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It seems like everybody has forgot about CMBO

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It seems like everybody has forgot about CMBO ; i think there is still a lot a things to do with CMBO; a lot a mods still to come ; i hope everybody don't forget about CMBO to fast and for good; i think that CMBO can still be moded really good and live up to CMBB standarts

:mad: mod muncher

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I don't think everybody has forgotten CMBO, we are all just excited about CMBB. I for one will still play CMBO, ya maybe not as much. I am still waiting for that CMMOS update that was suppose to happen and the end of last month.

I did play a few CMBO PBEM turns on my slow time at work today.

Don't worry we will never forget CMBO.

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Well if the rumours about the European release date for CMBB are true, a lot of us are still going to be still playing CMBO for a couple of months yet. I can't see myself giving up on CMBO until BFC revist Western Europe in '44-45 with the new engine or I can't find opponents any more.

[ September 04, 2002, 05:51 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

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I'll be playing CMBO for a long time to come. I expect CMBB to be dazzling (and the demo so far bears this out.) I also am interested in all theatres of WWII. However, if one can bring emotional impact into the game, Hitler vs. Stalin has less appeal to me than the West vs. Hitler. That is, of course, my USA-centric view. Apologies to all Germans and Russian CMBB players who will be defending their homelands!

Fortunately, being part Finn, I've still got a dog in the fight.

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CMBO is still a damned good game. I actually just had one of my finer moments ever w/ the CMBO Demo, using two Conscript Panzerschrecks in Chance Encounter, they each killed one Sherman at 150m! And one of the 'Schrecks was not in command, and under fire! OK ok, it was only against the AI...but that was still some unbelievable shootin'.

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Originally posted by Big X:

I'll be playing CMBO for a long time to come. I expect CMBB to be dazzling (and the demo so far bears this out.) I also am interested in all theatres of WWII. However, if one can bring emotional impact into the game, Hitler vs. Stalin has less appeal to me than the West vs. Hitler. That is, of course, my USA-centric view. Apologies to all Germans and Russian CMBB players who will be defending their homelands!

Fortunately, being part Finn, I've still got a dog in the fight.

Well said. Nazi's vs. Commies. Where are the good guys?

However, I like both beer and vodka, so I have two dogs in the fight. ;)

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