.


In accordance with your (last) wishes, I have prepared a 1500 pt. meeting engagement and forwarded the file to you. I command the glorious forces of Panzer Armee Khann, arrayed upon the field of battle in all their might and splendor. Being naught but a vassal of the rotten British, I figured you'd be most comfortable playing as a vassal of the rotten British, so you get Canadians.


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I too would like to thank Gyrene (not bolded but spelt since he is, after all, a Marine who has brought something of value to the pool with him) for his observation of the latest of GBs ... lies wouldn't be too strong would it ... no, no I think lies covers it quite well in fact.

I'm not a Marine either, but my brother and my son both were and you can trust them if not me when I say that trying to be a Marine AIN'T the same as BEING a Marine.

I rather like the idea of sending the little blighter to Coventry in absentia, any votes?

If this is not sufficient proof of the inherent evil of GB then I don't know what is. I note with interest that Noba has posted several times after repeated questions from the Justicariate and the Official Un-CessPudlian Activities Committee Chairman as well as an Olde One and has attempted to ignore the questions. I think we can take that for an admission of guilt.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Please keep your lackwit love fantasies to yourself, Mr Jock Monkey. Especially those involving the one-eyed, decrepit and criminally insane. Thank Berli I don't fall into either of those two categories!


It pains me to have to admit this in public. In no less a place than the CessPool. But when you are right, you are right, AJ. And for what I can only imagine is the first time in your pathetic little life, you are right. You don't fit into "either" of those categories.

I'm sure that third eye of yours (the one in the middle of your forehead, you dolt) would have the "one-eyed" putting you off. And lord knows the decrepit have been shunning your entreaties and advances for years.

That would leave only the criminally insane, by which I assume you mean Mace, Noba, and the rest of the Aussie pod or coven or hive or whatever on gods green earth it is. So now you're saying that even they are kicking you out too?


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Originally posted by Goanna:


Go get em' Gyrene. I just love it when the 5200s go after the 7300s (you have all become so insignificant that I will hence forth refer to you only by your decade in te BTS scheme of things).

So how do you reckon he isn't a marine? If he's gone to Harvard, he's obviously already admitted to being a moron. They come in rich too, you know?

It's kind of like having a 4 digit come in here and say he knew Madamatt back when he had hair.

You know it's BS.

My work is done, off to Coventry with me.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Once again the hapless hack from Minnesota derides others for using location as a source of derision...and then turns around and does it himself.

Irony, you just gotta love it!

Actually, my dear Boo-Boo, that was the first time I derided you for using location as a source of ridicule of others. On prior occasions, I had only derided you for being from Akron.

Forgive me if the post seemed a bit disjointed. Prior to that day I'd never heard anyone from Akron attempt to deride any other life form over its location. I was in a state of shock. And it was hard to type while laying on the floor with my feet elevated on the thighs of a paramedic, screaming loudly that "I must not miss this opportunity" at a second paramedic who was attempting to administer an I.V.

At first they weren't going to let me post. But after I explained to them that some wanker from Akron was trying to ridicule another living creature based on its location, the I.V. paramedic said they would gladly bend the rules for me.

Unfortunately, this little tale has a sad ending. You see, while I was composing that post, the "foot lifter" paramedic got all emotional and threw himself out of a third story window. I was almost as stunned by this act as I was by Boo attempting to poke fun at Joe because he is from Utah. I couldn't understand why anyone would do that!

That is, until the I.V. paramedic explained that the jumper was originally from Akron.


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I would humbly remind the Bard not to mess with the Evil One too much. Since I’ve started whining about Monday’s, my work week has become much worse. What I thought was difficult before is now child’s play. My intellectually inept underlings barely have enough brain power to respirate, let alone do their jobs. The most insignificant and trivial matters stop them dead in their tracks. I’ve had three solid months of consecutive Monday’s. Since I’m working a 6 day work week, I see no end in sight regarding the misery that has been heaped upon my unworthy head. Like a man who has burning coals in his boxer shorts, I dance and wriggle with excruciating pain under the unrelenting workload and the everpresent issues. Always the issues. How can people who are 10-15 years older than me act as if puberty never happened to them? When does the maturity and common sense kick in? Of course, I can’t inform them that they are worthless bags of skin and should end their senseless lives. No, that would offend HR. I gladly acknowledge that I am the chief of the spawning pool of idiocy. Little potential and no talent coupled with a total lack of motivation makes each day a struggle. Maybe a suggestion in the suggestion box regarding permission to kick underlings would help.

