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I Challenge Peng for a bone to be thrown

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Originally posted by Noba:

Mike, (Do we bold this IQ deficient ?)

No - I'm pretty sire this IQ deficient isn't a real person....yet.

You spelt NASAL wrong.


And your point would be?

Look here lowlife microbial rejects of the pool - my spelling is carp (which is cr@p mis-spelled in case you don't have enough DNA to realise it).

so, alas, pointing out my rat-**** spelling does not constitute taunting.

It isn't even as irritating as last night's beer and vindaloo repeating itself.

Now go away and think up something less useless will you.

[ August 11, 2002, 02:05 AM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

To quote Peggy Hill, "I'm the smartest hillbilly in Hillbilly town."

*sings* Folks are dumb where I come from!.


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It's a quiet night at House Croda. A lone figure, a middle aged knight, slowly shuffles from room to room wearing a tattered bathrobe and shower thongs...a pair of underwear perched jauntily on his head.

"No one's around.

No one's ever around.

M'Lud Croda rarely stops by and when he does, he never even spits a drop of bile in my direction."

The figure goes over to the refrigerator and peers in.

"Jar a marachino cherries...a couple of Groat clusters and a copy of "Age and Guile Beats Youth and a Bad Haircut Any Day" by P.J. O'rourke...what's that doing in here? That should be in the freezer.

The figure walks over to the outside door. checks to make sure the light illuminating the sign that says "House O' Croda! Live Bait. Cosmetologist on call! All Major Credit Cards Accepted!" is lit. Flicks the switch a few times.

"Aww, why do I bother? My squire Lurker is off doing Berli knows what. It's not like he's amusing anymore. Maybe I should just put the old place up for sale. Get out. See what's happening in the world.

Ah well...maybe some outerboarder will show up in the MBT tomorrow. Verbal dissection always cheers me up."

The figure shuffles off into the gloom. Somewhere, far off in the distance, a mandolin is briefly heard.

[ August 11, 2002, 02:28 AM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

It's a quiet night at House Croda. A lone figure, a middle aged knight, slowly shuffles from room to room wearing a tattered bathrobe and shower thongs...a pair of underwear perched jauntily on his head.

"No one's around.

No one's ever around.

M'Lud Croda rarely stops by and when he does, he never even spits a drop of bile in my direction."

The figure goes over to the refrigerator and peers in.

"Jar a marachino cherries...a couple of Groat clusters and a copy of "Age and Guile Beats Youth and a Bad Haircut Any Day" by P.J. O'rourke...what's that doing in here? That should be in the freezer.

The figure walks over to the outside door. checks to make sure the light illuminating the sign that says "House O' Croda! Live Bait. Cosmetologist on call! All Major Credit Cards Accepted!" is lit. Flicks the switch a few times.

"Aww, why do I bother? My squire Lurker is off doing Berli knows what. It's not like he's amusing anymore. Maybe I should just put the old place up for sale. Get out. See what's happening in the world.

Ah well...maybe some outerboarder will show up in the MBT tomorrow. Verbal dissection always cheers me up."

The figure shuffles off into the gloom. Somewhere, far off in the distance, a mandolin is briefly heard.

Good night Boo.


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It isn't even as irritating as last night's beer and vindaloo repeating itself.

You actually hit the nail on the head with that one. You are just a miss-spelling pimple in the vast south pacific. A boil at the bottom of the world. Inconsequencial and overated by your constant flapping of gums and fingers. You must like the sound of your fingers tapping their rubbish in post after post of dribble. I pity that poor keyboard and it's constant short circuits caused by the saliva hanging from your slack jaw.

Feh !


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They're fake and they're beautiful, just like me. Also, since they are not expensive I can keep my credit card fraud in the misdemeanor range.
OK, I'm not ashamed to admit it, she made me chuckle. Cutting and self deprecating. Hmmm, now if she can just make Dorosh cry, I'm all for letting her stay, or at least killing her last.

Edited due to the fact that my secret Germanboy anal retentive decoder ring got lost in the wash.

[ August 11, 2002, 10:56 AM: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

New email address in profile if you're interested.

Make sure you send out a notice of this via email. Please include BOTH 'poolers and innocent, bystanding civilians in one big mass email. Don't forget the lizard with the morals of a flamethrower team.

Oh, this will be lovely.

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Originally posted by Geier:

Make sure you send out a notice of this via email. Please include BOTH 'poolers and innocent, bystanding civilians in one big mass email. Don't forget the lizard with the morals of a flamethrower team.

Oh, this will be lovely.

Yeah, so far I've gotten six e-mails referring to Joe's new address. I imagine this makes Joe feel quite important. Once again the universe is revolving around Joe as it should. I imagine him not unlike the character played by Steve Martin in "The Jerk", running around the gas station yelling, "THE NEW PHONE BOOKS ARE IN, THE NEW PHONE BOOKS ARE IN!" with the wild abandon of a hyperactive ground squirrel.
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Well after a week or so offline it has taken me almost all day to catch up on the thread... Now that I have I'm still not sure what to think.

