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CmBI Scenario: Kohima Ridge

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As you all know and many lament, BTS has no current plans for any CM product dealing with the PTO and CBI theaters. I find this quite depressing, but have gotten over it and am now trying to make PTO/CBI battles using what's available. Close but no cigar, yet still better than nothing. I call this "CmBI" as in CBI battles as constrained by the CM engine.

For starters, I'm trying to make a series of scenarios based on the extremely bitter fighting for Kohima Ridge. My first attempt is something approximating the early Japanese thrusts on the Kohima Ridge position, before the monsoon set in and the garrison was relieved.

The map for this scenario is as historically accurate as the CM editor can make it. With 5m contour intervals, CM allows a maximum elevation difference of 100m on a single map. Unfortunately, in this 1200x1600m area, the real elevation differences are over 300m. Even so, it's a pretty steep map that at least gives the correct flavor. And because the real terrain is in the 5000 foot ASL range, tall pines instead of jungle is appropriate.

The opposing forces present somewhat more of a problem. The defending Brits are standard, but I had to use Germans for the Japanese. Still, by using 1944 Heer rifle squads as the main component, I think I've achieved a reasonable approximation, especially considering the attrition the Japanese suffered just marching to the Kohima area. And by setting the scenario in June 1944 (approximately when it was really happening anyway), I was able to use the H-39 for the Japanese tanks.

So here we have, from GPT Ridge to the DC's Bungalow (complete with tennis court), the Battle of Kohima Ridge. Steep hills, thick forests, and major carnage. OK, so the Japanese are speaking German, but so what? smile.gif If you're interested in looking at this and suggesting tweaks, please drop me an email.



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

[This message has been edited by Bullethead (edited 11-20-2000).]

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I don't think it is a closed case yet, Bullethead. At least I think if the groundswell of desire is strong enough we might have an outside chance of getting a pac version.

I have not given up the fight and will continue to lobby for it, for whatever that might be worth.

And my congratulations for attempting this stop-gap measure with a pac scenario. I'll be checking it out.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Wild Bill Wilder said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I don't think it is a closed case yet, Bullethead. At least I think if the groundswell of desire is strong enough we might have an outside chance of getting a pac version. I have not given up the fight and will continue to lobby for it, for whatever that might be worth.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks muchos. BTS listens to you a lot more than they do me. With you on the job, maybe someday we'll get our PTO/CBI version wink.gif. I'm at least encouraged by BTS finally admitting their problem with this type of game is their perceived lack of knowledge. I think this is fixable, or at least can be supplied by willing volunteers.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And my congratulations for attempting this stop-gap measure with a pac scenario. I'll be checking it out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'd be flattered to have your input on this thing. It's at the point of needing tweaks and your suggestions would be most welcome--I expect you have much better sources on this battle than me. As it stands now, the fight isn't that of any particular day, but something that gives the impression of this phase of the battle. Maybe you have data to improve on this issue. So check your mailbox soon smile.gif.

I really wanted to do this as an operation. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem possible due to the operation engine's inability properly to deal with front lines in battles of encirclement. If you have a way around this problem, I'd like to hear it smile.gif.



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

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So where is it? Cant find in Depot? Could you post URL. Look forward to playing it.

And I'm with you -- this world needs a good Pacific wargame. CM could easily do it -- it already has amphibious assault (can you imagine being at View Level 1 behind an AMTRAC as it approaches a Tarawa beach), and some of the mountains i've seen in CM scenarios are as big as Iwo Jima's. Of course, there would have to be a new menu option for Human Wave Attack!

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Since working with you in the CPX and helping others test I would be honored to give you input and feedback. I will be out of town through Saturady, but if it is waiting at my e-mail when I arrive home I will be glad to give it a go. I too am sad that PTO wil not be included. Until then creative scenario designers can manipulate designs, MOD ppl could MOD, and sound ppl could create Japanese characters.... Could you imagine loading up such MODs to play scenarios designed for PTO?? Wow!!

Send your scenario to gonzoattacker@prodigy.net!


