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Everything posted by Gr8Phrtz

  1. I saw 1.1b16 belly-up without errors while playing August Bank Holiday, just about the time a lot of smoke started appearing on the battlefield. So i bumped up the Preferred memory allocation to 64MB, and now i can play the scenario all the way through. Now i know this isn't your problem exactly, although running in the larger resolution would obviously require more memory, so...
  2. So where is it? Cant find in Depot? Could you post URL. Look forward to playing it. And I'm with you -- this world needs a good Pacific wargame. CM could easily do it -- it already has amphibious assault (can you imagine being at View Level 1 behind an AMTRAC as it approaches a Tarawa beach), and some of the mountains i've seen in CM scenarios are as big as Iwo Jima's. Of course, there would have to be a new menu option for Human Wave Attack!
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