I must say it has been quite some time since I read almost every post on the MBT and I would like to thank the newest recruit Roxy for entertaining me most of the day....

Welcome to the Cesspool Roxy and congratulations on holding your own and even though you admit to being a fake you have a certain appeal.(I find it difficult to understand why anyone would want to be someone else)and quite frankly it's what makes us women folk so wary of chat on the net, my advice to you is yes if you are female then by all means be careful especially in a mostly male enviroment but pretending to be something or someone you're not only succeeds in fueling the fire, the MBT is one of the safest places on this forum to post mainly because of a certain handful of guys, (you know who you are) so Roxy if you find it all becoming a bit too much then I'm free for a chat most nights just send me a mail......somehow though I don't think you'll need it. Once again...Welcome aboard and enjoy your stay.....


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And now for some ultra-gamey UPDATES!

dalem is all but conceding defeat. Remember that scene in Lord of the Rings where all the goblins swarm down upon the hapless Fellowship in the mines of Moria? Well, substitute "Fellowship" with "Earless Dog wimps" and "goblins" with "SS troops". Then imagine what would have happened had the Goblins decided not to run away . . .

AJ is whining before my superior tactics.

Yeknod has sent his monthly turn. I got to see one of my half-squads blow up a jeep using nothing but baling wire, chewing gum, and a single rifle. MacGyver, anyone?

Speedbump is dying in droves. Sure, he is complaining about my gamey use of minefields, TRPs, and covering fire, but hey -- who believes his lies, anyway?

Lars has lost all of his tanks. He is commanding the French, so my best guess is he will say he is just trying to play historically or something.

Joe, Joe, Joe - has discovered that in June 1944, Allied tanks cannot cross the bocage. Oops.

Boo has already said he would lose this one -- and it is only the ninth turn. He says he has never lost this quickly before, but, given the depths of his incompetence, I find that rather hard to believe.

r_'script has lost in a TOTAL Allied victory. His crack SMG squads, Stug III, and scoutcarthingywagen were no match for my two halftracks, three MGs, and two bazookas. And a Stuart -- mustn't forget that. He died poorly, and no doubt.

wildman, like most fly-fly types, sent me an email full of brash demands for a game and bold statements about how badly he was going to beat me. Then I sent him the first turn, and he disappeared. No wonder he's in the Air Force.

Roxy has sent a neat little setup. I am waiting for 8x10 glossies. Her tiny Arkansas brainpan cannot comprehend the depths of the defeat I will inflict on her hapless French forces.

The French and Arkansas -- they go together like Kibbles 'N Bits, don't you think?

The rest of you can sod off.


Edited because I can. So there!

[ August 11, 2002, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Yeah, so far I've gotten six e-mails referring to Joe's new address. I imagine this makes Joe feel quite important. Once again the universe is revolving around Joe as it should. I imagine him not unlike the character played by Steve Martin in "The Jerk", running around the gas station yelling, "THE NEW PHONE BOOKS ARE IN, THE NEW PHONE BOOKS ARE IN!" with the wild abandon of a hyperactive ground squirrel.

You should complain? I've had <U>over a dozen useless spam referrals</U> re: the notorious JS e-worm mail already. I expect a few thousand more during the day.

Good grief! Seanachai, where's that flamin' BRICK!!!!


Sir AJ


[ August 11, 2002, 09:40 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Roxy:

Herr Oberst,

Moo... moo... moo...

You now have a choice. You may either retract your insult or accept a setup from me.

I will not and cannot retract my insult. For it is a creation of the moment, as much the product of you as of I. In retrospect, the mere fact that you and I might have *shudder* parented something, anything, into existence together pains me more than you can possibly know. But I can no more deny the insult as I can deny your existence, and as attractive as that thought might be, I am overwhelmed by the "car wreck" instinct, and cannot deny you exist. For you do exist as an unforgiving reminder of the hazards of a wild gene pool, where that one in a billionth combination yields something so horrid that the doctor slaps the mother.

This insulting post, this instance of clarity, this work of art, this chef d'oeuvre of PC-cess, if such a thing can be said to exist, must stand.

Originally posted by Roxy:

Moo... Moo... Moo...

If you don't accept a setup, I'll....I'll.....I'll cry. [sniffle....sniff] Oh how you have hurt me so. [sniffle]

Oh very well. You will not bugger up this fine pool of cess we have created with those... those... those feminine tears of yours. Those damn things are like chlorine to the Cesspool.

We shall see how well you fare. Why even Crawdad in his finest hour attempted to best me with such a no-choice setup, and I still drew a single victory point from his grasping claws.

So, Bronto-babe, take your time unsticking yourself from your sofa and waddling to the computer before generating this setup. My ISP has decided to bugger up my internet connection at home, and claims that it will be Wednesday before the service van can arrive at my residence, during my working hours of course.

[ August 11, 2002, 10:06 PM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Boo has already said he would lose this one -- and it is only the ninth turn. He says he has never lost this quickly before, but, given the depths of his incompetence, I find that rather hard to believe.