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Gr8Phrtz said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So where is it? Cant find in Depot?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's not ready for public consumption yet. I was just trolling for people who are willing to take a serious look at it and suggest tweaks to make it conform more closely to the real thing that it does now. If you fall into that category, drop me an email and I'll send it to you.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And I'm with you -- this world needs a good Pacific wargame. CM could easily do it -- it already has amphibious assault<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I agree with the need for a CM PTO, but I don't think CM can handle amphibious landings properly. These things were far bigger than the largest practical CM battle and IMHO any attempt to make such battles on the CM scale would suffer from serious realism problems. This is just my feeling from playing PITS, which DOES have amphibious ops on this scale. However, the beach landing was the least of the PTO show. All the really horrendous fighting took place after the troops were ashore. This is what I'd really want to see smile.gif

Michael said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Since working with you in the CPX and helping others test I would be honored to give you input and feedback.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks wink.gif. It's on the way.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I too am sad that PTO wil not be included. Until then creative scenario designers can manipulate designs, MOD ppl could MOD, and sound ppl could create Japanese characters.... Could you imagine loading up such MODs to play scenarios designed for PTO?? Wow!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, that would be very cool. Hopefully some mod makers will step forward on this. I think that would encourage others to make more PTO/CBI scenarios, and the combined weight of such scenarios and mods might change the mind of BTS.

BTW, I've now sent this scenario to several people. Please discuss it here instead of private email so we can all arrive at some general concensus as to how to approximate PTO/CBI battles.



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

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Bullethead, thanks for sending me the scenario. The map looks great. Before I play it, is there any historical background/ info you can post here about Kohima Ridge? I'm much more familiar w/ the ETO; done some reading of US operations in the PTO, Marines' combat accounts, etc; but I know next to nothing about British-Japanese battles in the PTO. Thanks in advance. P.S.-let me go on the record here of also being in favor of CM covering the Pacific theater.

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Armdchair said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Bullethead, thanks for sending me the scenario. The map looks great.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks. That took me several days to make. But I love making maps. I run into trouble with adding units to them--I never seem to hit the right combination of fun, carnage, and play balance. So if it were up to me, I'd just make maps and let other folks use them to make scenarios wink.gif

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Before I play it, is there any historical background/ info you can post here about Kohima Ridge?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OK, here's the basic story. In 1941-42, one of the places the Japanese overran in their initial outburst was Burma, at that time a Brit colony. They threw the Brits (and Chinese) out of it completely (bigtime defeat for the Brits, BTW) and the front settled down along the India-Burma border. The Japanese spent 1943 mostly consolidating while the Brits made some understrength and poorly executed counteroffensive efforts that ended in utter failure.

By mid-43, it was obvious to the Japanese that the now-massively reinforced and reorganized Brits would launch a full-scale reinvasion of Burma from India in 1944, combined with offensives by the reinvigorated Chinese further north. So the Japanese high command decided to pre-empt this by seizing Imphal, the main Brit supply base in eastern India, which would be the hub of their attack. IOW, the Japanese offensive was conceived primarily as a defensive measure.

Imphal was at the south end of the only real road in the area, along which reinforcements and supplies to the Imphal battle would have to move. So the Japanese decided to cut this road at Kohima, a place about 85 miles north of Imphal, where the road turned west deeper into India, to isolate Imphal and facilitate their main effort.

But here is where things started going wrong for them. The commander of the Japanese army in Burma had serious delusions of grandeur. He wanted to conquer all of India, which he thought would happen due to native revolt once he made a deep penetration. If India fell, he thought Britain would be knocked out of the war, thus pre-empting Overlord as well, and he would be the hero of it all. But the deep penetration he desired was possible only from Kohima, not Imphal. So when he made his plan, he put a whole division against Kohima instead of the specified 1-regiment blocking force, to have the strength there for further offensive action toward Dimapur once Imphal had fallen (and thereby weakened the forces going against Imphal). And due to some very arcane political moves within the Japanese army, he was able to convice the theater commander to go along with him, and also not tell Tokyo about the change in plan.

