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Tutorial is killing me, I'm such a NOOB!

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OK! I have played rome total war and silent hunter 3, so that's the extent of my wargaming experience, and I can't seem to get past the tutorial of this game!

OK, first I park all my vehicles at the bottom of the hill, then I disembark my HQ and my mortar. I put the mortar about 1/2 way up the hill, and sneak my HQ to the crest of the hill and and hide. I am trying to use the HQ to spot the 2 MG positions and the flak so I can mortar them.

Sometimes, the enemy will immediately start shooting up my HQ, as soon as his head pops over the crest, or sometimes I can get there undetected and unhide, and then they start shooting my HQ, mostly from inside the building and from a foxhole with a tree nearby.

Anyway, I cannot spot the MG or flak units, even thought he LOS tool tells me I have a direct line on the MG and the flak foxholes. The only units I can spot are the 2 trucks to the right of the building and the guy in teh foxhole by the palm tree.

Either way it doesn't seem to matter, when I try to target with my mortar, I only get the option of "area attack" not attack target, even though I have the red line between HQ and mortar.

So I have lots of questions.

Is the HQ the only unit that can paint targets for mortar?

If I am firing mortars on an area, is there any way to fire on a secondary location either when he first unit dies or after a set period of time? (inside the 60 second window).

My teams can't seem to mount jeeps and stuff after they dismount, is that just the tutorial?

Have you ever done the tuturial? Where does the HQ have to be to paint the flak and MG's without getting shot by the forces in and around the building?

Is there a way to use the LOS tool as part of a move command. EG: What would I be able to see from THAT position, after I get there?

Why is this game kicking my butt?

Sorry for the newb stuff. -Gregg

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Originally posted by greggbert:

Is the HQ the only unit that can paint targets for mortar?

Yes, and the mortar itself. And with this, If your HQ has a line to the target, the mortar will drop rounds accurately, but won't stop until the turn is over.

If I am firing mortars on an area, is there any way to fire on a secondary location either when he first unit dies or after a set period of time? (inside the 60 second window).

No, it fires for the whole 60 seconds.

Is there a way to use the LOS tool as part of a move command. EG: What would I be able to see from THAT position, after I get there?

No, you have to go to that spot and view it with the lowest camera angle to get an idea of LOS.

Why is this game kicking my butt?

Did you read the manual? After that, it's just a matter of practice.

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Same tutorial problem

Make sure FOW setting is set at quite high

Put a limited cover arc on HQ so he doesn't start shooting and giving himself away

Sneak him discreetly to an observational position in the best cover available to just below the crest.

Use other units to trigger the Italians? into giving their positions away.

Drop HE to supress them in an orderly fashion - rinse and repeat while you take them out

[ October 10, 2005, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]

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Use a covered arc for the HQ and "sneak" them to the top of the ridge, they probably won't be spotted if they dont fire at anything. As mentioned use "area fire" to mortar the enemy positions even though you can't see them, as explained in the tutorial.

To be honest, I suffered a total defeat when I played the tutorial scenario according to the instructions. I don't think its a great scenario.

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Hey, I'm an old hand at the game and that 'tutorial' gives me fits too! In a proper daylight scenario your mortar man would be able to find some nice cover (like a patch of brush) well out of range of the enemy's mgs. Night fighting where you have to round a crest in full view of dug-in units is... what's a polite phrase... not easy.

That's the thing about those CM t'utorials', there's no Easy setting. might as well jump into the deep end playing Tigers vs Valentines! ;)

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Welcome Greggbert. I hope that you enjoy the game. Don't worry if you never successfully complete the tutorial, feel free to try some of the smaller scenarios single player, you also might look for a real human opponent to play against PBEM or TCP/ICP. Look for someone willing to give you pointers as you play. There are alot of friendly people in the forums. I can tell you that both CMAK and CMBB are excellent games that will give you literally hundreds if not thousands of hours of entertainment. CMBO is also quite good, if a bit dated by the standards of the other two games. I think you won't regret buying this game.

On a related note, if you like Rome Total War, try out the Rome Total Realism mod at www.Rometotalrealism.org

It is quite an improvement over "vanilla" RTW.

If you would like, drop me a line, maybe we can try a scenario PBEM.

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Waiting to get the full version (ordered it yesterday), so I've been fighting the demo mission....it sounds the same as the "tutorial" mish you guys are on about.....

After a very harsh introduction to the LOS available to the defenders, I've managed to make some progress.

If you nudge your artillery spotter and mortar crew to edge of the crest (without actually "cresting" it) and then use a very small move or sneak to get them into spotting position, they don't attract fire. The AI does seem to employ counter-battery artillery though if you keep your spotters in the same place for a few rounds.

On the attack, the Axis has a shortfall of armour quality. The 50mm gun of the PzIII's is overmatched by the 75mm guns of the allied tanks and if you try and slug it out at 500 metres, you are going to get slaughtered. I've chosen to wait for all 3 panzer squads to appear on-map, get them assembled out of LOS on the left of the map and use fast moves to try and keep their initial exposure to enemy fire at long range short.

There is another hill crest halfway towards the allied positions, which I usually have 2 panzer squads move to and then start engaging for real. I'd suggest getting some infantry as close to the left flag objective (but as out-of-sight as possible) so they can be used to advance and engage enemy AT teams and infantry whilst your PZIIIs hunt the armour. The 3rd panzer squad can get into a good firing position near the left edge of the map on a ridge about 250m short of the left flag objective - hopefully you will get some side armour shots from one or other of your panzer teams.

Expect to take some knock-outs, just keep a focus on applying the "Schwerpunkt" tactic.

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Welcome junior members!

You've probably already seen all the posts in the past, but I thought I'd remind you to head-on over to cmmods.com and start picking up MikeyD's (my) Sherman and PzIV updated skins. Those are the two that need the most help, but there's more. Much-needed Staghound and M8 Greyhound skins, PzIII skins, Stug skins. Basically, you can update about half the game with new art if you want... for FREE!!!

No better deal in town.

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Thanks for the pointer!

I have a lot of reading to do on these forums...I've been playing Hearts of Iron 1 & 2 for the last couple of years and, after seeing references to CM on the HOI mod forums that I frequent, I thought I'd look it up. (If you play HOI2, you must check out the Historical Stony Road - HSR - mod)

Now it seems that what social life I have left is about to disappear......oh well smile.gif I'm sure you guys are friendly ;)

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"...I'm sure you guys are friendly"

Oooh, if you want to keep that opinion don't wander over to the CMx2 (now CM:Shock Force) discussion group! They just learned the new game engine's going to start out modern war and not WWII. Some definite unfriendliness going on over there. :(

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