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Hill 621

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Originally posted by Beckman:

But what I'm really greedy for is some of the COD scenarios, such as #31, "Chateau de Quesnoy" and wooo, wooo, wooo!, #27, "The Dinant Bridgehead".

Wow I remember that one, #31 Chateau de Quesnoy. I remember having to write down mine locations on paper and hope he stepped into those buildings. The French won that one, eh Easy-V. I have pleassant memories of that scen.

Man thinking back makes me like CMBO/CMBB that much more smile.gif

Oh you had to go there, didn't you?

Tell the Warta Line story steve!!

While you're telling stories, tell the board about your little COI fratricide episode with the Panthers. We never finished that game did we...I think you quit that one didn't you?

Another reason for you to like CMBO/CMBB better, eh? smile.gif

Didn't Crescendo of Doom have a Crete scenario? I remember playing that one (it could have been solitaire)

[ August 29, 2002, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: easy-v ]

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You will probably love a couple of the CMBB single-play scenarios and at least one operation, the Kruglowka Railway. Basically, it has about a company of GD dug in (trenches), across a fordable river from a battlion of Russians. The GD has minimal ammo and one 81mm FO, two 75mm inf guns and a 20mm flak gun. You have six battles to survive against about a Btn of Russians initially, another on Turn 2 and more tanks etc etc on the way. The Russians are conscripts, but that scream of 'oorra' and the Human Wave attacks really put the fear of God up you. That and the HUGE artillery. I have a review copy of CMBB, incidentally, about 90 per cent of the finished thing. You will love it - especially the morale rules, which mean you can drop arty on tanks and the crews may be cowardly enough to abandon them.

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Ok, true I must tell the Panther story.

Me and V are playing COI. It's getting intense. Quarters are close, guys are eveywhere. in those days you id'ed the units shooting and pointed to the target, like "8-ball corner pocket".

Well I had a sq with a faust knee deep in stuff. Of course, in a panic, I point to MY PANTHER. I try to take it back but V, being the guy that he is, lovingly let me take only my first choice. Of course I hit and kill the thing (Panther) when 2 hexes over was the real target. I got a mirgraine headache number 459732 after that one.

Hey V, you happy now.

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Originally posted by Beckman:

Ok, true I must tell the Panther story.

Me and V are playing COI. It's getting intense. Quarters are close, guys are eveywhere. in those days you id'ed the units shooting and pointed to the target, like "8-ball corner pocket".

Well I had a sq with a faust knee deep in stuff. Of course, in a panic, I point to MY PANTHER. I try to take it back but V, being the guy that he is, lovingly let me take only my first choice. Of course I hit and kill the thing (Panther) when 2 hexes over was the real target. I got a mirgraine headache number 459732 after that one.

Hey V, you happy now.

Well, you left the best details out:

IIRC, we were playing some god awful, almost brigade size battle. I think we had most of the pieces in play, and all the boards.

That you had a platoon of Panthers, and I close assaulted the unbuttoned crew and "captured" one of the Panthers. After getting one of my crews to the Panther, there was a wild shoot out, with you trying to destroy the captured panther, and the panther trying to destroy it's former platoon mates. As you got madder and madder that you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with the other panthers, you eventually targeted one of your friendly panthers in a blind rage, mistaking it for the captured panther. You can't really model that in a computer wargame, can you?

...ahhh the good old days....

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Originally posted by Blow2:

You will probably love a couple of the CMBB single-play scenarios and at least one operation, the Kruglowka Railway. Basically, it has about a company of GD dug in (trenches), across a fordable river from a battlion of Russians. The GD has minimal ammo and one 81mm FO, two 75mm inf guns and a 20mm flak gun. You have six battles to survive against about a Btn of Russians initially, another on Turn 2 and more tanks etc etc on the way. The Russians are conscripts, but that scream of 'oorra' and the Human Wave attacks really put the fear of God up you. That and the HUGE artillery. I have a review copy of CMBB, incidentally, about 90 per cent of the finished thing. You will love it - especially the morale rules, which mean you can drop arty on tanks and the crews may be cowardly enough to abandon them.

Hmm. I just read the account of that battle in Helmuth Spaeter's "History of the Panzerkorps Grossdeutschland". I thought it sounded like an ideal operation, and I was going to design that one myself. Oh well, I guess I will just play it instead.
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My first and 2nd Squad Leader games revolved around the fighting in Stalingrad.

Experienced and MG laden Germans fighting off the Russian "Guards." All liable to go berserk. smile.gif

I can still remember the second scenario with the German Assault Engineers. (Pioneers?)

I managed to get a couple of killer stacks next to the tractor works. Then, with great patience and forethought, set up a double assault on the Russians holding out in the centre of the factory.

I smoked the road between our buildings ran two squads of engineers across the street and into the factory. Tossing Satchel charges into the stack of Russkies!

Their opportunity fire on my Pioneers was ineffective and both of my Satchel charges went right into the thick of 'em. smile.gif


Bad rolls. Just some minor suppression effects, and me with nothing nearby to exploit the opportunity.

I could never keep my friend interested in the game. Shame really, since I'd have become a HUGE fan of that old gaming system.

Hoorah for CMBO/CMBB!! smile.gif

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In general we would appreciate that people refrain from handing out details about scenarios no one has seen yet. Please edit you post and add in the text SPOLIER and several blank lines so people that want to be surprised will know to skip the rest of the text.



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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

But what I'm really greedy for is some of the COD scenarios, such as #31, "Chateau de Quesnoy" and wooo, wooo, wooo!, #27, "The Dinant Bridgehead".