This plan of campaign flew in the face of reality. It totally discounted the Allied ability to supply Imphal by air, which made it proof against the now-inadequate force sent to take it. But more importantly for the Kohima area, it ignored the supply situation for the Japanese forces there. The division assigned to Kohima had to march about 80 miles cross-country through disease-infested jungle, and across the grain of the very mountainous terrain. To do this, of course, they had to leave most of their artillery behind, didn't have much ammo for what they brought, and were short on all essentials from the beginning.

However, hardship never detered the Japanese soldier. In addition, the division at Kohima was one of the best in the Japanese army, with an impressive record dating back to the 30s in China--morale was high, even if the division commander didn't agree with the plan. And, of course, they were driven by the Japanese work ethic of "succeed regardless or die trying", so despite the above problems they were a very dangerous force.

The Brits were expecting an attack to take Imphal and a blocking effort at Kohima, so were somewhat surprised by the size of the force attacking Kohima. Thus, initially Kohima was held by 1 Brit battalion, recently arrived, which didn't have time to create fortifications before the Japanese arrived.

The Japanese quickly surrounded the Kohima area with 2 regiments while assaulting the Kohima Ridge position with their third. They quickly captured almost all the hills in the chain along the ridge and later came within an ace of taking the whole thing, but gave up just when they (unknowingly) had the last Brit postions in their power.

This period lasted about 2 weeks and was some of the most gruesome fighting of the war, with the opposing troops always within grenade range. It ranked right up there with Stalingrad and WW1, just on a much smaller scale. The surrounded Brit battalion had to have everything, even water, dropped in by parachute. My scenario tries to model the earliest parts of this phase.

After these 2 weeks, a Brit division coming from Dimapur finally broke through the Japanese cordon and relieved Kohima, although it was able to support Kohima with arty before then. There then followed many more weeks of extremely bitter fighting as the Brits gradually pried the Japanese back off Kohima Ridge and re-opened the road to Imphal (which had also held, although with some difficulty). During this phase, the monsoon season arrived, bringing torrential rains. In fact, at Kohima's elevation, the forces were often INSIDE stormclouds. I plan on making another scenario of this part of the battle.

All through the battle, both sides suffered heavily from a wide variety of jungle diseases and severe supply shortages, although after the 1st 2 weeks the Japanese had much the worst of this. Yet they fought on, despite this and the 1000+ shells and squadron-strength jabo attacks per day the Brits dropped on them, for months, until they were nearly annihilated. It was truly a superhuman effort and, IMHO, well worthy of coverage in CM scenarios.



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

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Maybe you PTO fans could talk Steve and Charles into adding the Japanese to CM2 as a German Allie... they did have a battle or two against the Russians early in the war, right? wink.gif

Then, you scenario designers can go to town. Of course, you won't have the Brits or Americans... oh well... just a thought.



[This message has been edited by Bil Hardenberger (edited 11-26-2000).]

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Bil Hardenberger said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Maybe you PTO fans could talk Steve and Charles into adding the Japanese to CM2 as a German Allie... they did have a battle or two against the Russians early in the war, right? wink.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

EXCELLENT idea! Wild Bill, make it so wink.gif.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Of course, you won't have the Brits or Americans... oh well... just a thought.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hopefully, we can also convince BTS to make all the CM2 units available in CM1, or vice versa smile.gif



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

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Well, I finally finished it. It was brutal & vicious and I had my ass handed to me on a plate; I got a " Allied minor victory" but a few more turns and the Axis would have left nothing of me but a greasy spot; in other words: great job, Bullethead.

I 'm curious to see how GonzoAttacker does with it as he is a far superior player than me. His evaluation of it, therefore, will carry greater weight.

But I do think that this Kohima Ridge scenario is clear proof that the Pacific Theater warrants a CM product.

The only thing I can really say about the scenario itself is how you write the briefings may determine a great deal.

