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CDV (oh, not again, you think........but come inside, you might learn something new)

Guest Sgt. Emren

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Guest Sgt. Emren

First of all: To all the people who are going to jump at this and tell me to stop whining: Sod off. This thread is not whining! If you feel that it is, you need not reply to this.

Second: I am getting CMBB, not from CDV but from a friend of mine who is going to ship it from Canada.

Now, to the real reason I am posting this: I am not going to second-guess BFC in their choice of European distributor. I'm sure they have their reasons. But why, oh why, did they have to choose a GERMAN distributer? If they had chosen a British one, or anyone else, the game wouldn't have to have been sanitized, right?

And surely, there must be someone with a better trackrecord of publishing SERIOUS games than CDV....

[edited for spelling]

[ October 03, 2002, 05:44 AM: Message edited by: Sgt. Emren ]

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"I am not going to second-guess BFC in their choice of European distributor. I'm sure they have their reasons. But why, oh why, did they have to choose a GERMAN distributer? If they had chosen a British one, or anyone else, the game wouldn't have to have been sanitized, right?"

Not going to secound guess their choice?? :confused:

"But why, oh why, did they have to choose a GERMAN distributer?"

Sounds like you "one -upped" yourself and First Guessed their choice of a German distributor.

-tom w

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Probably because it was the only option available to get it into retail. The only problem I have with that is the contract clause that forbids BFC from shipping to Western Europe. Now we're left with the charade where we buy the game, have it shipped to Canada, whereupon it's shipped to us. :rolleyes:

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Guest Sgt. Emren


Yeah, my post looks a bit daft now that I re-read it. It's not the best piece I've ever done.... :rolleyes::D

But seriously: If they HAD chosen a non-German distributer, the game wouldn't need to be sanitized (with whatever extra time that requires), would it?

And furthermore, what's to stop anyone from publishing a wargame in Germany which adheres to all laws, and then making a download available to make the game "dirty" again? Seems like it's all a bit of wasted effort, doesn't it?

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Originally posted by Abbott:

Well, let me guess, umm, BFC made a BUISSNESS deal they were satisfied with? Maybe turn some profit, yeah, I bet that’s it.

Nothing wrong with that, except that it was a decision that their European customers would be highly dissatisfied with.
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IMHO CDV is probably the logical choice though if you wanted a mainstream European-based distributer for a wargame. I personally can't think of any others which would fit the bill any better. The decision to release the German-language version first though is just plain strange though from where I'm sitting. Logic would suggest that the English version would be first off the presses since there is no translation?

I am therefore of the opinion that there are five possible causes:

1) They just made a plain, big, dumb mistake;

2) Using the German local market to judge sales before releasing in the rest of Europe;

3) Technical problem;

4) They don't want to release the game head-to-head with Sudden Strike 2;

5) They have a majority stake in a company specializing in trans-Altantic packages. ;)

Of course a simple anncoucement would stop people like me adding fuel to an already burning rumour-mill (and mixing our cliches)...

[ October 03, 2002, 07:56 AM: Message edited by: Fetchez la Vache ]

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Originally posted by Sirocco:

Probably because it was the only option available to get it into retail.

I never realised it was so important to get it into retail. You'd never have thought it from the manifesto. Whatever happened to the wargaming revolution? It seems that for European customers at least, it only lasted for one game. Now we get CM in a shop (eventually/hopefully/TBA), just like all the other games; it comes with unduly restrictive copy protection, just like all the other games; and you don't get a proper manual*, just like all the other games. All that's left that makes CM so special is the game itself and this forum.

*That's not ignoring BTS's admirable workaround regarding the "CDV manualette", for which they should be congratulated and serve as an example to others in the industry.

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Originally posted by Holdit:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sirocco:

Probably because it was the only option available to get it into retail.

I never realised it was so important to get it into retail. You'd never have thought it from the manifesto. Whatever happened to the wargaming revolution? It seems that for European customers at least, it only lasted for one game.</font>
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I'm rather happy with the game being in the shops. And I don't really care so much who is the distributor. I got the game I wanted.

ANd the gamer being in the shops means more sales for BFC I guess. Otherwise they would not have done it. And more sales means more cash for BFC. And that gives BFC the possibility to further improve CM and we will get a even better CM III.

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Originally posted by tools4fools:

I'm rather happy with the game being in the shops. And I don't really care so much who is the distributor. I got the game I wanted.

ANd the gamer being in the shops means more sales for BFC I guess. Otherwise they would not have done it. And more sales means more cash for BFC. And that gives BFC the possibility to further improve CM and we will get a even better CM III.

heck yes...and by the time you guys get CMIII we might see a) the bundle pack of CMBO+CMBB, or even just CMBB if were very lucky and pray to those gods of european marketing and distribution with amazing support and CSR...the one and only, the supreme and magnificent..... CDV!

(Who'm 99.9% of europe never heard of and the rest wished they hadn't)

/em grins

that felt good

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Originally posted by Sgt. Emren:

Now, to the real reason I am posting this: I am not going to second-guess BFC in their choice of European distributor.

And the next sentences: :rolleyes:

I'm sure they have their reasons. But why, oh why, did they have to choose a GERMAN distributer? If they had chosen a British one, or anyone else, the game wouldn't have to have been sanitized, right?
Glad you're not second guessing. I take it you don't really know what second guessing means?

