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Sir, the Traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread are Rum, Sod-Off, and the Lash!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I see that Abnormal Stranger has posted ... how nice ... he should note, however, that while he has provided a general location in his profile he has no email and therefore we're not going to acknowledge him until he does because if he doesn't he can't challenge some other SSN or squire to a game which is pretty much the whole reason for being here in the first place since this IS the Peng Challenge Thread and the operative word is Challenge so he'd best post an email so that necessity can be met ... okay.


Whilst you were busy tapping away above response on your keyboard, the email in the profile thing was in the process of being rectified...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:

And next time you see it, actually listen to it. That's "Orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips!"

And when does it get cold here in Minnesota? It hasn't gotten cold yet.<hr></blockquote>

Orange Whip

* 3 oz Orange juice

* 1 oz Rum

* 1 oz Vodka

* 1 oz cream

* ice

Volunteer Gag (Bigh Orange Whip)

* 3 oz Orange Juice

* 3 oz Jack Daniels (No Kentucky Bourbon)

* 1 oz cream

* crushed ice

whip drink in a blender.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Orange Whip

* 3 oz Orange juice

* 1 oz Rum

* 1 oz Vodka

* 1 oz cream

* ice

Volunteer Gag (Bigh Orange Whip)

* 3 oz Orange Juice

* 3 oz Jack Daniels (No Kentucky Bourbon)

* 1 oz cream

* crushed ice

whip drink in a blender.<hr></blockquote>

Oh dear god...

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Abnormal Stranger 87 (hmmm, likely either his age or IQ) has posted an email address, such rejoicing there was in the CessPool, doubtless we will be dancing far into the night. Mind it's just a crummy Hotmail account, can't trust those you know ... the haven of scoundrels and neer-do-wells mark my words. Still he has met the technical requirements so we may now address him ... {ahem} ... SOD OFF!.

Look you here lad is there a dearth of wits about you? Are you really 15? Is your IQ really 87? READ THE RULES LAD! Page One, Post One of this thread if I MUST spell it out for you. Is there some reason you're here at all at all? If you just wandered in you took a REALLY wrong turn somewhere and you REALLY shouldn't listen to those who tell you, "Righto laddy, the CessPool's the place for you, right enough. A likely lad like you'll fit right in. Path to the left, follow your nose, can't miss it." Your first clue MIGHT have been the insane cackling of glee that broke out behind you as trudged your way down the indicated path.

So, READ THE RULES ... then apply them ... OR SOD OFF. Actually, don't bother with the rules, just SOD OFF!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

And since the excellent Chrisl did away with Peng, there aren't enough Olde Ones to overrule me. Back to your "You Make Me Il/2" forum<hr></blockquote>

Paging Secretary of State Haig ... er Berli

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Abn_Ranger87 give em hell mate.

Joe just thinks he is some big hot shot that owns the place.

He uses a lot of big words and i think he attempts to be intimidating but i've never met such a worthless excuse for a person.

He can't take a joke and gets rather upset when you attack him personnaly. They go on about this "Challenge" stuff but i have never seen Joe Challenge anyone. I'm sure he has but 90% of posts are not challenges.

Good Luck to ya Abn_Ranger87 i'll check back in later to see how ya goin.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[QB]Abnormal Stranger 87 (hmmm, likely either his age or IQ)<hr></blockquote>

Actually the digits in question refer to the year of my rebirth amidst the crumbling shacks in the Harmony Church area on Fort Benning... Now if we have finished exchanging pleasantrys, (or what passes as such amongst the uncouth...) I shall put forth a request for an opponent to inflict casualtys upon. A meeting engagement perhaps...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Abn_Ranger87:

Actually the digits in question refer to the year of my rebirth amidst the crumbling shacks in the Harmony Church area on Fort Benning... Now if we have finished exchanging pleasantrys, (or what passes as such amongst the uncouth...) I shall put forth a request for an opponent to inflict casualtys upon. A meeting engagement perhaps...<hr></blockquote>

Must've missed the rule on proper challenging etiquette. Gah, even the Jarheads get it right eventually. For an SSN, he started out moderately well, so I deign to take a modicum of pity on him and post the following from the opening post of this thread:

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Should you remain on despite the first rule, we next wish you to know that coming in, striking a pose, and challenging everyone in the Thread to a match will cause the wastelands to echo with laughter, and you will look like the stupid pillock you are. You will then be told to Go Away, more forcibly, and people will really begin to mean it. Pick someone out, preferably something as newly arrived and worthless as yourself, taunt and challenge it, and you might get a game.<hr></blockquote>

[ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stixx:

Abn_Ranger87 give em hell mate.

