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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Joe Shaw, Justicar of the Cesspool, I call upon you in your official capacity as guardian of the rules and all propriety in the MBT, to hereby designate Treeburst155 as Squire to myself, i.e., Moriarty, Senior Knight and Defender of Hopeless Causes.

Hmmm, another interesting conumdrum (or condiment ... I get those mixed up all the time, it's a real problem). Moriarty (who STILL hasn't said anything nice about me and therefore will NOT be getting his turn) has claimed first right of refusal on Treeburst155 (spelt but not bolded). Yet I see on the previous incarnation of the MBT that I responded to him as follows:
I will say that should the Serf Treeburst155 (spelt but not bolded) wish to reenter the CessPool in that status and under that name then the Justicariate would take into account his postings to date and would likely grant your plea and make him Squire to you ... on the other hand he might wish to kill himself first.
So you can see my concern ... do I just call Moriarty a complete idiot for not reading my first post or shall I call him an utter simpleton for not remembering? Difficult decisions my friends.


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Ick! I'm busy for awhile and come back to find that this whole hole has turned into a tranny admiration society (not that there's...Okay, screw that, there's something fundamentally wrong with a guy pretending to be a woman). You pile of lack-wit mouse-strokers are so flummoxed by the thought of attention from a woman that you continue the ruse, even when the gig is up.

I'm sorry, no amount of duct-tape and depilatories are gonna make me change my tune.

Roxy is gone (dead and buried, pushing up the daisies, gone to meet his maker, is a trans no more, she's bloomin' deceased!).

Oh, and hate yourself for me; I've not the time.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

... there's something fundamentally wrong with a guy pretending to be a woman....

Oh, I don't think so. It's something a guy very secure in his manhood might find amusing. Besides, it gets people riled up around here. There's something fundamentally right about that.

Serf Treeburst155 out.

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Well, Mike, it's like this: I found out "that the n*ggers and the chinks can stay, BUT WE DON'T WANT THE KIWIS!" [paraphrased Blazing Saddles, America's finest cinematic achievement]

[edited 'cause Pshaw's just that way]

[ August 23, 2002, 08:34 AM: Message edited by: Iskander ]

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Oh look Leero - it's time for your suppository again.........I'm sure one of the kind kay-nig-hits will gently insert it for you.

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I will take your response to mean that said request has been granted and that Treeburst155/Roxy is now Squire to Moriarty, Senior Knight and Defender of Hopeless Causes.
Are you completely brain dead? Opps, sorry, forgot who I was talking to. Look, Treeburst155 (spelt but not bolded) is not yet back on the forum, until he is nothing will be done. But also I have yet to MAKE a final determination, that last little morality play WAS pretty dreadful as Berli so rightly pointed out. I said I would LIKELY make the choice, wait for the command!

Still not a nice word about me to be seen ... I'm getting my feelings hurt I am.


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Morality Play? That was just an honest description of the most memorable part of my afternoon. Hey, Roxy can be rough, and I don't blame her. How would you like it if somebody cancelled your BFC account?

Serf Treeburst155 out.

[ August 23, 2002, 03:32 AM: Message edited by: Roxy ]

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Originally posted by Roxy:

That was just an honest description of the most memorable part of my afternoon.

So, we can look forward to descriptions of your dull and uneventful life? Oh joy. Between that and mike and his desires to shove things up Leoo's ass things should get right jolly around here.
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Reports from around the grounds:

Well, Alcatheter and I have kicked off in a QB which can only be described as piffle. There aren’t enough trees and it will involve us running to the top of a hill and engaging in fisticuffs before one of us skips home across open ground. Did I mention that there aren’t enough trees? Did I mention that I’m responsible for this monstrosity? Nestor, you tosser!

Elsewhere, I am engaged in a fight to the death in Rees-am-Rhein with a nice lawyer from Texas. No, not Merespanker – please read the previous sentence more closely: Texas – check, lawyer – check, nice – ah!

I mention this here only because I believe the scenario in question is a Burly ‘special’ and respect is due to the youngster. Were you toying with one of those puzzles that has lots of square blocks to be shuffled into the right sequence and only one empty space when you did it? I can see now that at the end, he’ll have my flags, I’ll have his and we’ll have to start all over again. You, sir, are ‘special’.

Can self-taunting make you blind?

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The "Happy Feet Friday" Song

It's Friday! It's Friday!

The boss is out of town

Let's order us a keg o beer

and chug the whole thing down!

It's Friday! It's Friday

Let's all just surf the net

We'll all just hit the bar for lunch

And be drunk as we can get!

It's Friday! It's Friday!

Take a toke and start to cough.

If the phone should ring,

Go pick it up and tell the client

to Sod Off!

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Originally posted by Roxy:

Morality Play? That was just an honest description of the most memorable part of my afternoon. Hey, Roxy can be rough, and I don't blame her. How would you like it if somebody cancelled your BFC account?

Serf Treeburst155 out.

Is your real name Norman Bates?


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