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Ordering in the UK?

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I'm of the opinion that CDV should show some professionalism and let us Eurpoeans know when they intend to release CMBB in the UK and the rest of Europe (Germany not included, lucky devils smile.gif ). From what I have read, CMBB should be available anytime between Sept 20th to Oct 31st. Not bad, seeing as BFC announced the release date for CMBB way back in July and have stuck to that.

I can't comment on the business of software distribution, not having worked in the industry, and can only read what I see. CDV know that CMBB will be realsed on Sept 20th and have know this from about July 20th at the very latest. Having already supplied CMBO to Europe then it's safe to assume they already have distribution channels to the various countries they wil supply CMBB to. So they should know how long it will take to ship the game to the countries in the CDV zone and then have the game shipped to the retailers.

Therefore I can only assume that we have one of two hold ups, or both. Firstly, CDV are not sure what the demand for the game will be and are printing up loads of copies for us in which case we should all post a reply here to give them some idea of numbers :D . Secondly, they could be creating two versions, one for Germany and one for the rest of Europe which has the ss units reinserted (Disclaimer. This last point is pure speculation, I have no knowledge nor do I have any way of aquiring such infomation which indicates that this will be the case)phew!! that was close :D .

Good news, sounds like BFC are not happy with the situation either so lets hope that CDV pull there finger out so we can get CMBB on to our HD's ASAP.

Sorry, it's monday, it's raining and thats my rant over for the day. :D

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Originally posted by PK:

Secondly, they could be creating two versions, one for Germany and one for the rest of Europe which has the ss units reinserted (Disclaimer. This last point is pure speculation, I have no knowledge nor do I have any way of aquiring such infomation which indicates that this will be the case)phew!! that was close :D .

Not likely as BFC have repeatedly said that they will doing the localisation. The SS units are not being removed, simply renamed.
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Same with Sweden - I regret to say. I wanna have the GAME. Is the game in Western Europe (w/o GERMANY) the same as shipped in the US? I would really prefer that. I'm able to speak German but who wants a bad translated game w/o SS Units?

By the way - I learnt in school that Sweden is Northern Europe. It's f@£$ that is seems to be Western Europe in CDV's view.

Hej då.

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Originally posted by Da Beginna:


Same with Sweden - I regret to say. I wanna have the GAME. Is the game in Western Europe (w/o GERMANY) the same as shipped in the US? I would really prefer that. I'm able to speak German but who wants a bad translated game w/o SS Units?

By the way - I learnt in school that Sweden is Northern Europe. It's f@£$ that is seems to be Western Europe in CDV's view.

Hej då.


If I have understood corrctly, all of the countries supplied by CDV will have the politically correct, historicaly inaccurate version of the game. It sucks but it beats not having the game at all.


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Posted by Firefly

"Not likely as BFC have repeatedly said that they will doing the localisation. The SS units are not being removed, simply renamed."

I agree. I belive this topic has already been discussed to death which is why I put the disclaimer in so as not to mis-inform people. I just want to play the game :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by daft:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Da Beginna:


Same with Sweden - I regret to say. I wanna have the GAME. Is the game in Western Europe (w/o GERMANY) the same as shipped in the US? I would really prefer that. I'm able to speak German but who wants a bad translated game w/o SS Units?

By the way - I learnt in school that Sweden is Northern Europe. It's f@£$ that is seems to be Western Europe in CDV's view.

Hej då.


If I have understood corrctly, all of the countries supplied by CDV will have the politically correct, historicaly inaccurate version of the game. It sucks but it beats not having the game at all.


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"We would have liked the option of maintaining direct contact with our existing customers too. Trust me, we wouldn't be giving that up if we didn't feel it was in the overall best interests of CM, customers on the whole, and us"

Ok explain to me how it is in my best interest to pay £55 for the the pack instead of £43 wait longer for it to arrive and face the real possibility its not complete because of german law

"The simple fact is that in any sales arrangement there must be a definition of Territory"

None of which changes what I said above or alters the fact I wont be buying it until the un crippled version is available

Simon :mad:

[ September 09, 2002, 08:04 PM: Message edited by: sdi ]

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Originally posted by sdi:

Ok explain to me how it is in my best interest to pay £55 for the the pack instead of £43 wait longer for it to arrive and face the real possibility its not complete because of german law

Where did you get the £55 from? Just pick it out of the air? And how is the game crippled? Because of one name change?

[ September 09, 2002, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

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Have we heard anything on the manual ?

One of the usual problems with Euro versions of anything is that you get lumbered with some crappy pamphlet that will fit in a DVD box and (if you are lucky) you might get the rest as a .pdf file.

Anyone got the Euro box release of Beyond Overlord ? Did that have the full manual (173 pages) ?

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Originally posted by Hertston:

Have we heard anything on the manual ?

One of the usual problems with Euro versions of anything is that you get lumbered with some crappy pamphlet that will fit in a DVD box and (if you are lucky) you might get the rest as a .pdf file.

Anyone got the Euro box release of Beyond Overlord ? Did that have the full manual (173 pages) ?

BFC have said that the UK version will have the same manual as the US version. I suggest you do a search in the CMBO forum where all this was discussed at great length.
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£26.99 each www.battlefront.com $65 the pair...you volunteering to go through and put all the SS units back and re edit the oob? all this attitude does is encourage people to obtain pirate copies


Well I paid $55 for CMBO, which at the time converted to about £39 on my credit card, so £26.99 appears to be a saving to me, not that I can see why I would want two copies. Also according to Moon, CDV will be re-releasing CMBO at a cheaper price shortly.