I have a Dinant Bridgehead story ;) . My friend and I were playing German against another of our friends who always played French. We were knocking the French around pretty bad so my German partner decided to have a little fun. He took Rommel out of his hiding location and ran him across some open ground in front of a French MG on the other side of the river just for giggles - the Victory Conditions said that if the French killed Rommel they automatically win the game. Alas the French couldn't pick him off and we got a crushing victory!! :D We just wanted to add a little insult to the injury that's all. tongue.gif

I would definitely appreciate any volunteer testers. I will add your e-mail addresses to my address book. Sure would be nice if we had an ASL site again - like Col Klotz had :( . His site was first class!!

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Originally posted by ASL Veteran:

I would definitely appreciate any volunteer testers. I will add your e-mail addresses to my address book.

ASL Veteran, I started a sign up thread in the Scenario Talk forum. There are already three of us there, and hopefully more to come! We all look forward to bringing CMBB and SL together!

Chad Harrison

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Originally posted by Runyan99:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Blow2:

You will probably love a couple of the CMBB single-play scenarios and at least one operation, the Kruglowka Railway. Basically, it has about a company of GD dug in (trenches), across a fordable river from a battlion of Russians. The GD has minimal ammo and one 81mm FO, two 75mm inf guns and a 20mm flak gun. You have six battles to survive against about a Btn of Russians initially, another on Turn 2 and more tanks etc etc on the way. The Russians are conscripts, but that scream of 'oorra' and the Human Wave attacks really put the fear of God up you. That and the HUGE artillery. I have a review copy of CMBB, incidentally, about 90 per cent of the finished thing. You will love it - especially the morale rules, which mean you can drop arty on tanks and the crews may be cowardly enough to abandon them.

Hmm. I just read the account of that battle in Helmuth Spaeter's "History of the Panzerkorps Grossdeutschland". I thought it sounded like an ideal operation, and I was going to design that one myself. Oh well, I guess I will just play it instead.</font>
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The oddest event I recall from ASL was when I was playing the German in Gavin's Take (american paras led by Major(?) Gavin attempting to capture a bridge). We had some brutal close combats in the town of board 3. I retreat to the bridge with 1 german squad, MG, and a leader. My opponent, with his stack of 3 7-4-7 squads and Gavin (10-2?) is moving in for the kill and the bridge. I take a shot at them; Gavin goes berserk and the 3 squads follow suit. They ignore the bridge and become KIA when charging my units! I win by the slimmest of margins [sigh] yup, them were good days! wahooo

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Originally posted by Harold:

To the Last Man is a great 3 player scenario. It uses 3 of the deluxe city boards and Has Russian Guards on both sides with SS in the middle. The object basically is to hold out if you play the SS or wipe out if you play the Guards. Would probably make a good quick CMBB scenario.

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Originally posted by Harold:

To the Last Man is a great 3 player scenario. It uses 3 of the deluxe city boards and Has Russian Guards on both sides with SS in the middle. The object basically is to hold out if you play the SS or wipe out if you play the Guards. Would probably make a good quick CMBB scenario.

(Sorry 'bout the last post). Harold, I couldn't agree more - what a killer scenario that would be! :cool:
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I agree CM is a 'better' game, but it can't simulate the tension of rolling the dice and hoping for/against the snake-eyes.[/QB]
I must agree...CM is absolutely incredible in it's fun, accuracy, aesthetics, etc. - the best wargame I've ever played. But, there is something to be said about old fashioned dice rolling. There was just something unique about shaking those "cubes 'o death" in ones' sweaty palms, then tossing them out while yelling "eyes!" (and end up throwing a set of boxcars instead! :mad: Aaarrrggghhh!!!!!). Reminiscences of stone age wargaming.... :D
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Congratulations, Michael. That's actually rather nice. But aren't you violating copyright or something? And you must have heard how nasty Hasbro is about that sort of thing. They can't make games worth a flying you-know-what, but they have a highly paid legal team.


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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

Congratulations, Michael. That's actually rather nice. But aren't you violating copyright or something? And you must have heard how nasty Hasbro is about that sort of thing. They can't make games worth a flying you-know-what, but they have a highly paid legal team.


I host it off-shore....and I made sure to include Rodger MacGowan's name in the artwork....
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Originally posted by Chad Harrison:

Hey wow Michael, that looks really good! Maybe around the box you could put some of the B&W pictures from the Russian scenarios or somefink.


Why didn't I think of that? 8 scenarios, 8 header art, 4 on each side....neat idea....!!

[ August 30, 2002, 05:25 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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one time a buddy of mine was on my side as germans.. he had a tiger i with radio installed so he could call in ffe... i had an elephant on the other side of the map. 2 other dudes were british and american... the dude on our left lost about 5 churchills to the tiger before he realized they were only available in '44... my buddy said, 'oh that's ok... you can have all of those (now dead) churchills. in the center and our right it didn't go much better for the allies... a dead halftrack column killed by my buddie's ffe and a dead 10-3 in the woods killed by a snake eyes from my elephant...

then there was the time i lost all of my main force to a british 10-3 with hmgs in a building... finally a pziii with 50med came along from the side and critical hit the 10-3...


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Well, Ive done it. All my ASL stuff has been out for as long as I can remember, but all this talk about Hill 621 made me go and get out all my SL stuff. That will make a great conversion to CMBB for sure!!

Has anyone ever played 'A Winter Melee'? I dont recall playing that one, but ouch! 42 Russian squads (including the partisans) against only 10 german squads with no HMG's???? Has anyone won this one as the Germans?


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Originally posted by manchildstein II:

i would like to see the one in riga, 1941 where the german platoon is trapped in the tower, surrounde by russians and the other german units try to break in supported by a couple or three stug iiib. also there are t-34 turrets dug into the ground if memory serves...

Could you be thinking of "The Citadel"? That one is set in Brest Litovsk and is very close to what you are describing.
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