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What's the neatest thing you've seen so far in CMBB?

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I like hearing about all the strange things that have happened to people in this game, it's what keeps it interesting. In a QB once I had a few conscript squads stumble upon an AT gun in a blizzard, they annihilated the gun in 2 seconds and then promptly routed, with no casualties. I did a ceasefire to see what happened, only to find that there were no other enemies around. My guys ran from their own gunfire...

I've started a few fires, mainly with AP rounds in tanks, but I've never seen them spread. Other than the occasional friendly targeting, I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary. Anyone else seen anything?

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The Time a T-34/85 (AI was Allied) charged down a road full speed in reverse.

Or the time I got ambushed by a flamethorwer in a night battle and 2 minutes later some German Pioneer threw a satchel chage which took out a KV-1 and 2 houses.


I shouldn't of had the speakers up so high...

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when playing as the german in early wittman, i watched a russian tank hunter team run past my stugIII, casually toss a coctail at it, killing the tc and putting the crew in shock, run another 50 meters or so and disappear into the woods never to be seen again. i watched it over and over again. too funny!

i setup a qb with 20 82mm rocket fo's. when they all landed, the explosions made the ground look like it was boiling. lol..

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In the Danube blues battle I had a tiger hiding around a bend. A T-34 pops out and my Tiger fires at him, about 160m, he misses. The T-34 still hasnt seen the Tiger, my Tiger fires again and the shell ricochets off the turret. At this point the T-34 sees him and fires getting a penetration. My crew shaken lays down smoke and backs off. In furious anger I throw the nearest object against the wall and scream. My Tiger then decides to take aim at SU-122(780 m's or so). What seems to be a miracle my Tiger fires between 2 buildings, through a group of trees, just over the head of my routed Grenadiers and pretty much right down the barrel of the Rusky's gun.

Pretty funny and saved me throwing more stuff in disgust.

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Originally posted by Nippy:

The Time a T-34/85 (AI was Allied) charged down a road full speed in reverse.

Or the time I got ambushed by a flamethorwer in a night battle and 2 minutes later some German Pioneer threw a satchel chage which took out a KV-1 and 2 houses.


I shouldn't of had the speakers up so high...

Nippy we must have played the same battle, except the flamethrower took out my KV-1, and I never saw the Pioneer squads that got me...

I played a QB last night in heavy forests, I used the hunt command to sneak a Valentine up to some woods I had my infantry hiding in, when all of a sudden the infantry spots a Panzer that's moving away from the patch of woods. Then the Panzer starts reversing back to the woods, my Valentine gets a rear hit on it from 10m away, and the infantry throws at least 8 molotov cocktails, in less than 5 seconds. All of this without the Panzer spotting any of the units. Suprise!

...and human waving hordes of Russians at a lone pillbox MG...suicidal, but what a sight!

-reformatted to fit your tv screen.

[ October 31, 2002, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: silentsniper ]

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Okay, enough of this blubbering. Let's see if we can get a decent scrap going. :D

Now, this might not be the neatest thing, but I really like the new effects of exploding buildings. Small ones anyway, haven't see large ones explode yet. The overall effect and rubble dust/smoke are such that I no longer support the return of the exploding bubble of CMBO. Now that I've grown accustomed to it, I think BTS did a really good job on it.

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Designing my own Rxd Bxxrcades operation - still testing, but working well so far - and seeing a Full German Rifle Coy with a platoon of MG42s, 105 mm prep bombardment, 81 mm smoke mission, and three StUG IIIs in support still get just about blown away while taking out the Soviet rifle platoon and Maxim MG resident in the building...

You start to get a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny sense of just a bit of what went on in the fall and winter of 1942. Very scary.

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Could you please warn others when you post sensitive info on a scenario that most ppl probably haven't played, i.e.

SPOILER WARNING for Scenario [x]....
















In this battle, I had a PzKfw VII Maus firing 150mm tungsten at a Platoon of Crack SU-85's, but the captured German Pak46 dual-128mm's really put the hurt on me, not to mention the MG42 company shredding my SMG troops and a few 203mm arty spotters that got caught in the open. But then my IL-2 Sturmovik's showed up, only to be shot down by 78 Quad 20mm FlaKs!!! But I had the last laught when my captured Panthers bushwhacked his SturmTiger, 75mm inf.guns, and a whole platoon of Panzer IV (just as they entered the map as reinforcments surrounded by my ATRs!)

Just some lightheartedness there... won't you be a chap and Edit your previous post to warn of the offending material! ;)tongue.gif

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Coolest things I've seen-

CMBB...haven't it too much yet, but killing two T-34's (and almost a 3rd) in one turn by two 'cover arc' ambushing Tank Hunter teams (one out of command) and also a rifle squad (using PzW-mines and grenade bundles) was HOT.

CMBO...sending Cromwells and Fireflys racing at a Tiger to get a 10m killing flank shot is a rush. Also, having a Brit Airborne Team stumble upon a Pillbox MG at 20m at night (the horror!), but I was outside of its firing arc, and the squad calming kept "moving" and threw 1 grenade inside the firing slit, KO'ing it- nice.

...plus: all sucessful Flamethower attacks :cool:

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Coolest thing I can recall is a small QB I set up last night. Due to the pre-game random casualties most of my infantry disappeared, while I got both of my arty spotters. So...

Dropping 76mm howitzer and 82mm mortar fire on the German approach route, then watching the depleted squads push through, re-group in the woods, and proceed to assault across a 50m gap into the nearest part of the town - right where my minefields and ambushing infantry were set up. One squad and HQ (all that was left of that platoon) managed to rout the better part of the company.

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Weirdest & probably coolest in CMBB:

I played The Iron Roadblock ( I know it's just a tutorial but I like the scenario anyway ) this morning. I saw a SdKfz 251/1 with sqad embarked virtually commit suicide by trying to race down the road past my KV 1 towards my troops. Needless to say it didn't last very long. I targeted it with the KV & those poor buggers were toast ( quite literally ).


Seeing my Tiger 1 blast a Cromwell to bits from 16m. I was playing South of Villers Bocage which I've never succeeded in winning ( yet!!! - has to be a way without cheating ).

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My two Tigers are fast moving abreast on a road over the crest of a hill. They come upon a previously brewed up T-34/85 and push it out of the way - only since there are two Tigers they keep pushing the Russkie tank between them and drag it about 500m down the road!

Watching from the side at a good distance on a replay, the smoke from the brewed T-34 was streaming out behind my Tigers in the prevailing wind. The whole thing looked like a train.

I watched it about 10 times.

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That's funny.

I am glad to see I am not the only one pulling his hair out at times !

Originally posted by Freetup:

In the Danube blues battle I had a tiger hiding around a bend. A T-34 pops out and my Tiger fires at him, about 160m, he misses. The T-34 still hasnt seen the Tiger, my Tiger fires again and the shell ricochets off the turret. At this point the T-34 sees him and fires getting a penetration. My crew shaken lays down smoke and backs off. In furious anger I throw the nearest object against the wall and scream. My Tiger then decides to take aim at SU-122(780 m's or so). What seems to be a miracle my Tiger fires between 2 buildings, through a group of trees, just over the head of my routed Grenadiers and pretty much right down the barrel of the Rusky's gun.

Pretty funny and saved me throwing more stuff in disgust.

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Example of fire spreading (the only one I've seen 'till now):

M3 Stuart hit by 75mm: set on fire in wheat field. 3 turns and the fire spread in the vicinity of the tank, sorrounding it ( 1 more turn and it fried the crew).

The ground contitions where DAMP.

Best regards,


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