My only other question is what sources did you find the material for both the battle and the actual map? I suddenly feel this glaring gap in my knowledge of WWII. I've read B.H. Lidell Hart, John Keegan, Cornelius Ryan, Len Deighton and so have a passing familiarity with the Fall of France,1940, Dunkirk, the Battle of Britain, North Africa, D-Day, and Market Garden but no real solid handle on British operations, esp. in the Pacific. I've been concentrating, for the most part, on American WWII combat accounts.

I look forward to seeing your follow-up scenarios to this. I believe there was a Civil War "Battle Above the Clouds" that sounds very similar to the Japanese-British firefights inside stormclouds you describe. Can't wait to see it. Thanks for the experience.

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Armdchair said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Well, I finally finished it. It was brutal & vicious and I had my ass handed to me on a plate; I got a " Allied minor victory" but a few more turns and the Axis would have left nothing of me but a greasy spot; in other words: great job, Bullethead.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wow, and that was only the 1st draft smile.gif. Plus you were making the AI attack in very complex terrain, which is not its forte. I was expecting lots of suggestions for OOB tweaks, especially considering this is an experiment with "Gerpanese" troops.

Of course, such comments are still welcome. The Germans I used here were just my best SWAG and I'm sure there's a better way to use them for depicting Japanese.

BTW, how many firefights were there in which the grenade and bayonet did NOT play a part? biggrin.gif

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>But I do think that this Kohima Ridge scenario is clear proof that the Pacific Theater warrants a CM product.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You know, I sent this scenario to Steve as part of my discussion with him on how the game handles sloping terrain around roads and bridges. Maybe he'll play it and feel the same way smile.gif

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The only thing I can really say about the scenario itself is how you write the briefings may determine a great deal.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, I'll have to be careful there. The Brits in real life were surprised by the strength of the Japanese attack. It would not do to tell the Brit player his scattered battalion was facing the better part of a regiment.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My only other question is what sources did you find the material for both the battle and the actual map? I suddenly feel this glaring gap in my knowledge of WWII.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I did this scenario totally from info contained in the book "BURMA: The Longest War, 1941-1945," by Louis Allen, 1984, ISBN 1-84212-260-6. It's nearly 700 pages all told, including index, bibliography, and appendices. I got my copy this past summer at the IWM's RAF Duxford bookstore, although I'm sure you can find it at Amazon or B&N.

I got this book because thitherto I also had little knowledge of the CBI theater and this book was billed as being comprehensive, at least for Burma. I'm pretty well up on the PTO because I'm a Marine but the actions on mainland Asia were mostly UK/CW things. Yet what little I'd heard of Burma convinced me that it was worth studying in detail. So I had been looking for such a book as this for some time.

The author was there as an intelligence officer. He uses a lot of Japanese sources, including interviews with survivors, as well as all the Brit records. The book reminds me a lot of MacDonald's "A Time for Trumpets" in the way it goes from the highest command levels to the mud of the trenches and back again, on both sides, throughout the narrative. So if you want a book on WW2 in Burma, this is the one to get, IMHO.

Anyway, this book contains a detailed topo map of Kohima Ridge. This was my main source for most map features: terrain contours and locations of such features as roads, trails, buildings, building sizes, creeks, and Brit deployment areas. I put the trees on using contemporary aerial photos, also in this book, with the knowledge that they were pines from the text. The Gerpanese forces and deployment areas I gleaned from the text as well. Unfortunately, even with 5m contour intervals, CM can only make the hills about 1/3 as steep as they should be. Still, due to the way CM handles slopes, I think it's a pretty good approximation.



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

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I am through turn 10. I am playing as the Allies. At this time I have sustain 3 crews loss two AT Guns Ko'ed, One crew Vechicle Ko'ed. I have several casualties sustained to platoon around tennis court. Huge fire fight by turn five in that area, sneaked in behind me.

Now for the good news as seeing no other way to fight off at least a COY of Germense I called in arty.... This stopped the onslaught in the area. Also Flanked their position under cover of ARTY.... many Germanese now on run and two Platoon HQs now dead by turn 10.