So, I would close this group of pedantic mewling with this admonishment to the Bard: However difficult you think your situation is now, it can get worse. You could be the justicar. Now that is a sad story of ineffectual machinations.

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I once heard a guy from Dayton deride a guy for being from Akron but then a guy from Toledo showed up and made them both look like goons.

Of course, that is before a pair from Cincinatti and Cleveland (respectively) showed up and stole the show.

The guy from Columbus never had a chance.

[ July 02, 2002, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Once again the hapless hack from Minnesota derides others for using location as a source of derision...and then turns around and does it himself.

Irony, you just gotta love it!

Actually, my dear Boo-Boo, that was the first time I derided you for using location as a source of ridicule of others. On prior occasions, I had only derided you for being from Akron.

Forgive me if the post seemed a bit disjointed. Prior to that day I'd never heard anyone from Akron attempt to deride any other life form over its location. I was in a state of shock. And it was hard to type while laying on the floor with my feet elevated on the thighs of a paramedic, screaming loudly that "I must not miss this opportunity" at a second paramedic who was attempting to administer an I.V.

At first they weren't going to let me post. But after I explained to them that some wanker from Akron was trying to ridicule another living creature based on its location, the I.V. paramedic said they would gladly bend the rules for me.

Unfortunately, this little tale has a sad ending. You see, while I was composing that post, the "foot lifter" paramedic got all emotional and threw himself out of a third story window. I was almost as stunned by this act as I was by Boo attempting to poke fun at Joe because he is from Utah. I couldn't understand why anyone would do that!

That is, until the I.V. paramedic explained that the jumper was originally from Akron.


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Panzer Leader, you've done it lad. Just when I thought that the "bubble" on your intellectual level was as far off plumb as it could get, you go and post a message that says nothing, was not edited and merely quotes your immediately prior post!

And that one sucked!

Well done lad, a new personal best.


p.s. Ah crap, then you go and ruin it with an edit ... too bad, it was classic Panzer Leader

[ July 02, 2002, 11:41 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Panzer Leader, you've done it lad.

Well done lad, a new personal best.


classic Panzer Leader

Look, I hit the wrong button hokay? I was squaring away my UBB and hit quote by mistake. Besides I HATE quoting, take a look at the recent quoting abortion by Boo (and to a lesser extent Seanachai if you want to see why. Hell, I can't even tell who said what in those meandering posts. Not that it matters.

Geez, sue me Joe for trying to keep a tidy pool. Maybe if you spent less time chasing after pinkos you might be able to spend more time CLEANING HOUSE!

[EDIT]Leetle more cleaning...

[ July 02, 2002, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Panzer Leader, you've done it lad.

Well done lad, a new personal best.


classic Panzer Leader

Look, I hit the wrong button hokay? I was squaring away my UBB and hit quote by mistake. Besides I HATE quoting, take a look at the recent quoting abortion by Boo (and to a lesser extent Seanachai if you want to see why. Hell, I can't even tell who said what in those meandering posts. Not that it matters.

Geez, sue me Joe for trying to keep a tidy pool. Maybe if you spent less time chasing after pinkos you might be able to spend more time CLEANING HOUSE!

[EDIT]Leetle more cleaning...</font>

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It's just, well, the Justicar has me worried lately. I was watching this movie with a crazy-paranoid genius. Well, his wife thinks he's cured, but then notices an old shack behind their house, and eery wall of that shack is covered in magazine/newspaper articles that have been taped up and marked up by the crazy genius who thought he was 'breaking the code' of the communists.

Anyway, this movie reminded me of the Justicar -- well, without the 'genius' part, that is. I am trying to give ol' Foul Joe some tough-love here.

