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CM Development

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One thing I've wondered about since picking up CM is what the overall *plan* is for furure development of the game. With the CM:BB coming out soon, what follows that? More specifically, what I think would be great, and I think many would agree, would be to make the next version, I guess version 3, complete in terms of the countries involved. Make it so that the scenarios and possible games cover all of the theatres of the second world war. You could generate a QB for a battle in France 1940 or Russia in 1944. The only difference that I see would be in the force selections.

My understanding of how the game currently works may be kind of limited, but is this sort of thing posible? I guess I'm curious mainly because its a shame that all the new *stuff* in CM:BB won't be backwards compatible with CM:BO.

Anybody got some info on what the plan is?


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:D Nice answer, WWB.

More seriously (but not too), the announced plan is that CM3 will cover the Mediterranean 1940-45 or thereabouts. CM4 will cover the Blitzkrieg years 1939-40 or so.

CM3 is also expected to incorporate an engine rewrite that will eventually also be applied to revised editions of CM:BO and CM:BB.



[ June 12, 2002, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: Michael emrys ]

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Originally posted by Chris Knapp:

I guess my big question is why not develop the game so that it covers ALL the theaters, right out of the box? I know thats a lot of vehicles and units and such to model, but why not?


Because getting the low-level TO&E exactly right is a nightmare at best. CMBO was kept to a very short period to minimize this research, but with CMBB is becomes a massive job. And BTS will never settle for a half-assed 'just give them rifle squads with 8 riflemen, 1 lmg, and 1 smg' type solution.


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But of course, BTS has now done a lot of that TO&E research. That should make future projects easier, which leads me to my suggestion:

CM3 (The Med)- This will have to cover the equipment for the Germans and the Allies from 1940 to 1945. So, if the equpiment for '44 and '45 is already to be included...why not revisit the West Front (Beyond Overlord) in this game also?

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I am actually much more interested in the Nuts and Bolts: Rarity Rules for preventing implausible, 'gamey' buying choices, an AI that makes more sensible decisions in Automatic Setup, even much more restrictive Command Control Limits that do away with unrealistic fine tuning, Fionn style... :D

Quite seriously, I think the 'lag' should be something like 2.5 minutes for (early) Russians, 1 minute for Germans; this would make for much more simple, historical instead of 'idealistic' strategies and tactics...

Btw, Battallion and Co HQ Units, as is, are 'gamey'. They should be necessary to create a command chain, NOT primarily to help individual squads. And Tank Platoons should need HQs too, of course...

Those are the things that would most satisfy ME in future CMs... smile.gif

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Originally posted by Chris Knapp:

I guess my big question is why not develop the game so that it covers ALL the theaters, right out of the box? I know thats a lot of vehicles and units and such to model, but why not?


Because BTS is out to make money (duh).

I ain't paying 500 friggin dollars for ten games packed onto one CD, thanks. I bet they know that.

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I hadn't thought about the fact that a lot of the research for future versions will have been done by CMBB and CMBO so "possibly" once they get done with all the different theaters seperately (separately?) they could make one large game, or maybe 2... West Front/Med and East front with CM engine #3.

I know it's years away and there isn't much point in doing more than speculating, since BF probably only has ideas on what to do in 5 years. I think they are spending much more time finishing CMBB and possibly taking notes on what to try and include in CM3 and the new engine rewrite.

Just my guess.

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