Now the Jail house is total Victory in my favor. I have Ko'ed 5 - 7 armor vechicles, I moved four Piats and three platoons into ambush positions covering Crossroads. I also was able to move MG jeep along Ridge to My Right flank and spotted a Flanking move to My far right..... Needles to say Area is in total control of Brits, Last seen any signs of tanks was turn 7, Infantry trying to flank My right(South Edge of Map) now retreating, after careful walking of Arty( you a red leg would have been proud)! wink.gif

Right now I feel a little cocky but I have fall back positions, defense in depth set up and now ready to counterattack on my Left flank and retake the Tennis courts, under the cover of all organic Mortar fire.

I think as I play if I was playing a live oppenent, I would be down to my last few platoons, but still working the arty.... AI is a little predictible. The other thing is that AI does not use their ARTY? this is frustrating.

Overall Scenario is fun so far, But I am still waiting for the Bonzai Charge??

Thanks for a great historical map!

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I am through turn 10. I am playing as the Allies. At this time I have sustain 3 crews loss two AT Guns Ko'ed, One crew Vechicle Ko'ed. I have several casualties sustained to platoon around tennis court. Huge fire fight by turn five in that area, sneaked in behind me.

Now for the good news as seeing no other way to fight off at least a COY of Germense I called in arty.... This stopped the onslaught in the area. Also Flanked their position under cover of ARTY.... many Germanese now on run and two Platoon HQs now dead by turn 10.

Now the Jail house is total Victory in my favor. I have Ko'ed 5 - 7 armor vechicles, I moved four Piats and three platoons into ambush positions covering Crossroads. I also was able to move MG jeep along Ridge to My Right flank and spotted a Flanking move to My far right..... Needles to say Area is in total control of Brits, Last seen any signs of tanks was turn 7, Infantry trying to flank My right(South Edge of Map) now retreating, after careful walking of Arty( you a red leg would have been proud)! wink.gif

Right now I feel a little cocky but I have fall back positions, defense in depth set up and now ready to counterattack on my Left flank and retake the Tennis courts, under the cover of all organic Mortar fire.

I think as I play if I was playing a live oppenent, I would be down to my last few platoons, but still working the arty.... AI is a little predictible. The other thing is that AI does not use their ARTY? this is frustrating.

Overall Scenario is fun so far, But I am still waiting for the Bonzai Charge??

Thanks for a great historical map!

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Gonzo said (twice biggrin.gif ):


I don't mind spoiling this one because it's an experiment. I think we need to discuss this in the open so all scenario designers interested in the CBI/PTO can come to some consensus about how to use Gerpanese. That way others can make CBI/PTO scenarios that give the players something approaching the familiarity they have with ETO units.

Besides, this forum doesn't get the thundering herds anyway, so the finished product should still be fresh to the masses when we get it hammered out.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I am through turn 10. I am playing as the Allies. At this time I have sustain 3 crews loss two AT Guns Ko'ed, One crew Vechicle Ko'ed. I have several casualties sustained to platoon around tennis court. Huge fire fight by turn five in that area, sneaked in behind me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Historically, the Japanese had the area surrounded so were able to envelope both ends of the ridge and attack the middle from both sides eventually. So I gave the Gerpanese deployment areas allowing this wink.gif

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Needles to say Area is in total control of Brits, Last seen any signs of tanks was turn 7, Infantry trying to flank My right(South Edge of Map) now retreating, after careful walking of Arty( you a red leg would have been proud)!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Jail Hill is a tough objective. On one side, attackers have a lot of open ground to cross. On the other, it's very steep and offers good, covered ambush positions. OTOH, the Gerpanese tanks can support attacks up the open side, but at some risk from Brit positions further north as well as Jail Hill's defenders.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Right now I feel a little cocky but I have fall back positions, defense in depth set up and now ready to counterattack on my Left flank and retake the Tennis courts, under the cover of all organic Mortar fire.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sounds like you're doing good. The Gerpanese have numbers but that's about it. Except for some highly inadequate tanks, they are just infantry with minimal arty support.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I think as I play if I was playing a live oppenent, I would be down to my last few platoons, but still working the arty.... AI is a little predictible.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, plus the map is rather complex for the AI's tactical maneuvering logic. It has some difficulty coordinating its units on such a map when attacking. You might want to try it as the Gerpanese next.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The other thing is that AI does not use their ARTY? this is frustrating.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, this is something I find highly annoying in all scenarios. The AI tends to push its FOs way up forward where they die, or position them on the defensive where they have no LOS. Also, it only prepfires areas around VLs, ignoring better defensive positions somewhat away from the VLs, and doesn't use interdictory barrages at all.