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A movie came out a few years ago (called Llagos or some crap) which won all of India's highest awards and laurels. In it an Indian Cricket team goes up against a British Cricket team in what I can only guess is the "wold championship" for Cricket. I am further guessing that this is some kind of metaphor for the entire India-British struggle of yore. Now, I must admit, it sounds a bit trite (and probably is) but if you think about it, isn't "a heated Cricket match" pretty much the way the British view everything?

Incidentally, the main character, I imagine the Indians coach, or pitcher, or Marketing Agent, or whatever is named Papa Khann (Note: the movie character's name is here-in boldened, not the foolish git who is currently reading this.)

Now, what this all means, PK, is that I offered you a challenge yesterday, and you FAILED TO RESPOND!!! And that, friends, is a slight worth shouting about. PK, check back a page or two, wipe the sweat from your brow, show due contrition, and step forward to meet this challenge! You sir, have been named, and found wanting.

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Game updates, it's "aboot tyme", as our flannel-skirted Irishman might sputter.

Boo: Is unsurprisingly writhing in the crushing grip of my superior play, when he can be bothered to return turns!!!

MrSpkr: Is also unsurprisingly writhing in the crushing grip of my superior play, although he too has shown a marked dropoff of turns lately, as in NONE. You'd think that with half of the German army streaming in this poor little town like Sherman into Atlanta he'd actually want to continue....

Dorosh: Is unsurprisingly writhing in the crushing grip of my superior play, but see the previous two entries for related comments on his turn rate. What, are all these guys channeling the life force of Seanachai from his pod-like state?

OGSF: Is, of course, unsurprisingly writhing in the crushing grip of my superior play. I think the scenario we're playing might be a little whacked, but I'm taking advantage of it, I think. I still don't have any flags though, so maybe he's fooling me.

Leeo: Was unsurprisingly writhing in the crushing grip of my superior play until he finally stopped twitching. He is the proud father of a bouncing baby Loss now.

Noba: He also was unsurprisingly writhing in the crushing grip of my superior play until he finally stopped twitching. He is the proud father of a bouncing baby Loss now.

I have fine sceanrios picked out for my next cru****udes of Noba and Leeo, but alas they will have to wait, as will all of my other current opponents, because I'm headed out for the 4th of July holiday. I will be back next week. Until then I leave House Persiflage in the care of the beautiful and talented Pondscum.

Papa Khann! I have thought long on the subject of your quest. I hereby declare that your next five battles as my SSN squire, which should all of course be against other registered SSNs, shall be Armor-Only Meeting Engagements! Hah! A more meaningless 150 turns of CM I could not imagine. Enjoy.

Count dalem, House Persiflage

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I once heard a guy from Dayton deride a guy for being from Akron but then a guy from Toledo showed up and made them both look like goons.

Of course, that is before a pair from Cincinatti and Cleveland (respectively) showed up and stole the show.

The guy from Columbus never had a chance.

Dear Panting Breather,

Very good, oh very, very good. Did you remember all those names from Geography class or did you have to look at a map? Oh wait, you mispelled Cincinnati, so you must have been going from memory.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

A movie came out a few years ago (called Llagos or some crap) which won all of India's highest awards and laurels. In it an Indian Cricket team goes up against a British Cricket team in what I can only guess is the "wold championship" for Cricket. I am further guessing that this is some kind of metaphor for the entire India-British struggle of yore. Now, I must admit, it sounds a bit trite (and probably is) but if you think about it, isn't "a heated Cricket match" pretty much the way the British view everything?

Incidentally, the main character, I imagine the Indians coach, or pitcher, or Marketing Agent, or whatever is named Papa Khann (Note: the movie character's name is here-in boldened, not the foolish git who is currently reading this.)

Now, what this all means, PK, is that I offered you a challenge yesterday, and you FAILED TO RESPOND!!! And that, friends, is a slight worth shouting about. PK, check back a page or two, wipe the sweat from your brow, show due contrition, and step forward to meet this challenge! You sir, have been named, and found wanting.

That's a bit strong coming from an American, whose country holds the "World Series" of baseball, when only American teams are invited to take part!!
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