Joe just thinks he is some big hot shot that owns the place.

He uses a lot of big words and i think he attempts to be intimidating but i've never met such a worthless excuse for a person.

He can't take a joke and gets rather upset when you attack him personnaly. They go on about this "Challenge" stuff but i have never seen Joe Challenge anyone. I'm sure he has but 90% of posts are not challenges.

Good Luck to ya Abn_Ranger87 i'll check back in later to see how ya goin.

Stix<hr></blockquote>Hmmm, lads this one still doesn't quite GET it does he?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hmmm, lads this one still doesn't quite GET it does he?


Well, I get it, ya git. And I'm doing the Ceespool proud by putting a STOP to the new Colony of Justicar that you are attempting to establish on the IL-2 forum. Your evil ways are more prolific and smelly than a barnyard full of horny rats that tripped into the sheep honey.

I was just getting ready to put the boot to your nonsense here, when now I have to start all over again in a new game. It's like playing Whack-a-JoeBob.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Well, I get it, ya git. And I'm doing the Ceespool proud by putting a STOP to the new Colony of Justicar that you are attempting to establish on the IL-2 forum. Your evil ways are more prolific and smelly than a barnyard full of horny rats that tripped into the sheep honey.

I was just getting ready to put the boot to your nonsense here, when now I have to start all over again in a new game. It's like playing Whack-a-JoeBob.<hr></blockquote>You misrepresent sir and you know it. There are rules HERE to be followed as acknowledged by all, and it's my DUTY to see that those rules and traditions are followed. I offered no such rules for Air-Cess, I merely stated the truth, that we allow no religious, ethnic, sexual or political crusades HERE! HERE Lawyer, I made no suggestions for our group on the IL-2 forum AS YOU WELL KNOW!

I repeat my statement of long ago ... If you're not part of the solution ... you're a lawyer.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars:

Try the ground.

You should be able to manage that.<hr></blockquote>

Actually, it appears that he is having problems penetrating STUKA's awkward rear defences.

I suggest he should place himself between the sun (a bit hard to find in northern climes, I know)and the rearend of the STUKA and make his thrust forwa.....err .... advance from there. Easy-peasy.

Alternatively, give 2-ILL a big miss and return to the CM fold post hasty.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stixx:

Poor Joey boy.

I feel sorry for you, ya grumpy old bastard.

I don't think anyone needs you to "Allow no religious, ethnic, sexual or political crusades HERE"

I think everyone is capable of doing that, not just YOU!<hr></blockquote>Let's see Sickx, you're ... Australian aren't you ... that explains a lot. And if I recall correctly, and of course I do, you actually know Mace (not, one hopes, in the Biblical sense but in real life ... {shudder}. Does that mean that in addition to being an Australian you're also ... a GUBMINT Worker? Curiouser and curiouser.

Well lad, being disadvantaged as you are, in more ways than I care to count, and being in a spot of my CM gaming career right now that allows me the privilege of taking on more ...

You Sir, you with the funny accent and the khaki shorts and drool leaking off your unshaven chin, I call you false and demand satisfaction.

I shall ask Sir Geier to act as my second in this matter of honor and request that he consult with whatever proto-human specimen you can dredge from the sludge to represent you!

As the challenged party you have the right to approve the map and chose your side, whilst I, as the challenger, have the right to approve the length and scope of the engagement.

I assure you that it will be a SHORT battle as I've no desire to correspond with you for a second longer than necessary.

I shall have no further communication with you until such time as we meet upon the field, and may Gawd have mercy on you Sir, for I shall have none (we'll overlook, for the moment, the result of the battle the last time someone said that, not that I'd expect an Australian to be aware of the finer points of military quotations.)

Some may ask, "What Ho? Is the Justicar getting easy in his old age, playing an SSN and all?" First, she's not a 'ho, she's just a good friend. Second, I have played SSNs before and choose, NOTE CAREFULLY, I CHOOSE to play this one.

Why? Well mostly because I feel sorry for him, much as you would feel sorry for the mongrel dog lying in the gutter, missing a leg, with festering sores all over his body attracting a swarm of flies. Any feeling person has but two choices, to feel pity and sorrow and turn away in the vain hope that you'll forget the stench and the sight ... one day. OR you can just take a gun and shoot the filthy little beast! Having a gun handy I choose the later.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Any feeling person has but two choices, to feel pity and sorrow and turn away in the vain hope that you'll forget the stench and the sight ... one day. OR you can just take a gun and shoot the filthy little beast! Having a gun handy I choose the later.


