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Everything posted by greggbert

  1. OK! I have played rome total war and silent hunter 3, so that's the extent of my wargaming experience, and I can't seem to get past the tutorial of this game! OK, first I park all my vehicles at the bottom of the hill, then I disembark my HQ and my mortar. I put the mortar about 1/2 way up the hill, and sneak my HQ to the crest of the hill and and hide. I am trying to use the HQ to spot the 2 MG positions and the flak so I can mortar them. Sometimes, the enemy will immediately start shooting up my HQ, as soon as his head pops over the crest, or sometimes I can get there undetected and unhide, and then they start shooting my HQ, mostly from inside the building and from a foxhole with a tree nearby. Anyway, I cannot spot the MG or flak units, even thought he LOS tool tells me I have a direct line on the MG and the flak foxholes. The only units I can spot are the 2 trucks to the right of the building and the guy in teh foxhole by the palm tree. Either way it doesn't seem to matter, when I try to target with my mortar, I only get the option of "area attack" not attack target, even though I have the red line between HQ and mortar. So I have lots of questions. Is the HQ the only unit that can paint targets for mortar? If I am firing mortars on an area, is there any way to fire on a secondary location either when he first unit dies or after a set period of time? (inside the 60 second window). My teams can't seem to mount jeeps and stuff after they dismount, is that just the tutorial? Have you ever done the tuturial? Where does the HQ have to be to paint the flak and MG's without getting shot by the forces in and around the building? Is there a way to use the LOS tool as part of a move command. EG: What would I be able to see from THAT position, after I get there? Why is this game kicking my butt? Sorry for the newb stuff. -Gregg
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