Arty is the great tactical scenario equalizer so you have to be careful with what you give each side. In this case, both sides have a bit more arty than they should have because this scenario is sort of a composite of the whole 1st 2 weeks of Kohima, due to the impossibility of making it an operation. So the Brits have arty representing that from the advancing relief force, and the Gerpanese have more than they had for any single attack in this period.

Given this, if the AI does its usual thing and not use its arty to full potential, the human player will have an advantage. Of course, this advantage will be more significant for a Brit human player, becasue the Brits have more and bigger arty with more ammo per FO. But the problem is, you have to make scenarios assuming humans on both sides. In such a case, the arty might balance out. It's hard to tell vs. the AI because the AI arty doesn't get used very much.

It might work better to reduce the amount of arty available to both sides. This would make the scenario almost totally an infantry schlachtfest. Comments?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Overall Scenario is fun so far, But I am still waiting for the Bonzai Charge??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I suspect you'll see a renewed attack sometime later. You don't seem to have engaged the whole Gerpanese force yet. Plus they are all veterans with max fanaticism, so you'll probably see some mauled units returning at some point.

As for Banzai charges, by this point in the war, the Japanese had pretty much given them up for normal attacks like this. Besides, I don't think the German AI goes for them anyway wink.gif

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Thanks for a great historical map!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My pleasure. I love making maps. This one took 4-5 days.

Thanks for the report.



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

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OK, has everybody played this from the "Gerpanese" side yet?

In any case, I'd like some opinions. Is the 1944 Heer rifle squad the best thing to use for Japanese? I picked it because it had the highest proportion of rifles. Do you think the H-39 is a good approximation of a Japanese tank? Does either side have too much or too little arty? Stuff like that.



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

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Well, I'm up to turn 20 as the Brits. I've been massacred on Jail Hill. 2 of my 3 platoons on that hill were largely annihilated by a surprisingly well executed AI assault. The tanks came out into the open where I buttoned them with mortars. As they began advancing, about a company of infantry showed their faces in the woods across the field. 2 turns later, as the frontal attack drove one of my platoons back another Gerpanese company materialized out of the jungle and boxed them in. I managed to get about 8 men, plus one of the FO's out. I'm in full scale retreat, from Jail Hill, which should be completely annihilated by my artillery in about 2 minutes. There have also been a few skirmishes near the tennis courts where I traded a little over half a platoon and 2 of my 3 nearly useless guns for a platoon and a couple heavy machine guns.

I have a few questions. First, why are the AT guns stuck on the side with the tennis courts? Is this where they were historically? Mine have all been taken out by infantry and artillery while all the tanks are still on the far side of the map. Second, are all the flags weighted equally? The AI seems to consider Jail Hill as it's main objective. As I said, It was hit by 2 companies and all the tanks, but I also saw at least another company in the woods headed that way and all the skirmishes near the tennis courts were the results of the AI trying to join those 2 platoons up with the Jail Hill attackers. Those 2 platoons actually came through behind my front line there and just waltzed through untill they tripped ouver one of my platoons. It was weird though because they went right past 2 objective flags and headed for Jail Hill.


[This message has been edited by curih (edited 12-09-2000).]

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curih said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...I managed to get about 8 men, plus one of the FO's out. I'm in full scale retreat, from Jail Hill, which should be completely annihilated by my artillery in about 2 minutes.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This sounds good. The Japanese carried Jail Hill very early but arty slowed them up and prevented them from overrunning the whole area immediately.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I have a few questions. First, why are the AT guns stuck on the side with the tennis courts? Is this where they were historically? Mine have all been taken out by infantry and artillery while all the tanks are still on the far side of the map.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The 6pdrs were in the area of Garrison Hill, the key to the whole position at least as far as use of the main road goes, which was the object of the whole battle. In the scenario, I put the guns in the white Allied set-up area. There are 3 white patches on the map: the DC's Compound (tennis court area), Garrison Hill, and the Kuki Piquet. Thus, you can put the guns anywhere you want in more or less the area where they were historically.