Try an' follow along hae, Joe Cretin. Af'n there as wun option, ye've gi nae choice. Af'n there's two options, ye've gi one choice batween two things. Af'n there are more than two thangs, ye've gi more than wun choice.

Yoo listed two things, between whuch tae choose - ergo ipso procto poo ye pants an' call at Joe, ye "feelin' person" hae ainly one choice, nae two.


Yaknakkathod, wha didnae ye ha a wee go at tha' Abalone Strangler? Ye need tae bae rackin' oop ye tally.


[ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: OGSF ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You misrepresent sir and you know it. There are rules HERE to be followed as acknowledged by all, and it's my DUTY to see that those rules and traditions are followed.


How DARE you, Sir! To claim the moral high ground while you tart about with that other game, the stench of that unnatural coupling still saturating your robes of office.

Most sleazebags who fool around at least have the good manners to keep it sub rosa, but you seem positively PROUD of your dalliances. You prance about BOASTING of your mis-deeds, even stooping so low as be seen acting all groggily and such on USENET.

And to then come into this, the MBT, and still claim the mantle of the Justicarate? I am appalled. APPALLED, Sir!

There are SSNs such as myself about, looking to you vomit encrusted paragons of CessVirtue that are the Seniour Kniggits for role models. And this! THIS is how you behave? Say it ain't so, Joe!

Never have I seen such vile antics, not even in the times of the aposty of Meeks the Heretic. The denizens here are derilicts of the lowest water with whom I wouldn't be at all surprised to see filling up the benches of Berli's waiting room some day, but even the basest of them (Bauhaus not excepted) wouldn't stoop to your level, even if they could stand the stench. I'd challenge you myself if the Rules allowed for it, but since they don't we SSNs will just have to gawk at the freakshow until the rest of you lot get sober enough to realize what's going on. Shame there isn't a Independent Special Persecutor to rein in your horrible mis-rule.

And stenographers.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by D.:

How DARE you, Sir! To claim the moral high ground while you tart about with that other game, the stench of that unnatural coupling still saturating your robes of office. <hr></blockquote>

Oh Joe. You make me sick(er)! Not that we mind you being absent from this place, but to peddle your closeted grogly wares amongst those base twitchians...

'Tis to hurl, Joe, 'tis to hurl.

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Who IS this Dee person and why do I like him? I mean after all he's an SSN yet he seems strangely unstrangerly. Why he knows of the Meeks apostasy (or however it's spelled), he's aware of the function of the Justicariate. He even, hmmmmm, is familiar with Stenographers. Could it be lads, that we have a ringer in our midst? Methinks so somehow.

And Leeo, your pathetic curling around the bare legs of OGSF is about the most humiliating display I've seen in many a day, and I was here when Hiram first showed up.

Speaking of OGSF ... {Oh I say, must we?} ... Well, yes, I did bold his name and everything ...{But it's just, well he's a SCOT you know?} ... Yes, I know but what's to be done? ... {Yes, quite so I suppose, dash it all} ... I realize that presenting you with numbers in excess of ONE tax your mathematical skills to the limit so do yourself a favor and don't fret your head about it. Surely you have other things to worry about, such as what flavor of ****e is squelching between your toes at any given moment.


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{You really shouldn't you know.} ... I know, I know, but really, this one is too good to pass up ... {I know what you mean, we've not seen the likes since, well, since Agua Perdido} ... Exactly, and you know the swine in the CessPool, someone'll snatch him up in a heatbeat and then where'll I be ... {without a Squire most likely} ... Quite so ... {Still, to make him Serf and in the same breath Squire, doesn't that fly in the face of your previous rulings?} ... Hmmmff, if the denizens of the CessPool don't care about my work here, if they can bitch and moan about this and that whilst never acknowledging the effort I put in, and look at the names they call me, why 'tis to make a sailor blush. They dare to accuse me, ME the Justicar, of not following the traditions of the CessPool whilst they are off swanning about doing as they damned well please. Well ... to hell with them.

Lorak ... let it be known that I, Sir Joe Shaw, Knight Champion of the MBT, Justicar and Cesspool Drain Commissioner, do hereby make D a Serf of the CessPool and take him to Squire.


[ 01-12-2002: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

As close as I can come to a "Oh Dear God" is a "Dear God" from Arizona.

* 1 oz Chambord

* 1 oz Tequila

* 1 oz Vodka

* Bitters to taste.<hr></blockquote>

Crap. Now all this talk about booze has me thirsty. Anything going on in this town this month? If I meet any of you fintoozlers in person and don't hate you too much, maybe I can find a use for this house and have a geek fest here. Lots of room, but not much furniture. Applicants with cute and single sisters get moved to the head of the line.

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