In any event, in order for us to take your comments seriously, perhaps you can outline for us how deep your involvement in the European gaming market has been. Perhaps suggest a British game distributor with access to the European market. You've obviously done a lot of intense research into this subject - can you print some of your findings for us here?

Can't wait for this one.

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Originally posted by Fetchez la Vache:

[QB]IMHO CDV is probably the logical choice though if you wanted a mainstream European-based distributer for a wargame. I personally can't think of any others which would fit the bill any better.


erm... Activision for one, even Ubi Soft.

(edit) Ditto to Mr Dorosh, Activision (UK/Europe) could've done it all far better and on a far more timely basis. Ubi-Soft (UK/Europe, french based) as an alternative and they allready recognise such a thing as "oversized DVD cases" so no need for a cut-down manual either. Need anything more, just shout.

[ October 03, 2002, 09:12 AM: Message edited by: dd ]

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Guest Sgt. Emren


I meant their choice in using a retail distributer, as opposed to using only the Internet as a method of sales. As I mentioned above, the intent in my first post might have been a bit vague. So don't get all agitated.

And as for European distributers...read the above post from dd.

In any event, in order for us to take your comments seriously, perhaps you can outline for us how deep your involvement in the European gaming market has been.
And I could say the same thing to you...
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It has been said countless times by BFC and ignored here again:

1. The majority in Europe do not buy over the internet. They know from CMBO.

2. CDV approached them, and made a deal they can live with, they didn't sell out, they are making money and get to set terms that other distributers would NOT do.

3. The more sales in Europe, the bigger the community, the more sales, the better chance the company survives. At the end of the day, they still have to feed Madmatt.

4. Lessons were learned, and next go round things will change. Pissing and moaning about it here isn't going to change anything.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I want my time refunded by the original poster.

I learned absolutely nothing new in here. Same whinging as the last 6 threads on this topic.

You can only have your time refunded if you send us a cheque for £5.00 and include with it a finger from your left hand to prove you are indeed Seanachai.

Please also allow at least 2 weeks for delivery.

Remember that for every time-refund we will require another additional original finger.

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Originally posted by rune:

It has been said countless times by BFC and ignored here again:

4. Lessons were learned, and next go round things will change. Pissing and moaning about it here isn't going to change anything.


Now I wonder why things might change? Perhaps because people pissed and moaned about it?


Fact of the matter is that pissing and moaning does change things and it also allows the end customer (potential) to get things off their chest and feel that at least maybe BF is listening whereas CDV aren't. ITs all part of the PR/CSR circle.

If there were no pissing and moaning there wouldnt be a USA and King "Mad-Cow" George LXI would be in charge of a global empire.

3. The more sales in Europe, the bigger the community, the more sales, the better chance the company survives.
Absolutely - so why are CDV hampering the sales by mismatched products, skewed release dates and sub-standard manuals? Why isnt there an english language CMBB forum at CDV? Why was the release delayed and why isnt there any plans for the "Bunbdle Pack"? All of these things hurt sales now.

One has to remember that saying "its better" is not as good as saying "its much better".

I dont want CMBB, i want to buy the bundle pack as i dont have CMBO - but i cant buy it because I live in the UK. CDV arent releasing it (for 6 months) yet i cannot order it from BF.

That's 1 sale down allready...would you wait 6 months for a game?

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Originally posted by Sgt. Emren:

But why, oh why, did they have to choose a GERMAN distributer? If they had chosen a British one, or anyone else, the game wouldn't have to have been sanitized would it?

I think this is the crux of the matter. No, the game would have had to be sanitized regardless of the nationality of the distributor. At least if BFC wants to sell their games in germany (and I guess they do) that means they either needed to "sanitize" the english version, or release a seperate "sanitized" german version.

Since BFC has (apparently) decided that it doesn't neccesarily want to have wafflegrenadiere for everyone, there was going to have to be a german release (not to mention the fact that there is a big demand for german-language versions of games).

So from the point-of-view that they were going to have an international and a german release it makes sense that they went ahead with a german distributor.

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Originally posted by dd:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

I want my time refunded by the original poster.

I learned absolutely nothing new in here. Same whinging as the last 6 threads on this topic.

You can only have your time refunded if you send us a cheque for £5.00 and include with it a finger from your left hand to prove you are indeed Seanachai.

Please also allow at least 2 weeks for delivery.

Remember that for every time-refund we will require another additional original finger.</font>

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I agree feedback in important, but you think three separate threads are really necessary? The point being BFC acknowledged problems and said for next time it will be fixed, do honestly think harping on it more is going to change their minds even more?

Have I waited 6 months for a game? There are a lot here that waited 2 years for CMBO when all the "experts" said it couldn't be done. Can you mention Harpoon 4? Oh look, still isn't out. How about the next version of Half-Life?

It was a business decision, BFC learned from it. I trust the gang not to repeat the mistakes. Three threads are NOT needed especially when all this has been answered.


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Guest Sgt. Emren
I want my time refunded by the original poster.

I learned absolutely nothing new in here. Same whinging as the last 6 threads on this topic.

I refuse. The topic said "might". That's not legally binding. Besides, I told you to sod off if you decided that you thought this was whining. And I am not sponsoring the refund scheme run by dd. tongue.gif

And I know you have the game...so get busy playing!!! ;)

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