As for the SS, did you complain that in CMBO, that British engineers were called Pioneers, or that Honeys were callled Stuarts, or that British squads and tanks were commanded by sergeants rather than corporals, or that when someone made an Arnhem scenario, Johnny Frost was demoted to Major, because that was the default for battalion commander? Personally I spend more time looking at what's happening on the battlefield than reading the small print in the bottom left hand corner. As long as a 'Waffengrenadier' platoon has the same number of men and the same equipment as a 'Waffen SS' platoon I don't care.

If it bothers you that much why not take up the offer of one of the people here who have offered to buy the game on behalf of Europeans and post it to them. It will probably cost you more than £26.99 though.

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Good Lord, no matter how many times we explain the TRUTH about the differences between BF.C and CDV version, someone insists on making crap up. SS units have not been altered ONE TINY BIT. Nothing, in fact, is different between the BF.C and CDV games. Not in terms of game play. Yes, the CDV version does not have SS runes, which are only displayed during the scenario picking screen. Yes, SS units in the CDV version are called "Waffen Grenadier", but that is it. No other differences.

Also, for those of you who have insisted that Waffen Grenadier is a "stupid" replacement name, please take this up with Heinrich Himmler, because he is the one that chose that name for all non-Germanic SS Infantry units. So while not technically correct, it is not an invented term as some wish to claim.

Anybody that would define a couple of characters of ASCII text and one tiny little BMP (which can be changed by the user) being different as "crippled" needs to take a deep breath and reevaluate how silly they are being. And if the little letters "Waffen SS" are going to kill all enjoyment of the game for you, please... don't buy CMBB. In fact, please don't buy any of our products. It is a extreme degree of utter unreasonableness that we don't want to have any part of.


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£55 is for both CMBO and CMBB

No because I dont own CMBO yet and I'll accept errors like that even if I dont like them butnot when most of the world doesnt get them

If the SS runes make so little difference why bother with them at all in any version

Crippled covers that and CDV's notorious copy protection

As to buying them as it stands I wont be I'm fed up with the UK getting the short end of the stick when it comes to games (especially strat/tac)and making all of europe comply with german law takes the piss


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Originally posted by sdi:

£55 is for both CMBO and CMBB

No because I dont own CMBO yet and I'll accept errors like that even if I dont like them butnot when most of the world doesnt get them

If the SS runes make so little difference why bother with them at all in any version

Crippled covers that and CDV's notorious copy protection

As to buying them as it stands I wont be I'm fed up with the UK getting the short end of the stick when it comes to games (especially strat/tac)and making all of europe comply with german law takes the piss


I'd agree with you about the UK getting shafted if we were talking some of the practices we've seen from other companies, such as getting sub-standard or .pdf only manuals or patches that arrive weeks if not months after the US version, but, as Steve says, we're talking about a few ASCII characters and a .bmp that doesn't even appear in the main game and that you (or someone else) can mod if you don't like it.

As for price, if I didn't already own CMBO, I'd wait for the reduced price version in a couple of weeks rather than buy it right now.

Still it's your money and your choice as to whether you buy the game or not. I've had far more than £39 worth of enjoyment out of CMBO in the past two years and anticpate getting more than £27 worth out of CMBB.

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Anyone know what CDV's typical copy protection involves (I didn't buy S-S)? Is it third party software or simply a CD key? I can well imagine that adding a third party copy protection scheme might potentially delay things a bit.

Saying that I have no idea if CDV are adding copy protection anyway, I'm just curious that I see it being mentioned (rightly or wrongly).

I must say that living in The Netherlands I feel somewhat put out with having to buy a 'sanitised' version. I understand perfectly well why this is the case, in order to make CDV's distribution easier, but it doesn't mean I like it. What makes it worse is the fact that if I had a Mac I could order the 'US' version directly from BTS. Grrrrr.

(note to Mac users: finally you have a valid argument for owning a Mac tongue.gif )

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CDV's copy protection is there own version of safedisc ( a thid party software encyption not sure which release its based on) doesnt work with most DVD drive's and alot of creative/Pioneer/btc CD drives there answer buy a new drive.

No offence to battlefront but I've heard the it wont be any different/patched/released from to many companies (anyone say talonsoft)

Yeah I'll have to dig the old classic II out smile.gif


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Well I'll keep my fingers crossed then. Black Isle recently had a lot of problems with Neverwinter Nights largely due (imo) to having Securom (sp?) 'forced' upon them by Infogames. Again I think DVD and certain CD-R players caused the problems. Apparently a lot of people had to resort to 'no-CD' cracks in order to run the game. How silly is that???

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Originally posted by Fetchez la Vache:

Well I'll keep my fingers crossed then. Black Isle recently had a lot of problems with Neverwinter Nights largely due (imo) to having Securom (sp?) 'forced' upon them by Infogames. Again I think DVD and certain CD-R players caused the problems. Apparently a lot of people had to resort to 'no-CD' cracks in order to run the game. How silly is that???

In the end they just REMOVED the Sick-a-ROM protection as for latest patch smile.gif !

Anyway those "copy protection" systems are doomed to failure, and mostly annoy those poor buyers that want to make a legit backup copy.

Pirates of all sort mainly laugh at it and crack them ...

Believing in them is just utter stupidity tongue.gif !

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