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'Forced' to be gamey or maybe I'm missing something...


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Hey folks,

I'm fiddling with the Quick Battles to get a feel for what can be purchased and how the variable rarity works.

I fire up a 1000 point mostly random battle as the Russians and get Axis Assault, July, 42. No problem. Since I didnt know the battle type, I have up both set to Combined Arms and Mechanized Division.

Now when I go to buy my force, out of 1000 points, I can only spend 295 on Infantry and 177 on Support. Fine...no probs, I AM Mech afterall...

Problem is that you cant buy any realistic infantry with that. Only ONE Platoon. The real issue is that for some reason, the PTRD ATR team cost 100(!) points. They are attached to the platoons if I try and buy a Coy and run WAY over the Support limit. 100 points for a TEAM? I tried to see if they were 'rare' in the Support pick and that accounted for the cost, but there arent any there to buy.

End result is that the only way to get more than one Platoon of Infantry is to pick one MR Platoon and one Recon Platoon. That just seems a bit silly to me.

I understand not wanting people to be able to 'a la carte' their Coys in QBs by allowing selling off assets, but if the assets are costing more than the base platoon, something is a bit off.

I hate to say 'bug' at this stage, but whats up the 100 point teams? Is that correct? Did I just pick the exact force composition mix to screw myself up? I realize that 1000 points isnt a huge battle, but IMO, you should at least be able to get a reasonable force out it.

Thanx for any input on this?


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Talenn - you get so few infantry points because you chose the "assault" battle type - that forces you to spend a lot of points - 400, in your case, on fortifications.

My game doesn't agree with the point totals you have, though - a motorized rifle platoon costs 99 points, of which 10 is the AT rifle.

If you buy a recon platoon, you don't have to buy the AT rifle - the weapons loadout is slightly different, though.

And for 288 points, you can buy a recon company. That leaves you with 177 points for support weapons (including independent AT rifle teams for 11 points), 216 points for armor (T-34 m.1943 appears to be a bargain at 111 pts), 141 pts for arty (try the 122 mm howitzer for 102 pts.) and then 400 points for fortifications.

All of this is at experience level regular, with variable rarity on.

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Michael Dorosh & Dowarisch:

You missed the point. There are 100 point teams included in the Coy with 33 point Squads throwing the points way off. My main question was about those. If you read the post, you'll see that I EXPECTED to have few infantry, but was surprised when I saw that team in there making them unable to be purchased, even in a mid sized 1000 point battle.

What is it about this forum that you cant question anything or ask for clarification without being called a 'whiner' by someone??

Andrew Hedges:

Thanx for the input. I did end up with the Recon group. Nice troops, no squad support weapons though...ouch on these wide open maps!

The ATR team listed at 100 points, not 10, hence my question as to whether its a 'bug' or maybe just a really rare AT weapon for the time or something.

Anyone else see teams seeming way over the top in price? I wish I had saved the battle parameters to see if I could recreate it again.



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Did you notice that the ammo for a recon squad is 63(!). By contrast, the ammo of a motorized rifle squad is only 38. I assume that this has to do with fact that the motorized squad has two smgs and an LMG, while the recon squad only has one smg, but it's quite a substantial difference.

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Ok, I found them again. July, 1941 (not 42..sorry), Finland frontal area, Soviet Combined Arms, Mechanized Division.

Mech Rifle Bn, 41. Platoon= 1x 12 point HQ

3x 24 point Squand

1x 100 point PTRD Team

That is the culprit. Is that a correct cost for them or should it be 10 as well? Maybe the PTRD is 'rare' for that time period? If so, maybe equip them with more common equipment (or no AT team at all) so that they are actually a viable unit.

For myself, I cant see spending 188 points to get 88 points worth of infantry and 1 semi-effective AT weapon...not when I can have 4 45mm AT guns for the same cost in 'Support' points.

That is what leads me to believe that its a simple mistype. If its not, what is the rationale there?

Thanx again,


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Originally posted by Talenn:

[QB]Ok, I found them again. July, 1941


1x 100 point PTRD Team

That is the culprit. Is that a correct cost for them or should it be 10 as well? Maybe the PTRD is 'rare' for that time period? If so, maybe equip them with more common equipment (or no AT team at all) so that they are actually a viable unit.

They were probably pretty rare at that point, considering they were not in production until august :eek:
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wwb_99 et al:

Rarity was set to 'variable' but each time I've tried it, I've had the same results so it wasnt a fluke of the rarity one time.


Thanx for the clarification. I hate to scream 'bug' because so many people do that when they just dont understand something...hence my original quest for more info. IMO, its good to catch them now and squash 'em early! ;)


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Yeah, looked at it last night. It is triggered by rarity--the ATR is not avaliable in June 41 to be purchased a la carte, making it rediculiously expensive.

Note there is another type of motorized squad you can use for now.


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