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A M5A1 Stuart kills a Jagdtiger!!!!

some thing like "Front Upper Hull Superstructure Hit Knocked out"

I Mean a 37mm hitting up to 250mm armor!!!

Stuarts are now my fav :D

Must of hit its View panel or something...

[ 04-11-2001: Message edited by: Schutzstaffel ]

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when I remember my Stug IV knocked out by a Stuart (front upper hull) I have to say weak point ok... but for some VERY small weapons it should not even be possible to knock them out if they hit a "weaker" point... who says that a weak point is always so wheak that it is knocked out!?

I hate those 0/1 options...


...missing his beloved Stug IV

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That's damn lucky! I remember one of my Stuart's pumping 3 or 4 rounds into the side and ass of an immobilized Jagdtiger with nothing more than "Penetration No Damage". Finally a Sherman pulled up and finished the job with a side penetration. What a BEAST! Be careful though my friend, Lady Luck is a two timing trick!


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It can be done at close range rather easily.

For an experiment, try designing a scenario w/ 17 stuarts against the following force:

1 Tiger

1 Jagdpanther

2 Panther VG

1 Marder

Slight hills, light tree cover, clear weather (no snow or mud).

The stuarts should clean house a majority of the time -- albeit with grievious casualties.


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I once set up a game with 20 Stuarts run by me vs 4 AI-run King Tigers and let me tell you, when you get a front hull kill on a Tiger with a Stuart its luck. smile.gif All the Stuarts must have scored over 100 hits during the game and the only real kill came from a close range side shot on an immoble/dead gun KT, all the others were abandoned after their tracks & guns were damaged.

I was down to 8 Stuarts by the end. smile.gif


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Once I had a Panther and then a Tiger shot down by a Stuart. What was remarkable, was the fact that this happened in the first two minutes of the game, and that the Stuart found a weak spot on both of them.

I could not believe my eyes when the Panther got knocked out, but I went beserk when the Tiger was blown out in the next turn! :eek:

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gyrene:

I once set up a game with 20 Stuarts run by me vs 4 AI-run King Tigers and let me tell you, when you get a front hull kill on a Tiger with a Stuart its luck. smile.gif All the Stuarts must have scored over 100 hits during the game and the only real kill came from a close range side shot on an immoble/dead gun KT, all the others were abandoned after their tracks & guns were damaged.

I was down to 8 Stuarts by the end. smile.gif


So why go for a forward shot? Divide your Stuarts into two groups. Drag one at full speed in front of the ubertanks. Take the other group around the side. The uber tank will have to turn one way or the other -- then you get him from the side.

You WILL lose a lot of tanks - but you will win. Played last night, an attack scenario -- 15 stuarts vs. 1 Tiger, i Panther VG, 2 Jagdpanthers, 1 Nashorn, 1 StugIV. Lost 10 stuarts, but cleaned house. Would have lost about six, but I overlooked one jagdpanther and he popped off four quick kills as I looped back to get him.

One of my stuarts earned a Silver Star - credited with 1 StugIV, 1 Panther, 2 Jagdpanthers and the Nashorn, as well as 7 infantry (crew) casualties. He had a very good day!


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Mr. Spkr, I did try to go for the flanks, and I eventually got it, I even got several point blank rear shots (Still no kill), but the board I was playing in was fairly open, and the head on shots come on the initial contact.

Pretty fun, in any case.


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Yeah, getting to the flanks is the hard part. The most important thing is to keep your stuarts moving. Also, I try not to move them in a straight line - even a slight arc is better than a straight line because it forces the slower moving German turrets to take more time for each shot.

Didn't mean to imply you were acting silly or anything. Soryy if I did.

MrSpkr smile.gif

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Just had another one when i was playing with my friend....

it was like almost over and all my forces were wiped out except for a m24 Chaffee

his forces left were 2 tigers...

i surprised the first tiger and quickly got a shot piont blank at its arse...it got knocked out... then out of no where a second tiger come charging up the hill...

i was like HOLY CRAP!, but i amazingly got um out of that sticky situation and the chaffee did a U-turn and sure nuff theres the tiger...but the tiger saw the chaffee before the chaffee saw it...the tiger fired a shot but missed the chaffee was aiming then RIGHT when the tiger was going to fire the chaffee killed it :eek:

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schutzstaffel:

Just had another one when i was playing with my friend....

it was like almost over and all my forces were wiped out except for a m24 Chaffee

his forces left were 2 tigers...

i surprised the first tiger and quickly got a shot piont blank at its arse...it got knocked out... then out of no where a second tiger come charging up the hill...

i was like HOLY CRAP!, but i amazingly got um out of that sticky situation and the chaffee did a U-turn and sure nuff theres the tiger...but the tiger saw the chaffee before the chaffee saw it...the tiger fired a shot but missed the chaffee was aiming then RIGHT when the tiger was going to fire the chaffee killed it :eek:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

WOOHOOO! Another victory for the mighty midgets!


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All this is pretty interesting. Once I did a QB with 10 stuarts vs. 5 KTs. The KTs won. Why? Because the Stuarts could NOT penetrate the rear armor of a KT at 7 meters!!! I've tried over and over again and it always goes the same. If I rush the KTs, the Stu's never penetrate. If I try to hit and run, the Stuarts never pentrate and the turns eventually run out.

[ 04-19-2001: Message edited by: Guy w/gun ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Guy w/gun:

All this is pretty interesting. Once I did a QB with 10 stuarts vs. 5 KTs. The KTs won. Why? Because the Stuarts could NOT penetrate the rear armor of a KT at 7 meters!!! I've tried over and over again and it always goes the same. If I rush the KTs, the Stu's never penetrate. If I try to hit and run, the Stuarts never pentrate and the turns eventually run out.

[ 04-19-2001: Message edited by: Guy w/gun ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Try putting the KTs on defense (give to AI). Make them Vets or Crack troops.

Then buy as many regular or green stuarts as you can.

The Stuart CAN penetrate the KT armor at close range from the side or rear IF it still has the special AP ammo (t or c - I can't recall and am at work).


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the ai cannot properly handle german armor, at any experince level. It just ends up in a "bee-dance" with more panzers being lost to rediculous target selection and priorities on the part of the computer. The issue seems to be more exaggerated with non- turreted tanks. Recently in a QB one of my attacking Easy-Eights was not veiwed as a threat (yellow target line) by the AI's KT until the Sherman had charged right up to the muzzle of the 88/L71 across a 260m long open ground area in broad daylight, by the time the KT decided to draw a bead my sherman cracked it from the rear. Why was that? his cannon was in perfect working order as no one had yet engaged him, they were an elite unit? This happens regularly and it really frustrates me to just bypass an obstacle like a KT in such a gamey fashion when my intent was to distract it whilst another E8 sneaked up from the flank (whom incidentally became bogged in the scattered trees he was trying to move through and didn't even get to lay eyes on the KT). Enemy infantry presence confounds the ai's handling of panzers further; even on the defense when the ai is given every advantage....yes, even in numbers.

Sorry BTS, no offense, AI is a bear to code and I acknowledge that and enjoy the game immensely all the same.


[ 04-20-2001: Message edited by: Abteilung ]

[ 04-20-2001: Message edited by: Abteilung ]

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