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Well, ive migrated from the SC forum to here. In a few weeks you'll wish i never came. Im a n00b to Combat mission, i just downloaded the demo today. As youll come to realize i am a strong Finnish advocate, so here is my first question:

The add says from 1941-1945, are their any future plans to add a winter war campaign? Or will i have to use the editor?



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Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

Well, ive migrated from the SC forum to here.

Holy moly. Prepare for massive Peng-like threads lobbying for an entire CM game based on the Finnish counter-offensive of Tuesday-thru-Wednesday, Feb. 14-15, 1940, with special emphasis on the battle that took place between 3:30 and 3:45pm outside a small sandwich shop near Helsinki where two(!) Finnish Ski Troops single-handedly held off an entire Russian division by lobbing slices of bologna into the teeming, godless -- and, of course, unwashed -- Red masses, thoroughly trouncing them and sending them back to Moscow with their furry caps in hand.

Man, oh, man.... I thought this place was safe. I was wrong. ;)

CVM ownz. Hehe.

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