Yes, they are essentially useless in this scenario. But then, so are the Gerpanese tanks. It's a terrain thing smile.gif

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Second, are all the flags weighted equally? The AI seems to consider Jail Hill as it's main objective. As I said, It was hit by 2 companies and all the tanks, but I also saw at least another company in the woods headed that way and all the skirmishes near the tennis courts were the results of the AI trying to join those 2 platoons up with the Jail Hill attackers. Those 2 platoons actually came through behind my front line there and just waltzed through untill they tripped ouver one of my platoons. It was weird though because they went right past 2 objective flags and headed for Jail Hill.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Jail Hill, Garrison Hill, and the DC's compound are all "big" flags, whereas DIS, Kuki Piquet, etc, are "small" flags. So it's not surprising the AI is making a major effort for Jail Hill, being as that's worth more points than some of the other places. Plus, there are some LOS lanes from Jail Hill that help support attacks on the other objectives later on.



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

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Well BulletHead,

I've finished playing it out. I surrendered around turn 45. I was down to 2 platoons and a bunch of non combat effective units (spent mortars, panicked troops, 1 man squads, etc.).

As I retreated from Jail Hill I walked the artilery barrage behind me where I guessed the Gerpanese to be. I also left piat ambushes behind to take out some tanks (by the time I surrendered I killed 7 tanks and immobilized 1 out of the 12). I set up a new MLR at the middle minor flag, with a little over a company in an arc anchored in the large jungle area by the road, and on the wooded slop facing the swamp. Once the AI started it's assault I managed to hold out for about 15 turns. The AI just kept throwing troops at that slope in what amounted to a bonzai charge. I was gradually forced to shift more and more troops there, but eventually weight of numbers broke my line.

In looking at the map at the end of the battle I see that the AI hand over 2 companies of troops that hadn't been committed. There were 2 folliwing behind the 2-3 companies that broke through my line, plus a few scettered platoons to retain control of objectives. The troops that weren't part of the final assault were almost all in close to perfect condition (0-2 casualties from arty and 35+ ammo).

The AI did indeed concentrate on Jail Hill first. In fact, it sent all it's troops there and then just pushed down the line of victory flags.

Some thoughts on the scenerio. Though I realize that you are trying to recreate a real battle, I think it is weighted too heavily in favor of the Gerpanese. There's at least a 3 to 1 advantage and the defender is forced to spread out over a large area. The tanks seem about right, but there's just too much infantry. Perhaps this is partially a problem with using Germans for Japanese. I suspest that the Germans, even the 44 squads, have more automatic weapons and a much higher firepower than the corresonding Japanese. I would suggest either removing troops from the Gerpanese side, or perhaps using a weaker unit. Perhaps 3 or 4 to 1 odds with the Gerpanese using Volkstrum with a high level of fanaticism. I would also suggest removing at least some of the MG42s. As far as i know the Japanese didn't have anything close to them, and there are literally dozens (it looks like you bought the units as battalions, maybe just buy then as seperate platoons). And maybe replace the rest of them with the lighter versions. Offering the defender some fortifications might also help, but again i don't know how that fits the OOB.

One final note, I don't know how it fits with the OOB, but I would have gladly traded all my arty for light mortars with fast response times. They're very effective against infantry, and I had a lot of trouble getting arty in the right place because the large guns, when unobserved take 6-8 turns to arrive. I was only really able to use them in the retreat from Jail Hill and once the Gerpanese were stationary for a while as they assaulted my line.

All in all a very tense and exciting battle, it's just that it's one that I don't think I could have won even if i knew where the attack was coming from. I'm a decent player, but as it stands now, the Brits are, at least for me, a lost cause in this one.

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