I'm takin that statement back after watching squad after squad of your guys on the left skeedaddle for the high country.

Of course I could be wrong and they aren't running away in fear. Being your guys, perhaps they saw an ambulance and decided to give chase.

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Grog Dorosh has demanded a rematch. I agreed, and the files have been coming fast and furious. He has the second movie in hand already. He's not doing well.

Mr Spkr is still digging foxholes, or perhaps planning his retreat routes.

Herr Oberst,

Since I had a wonderfully delicious day shoplifting at Wal-Mart, and because your member number is so low; I've decided to let you have at least SOME say in the game parameters. I'll be in touch.

BTW, just because of you I had to pick up some water resistant mascara on my shoplifting spree. This caused me to go over my stealing budget for the day. I truly despise you for this. A lady can't press her luck you know. Bye for now, you...you.... MEANY.

To the Lady Y2K,

I'm glad I was able to brighten your day. Thanks for the welcome.

[ August 12, 2002, 03:10 AM: Message edited by: Roxy ]

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dalem is a gamey hacking bastiche -- with lots of submachine guns. Even so, with his crack and veteran British para-idiots and 7ee+ 4axxor skillz, he was unable to do any better than a draw.

We still hates him bunches, though.


[ August 11, 2002, 11:59 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Terence:

]This is a sad day...

...I can only quote your own long-forgotten words back at you and pronounce that you spoke the truth, yea these many moons ago, when you said "the chittering ground squirrels of the Peng Challenge thread have lost their edge."

So they have, utterly.

Or you're all getting laid a lot.

And since I've seen the pictures, that strikes me as rather unlikely.

Wait, this is Terence? You were here before, weren't you, and then you buggered off for no apparent reason? Ah, I've got it now.

As for my perceived 'mellowing', lad, you've clearly no more concept of satire than a cat does of the intricacies of a doorknob (both of which are your intellectual superiour, by the way, although the doorknob is working hard for the privilege of saying so, and only achieving it by actually being useful).

As for anything else that's happened lately, I'm very tired. I'm receiving upsetting emails, including two Thread stalwarts arguing back and forth over Roxy, innumerable demands to know what the hell's going on (most of these are from our government here in America, and have nothing to do with the Combat Mission Forum, but apparently a great deal to do with 'hot button' keyword filtering, which has earned me an 'unreliable' rating, since I don't seem likely to give George W. a big wet kiss anytime in the near future, although I'd be more than happy to pull Dick Cheney's pants down around his ankles and run him down main street, flogging his aging buttocks with a cactus leaf flail... oops, I think I've just added another 3 hits to my 'terrorist supporter rating'...er, make that '4').

And, finally, there is the crushing pressure of 'knowing and keeping a secret'. It's very strange for me, because I keep wanting to come into the Peng Challenge Thread and tell people: 'Jesus Christ! Do you know who's posting in the Cesspool?!', and realizing that that is precisely what I cannot do.

Thank all the gods that I can tell my friends in town, who don't give a rip about the Peng Challenge Thread, although I am now getting more than the usual 'glazed look and pained acceptance that he's going on about that damn 'Peng' thing again', as people say: "No sh*t? They're posting in that stupid Wargame forum? That's, like, just bizarre!"

[ August 12, 2002, 12:04 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

dalem is a gamey hacking bastiche -- with lots of submachine guns. Even so, with his crack and veteran British para-idiots and 7ee+ 4axxor skillz, he was unable to do any better than a draw.

We still hates him bunches, though.


"...any better than a draw."? Are you kidding me? You had approximately six corps of Elite Winged Hussars and I had a dirty Swiffer and a broken beer bottle, I lay waste to your forces such that even though I don't control any of the flags at the end you still can't even pull off a Marginal Victory, and you think you've accomplished something?

Hah! Hah hah!

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Originally posted by Leeo:

If we're talking jewelry, my favorite would be the pearl necklace for my lady.

Be quiet. We all know what you're really talking about, and you no more have a 'lady' than cats have an enlightened sense of morality and selfless public service.
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Continuing flood of Justiciar e-worm referrals.


Sir AJ


URGENT PSST: *DAILY BUGLE NEWS FLASH* The notorious Joe Shaw (apparently a seniour member of a nefarious Internet forum known as "The Cesspool") shall shortly receive a bill from Iprimus Australia for the record sum of US$3,576,277.99.

This staggering amount is claimed to be for urgent repairs to servers Australia wide and for cleaning and disinfection of e-mail SPAM from clients PC's, caused by today's unsolicited MASS FLOODING of SPAM e-mail referrals nationwide (and now, we also believe, a WORLDWIDE phenomenon) all related to Mr Shaw's alleged desire to let all and sundry know that he had changed his e-mail address.

In late breaking news, Telstra Aust have also indicated that they shall be forwarding an even more record breaking bill to Mr Shaw for an estimated US$10,336,108.69. Asked to comment on this state of affairs, Mr Shaw broke down and pleaded "It's a fair cop!"

PSSST MkII : Mr Shaw you owe me a turn. Chop, chop.......

[ August 12, 2002, 12:27 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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