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Originally posted by Dave H:

Can any of you confirm that Keke ever sleeps? I was working in Quicken (paying bills - :mad: ) on my computer last night at 11 PM and here comes a turn from Keke. What time would that be for him, something like 6 AM?

Well he's seven hours ahead of us. So you are correct Dave. Had the conversion been to metric time, I fear you would have been in trouble. Even more disturbing is when you get turns from him at, like, 8 p.m. EST. :eek:

Thanks everyone for the kind words lately. It's been a trying few weeks -- first Paula's grandmother had the stroke (she's staying at my in-laws' now and is doing much better), then my uncle (he's started chemo and is on a new type of painkiller "patch" which has improved his pain management significantly) and then my grandmother dies. :(

Despite all that, I have a lot to be thankful for including, in no particular order, Paula, my family, two new neices and a nephew this year and one more on the way (my youngest brother Steven and his wife Cynthia --the due date is Dec. 8) a new home, a great job, CMBB and CMAK (well, almost :mad: ) and a great bunch of online friends who, for some reason, enjoy throwing waaaay too much TNT at my troops. :mad:

How about a few sympathy turns? Play like GIC's AI for a bit. tongue.gif

Oh, and I'm going to write a bit about Grossman's Life and Fate later today -- I have about 100 pages to go. One of those books you don't want to end. :(

Unlike my defeats in CM. :mad:

Which reminds me -- let me know when you're ready to start our CMAK AAR Edward. I just have to clean the sand out of my inkwell.

[ December 02, 2003, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Which reminds me -- let me know when you're ready to start our CMAK AAR Edward. I just have to clean the sand out of my inkwell.

It sounds like you've got a lot on your plate at the moment, maggot. How about we wait until the New Year? It will give us a chance to get to grips with CMAK, get thoroughly trolleyed over the festive season without worrying about trying to create and, if we're lucky, Abbott will create another fiendish scenario :mad:

All the best,


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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Well he's seven hours ahead of us. So you are correct Dave. Had the conversion been to metric time, I fear you would have been in trouble. (snip)

Metric time? Would that be the centons or whatever they were using in the old "Battlestar Galactica"? Or is it more closely related to the star dates from "Star Trek"? :confused:

Didn't the French try something like that back during their Revolution? Seems like they created a whole new calendar with new months of equal length. Evidently it didn't catch on. All you metric fanboys, how come Europe didn't go all the way with the base ten systems? Is it because the solar system refused to be so neat and tidy? Any time grogs out there, or will I have to resort to Google? :D:D:D

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Metric Time - why we have the calendar we have

Priests in ancient Babylon divided the sky in a belt of 12 sectors, the Zodiac. Each sector, each group of stars, indicated the orbit of the sun, which seemed to move from constellation to constellation. They discovered that every 30 days the moon was full, so they divided the year in 12 x 30 = 360 days. Pretty soon though, they discovered a shortage in days. The error of 5 days a year mounted very rapidly: a full month in 6 years. They corrected for this by creating a 13 month year every 6th year. The Egyptians also used a 360-day year. However, they corrected this by adding 5 days of festivities at the end of each year.

Because a solar year is about 365 1/4 days long, and the current division didn't match the seasons, Ptolomeus (appr. 240 BC) suggested to add one day every 4 years. Ptolomeus got in trouble with the priests, but 200 years later, Julius Caesar made it official. They were getting close. The actual solar year is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 14 seconds, slightly shorter than the Julian calendar with an error of 3 days per 400 years.

In 1582, Pope Gregorius XIII, together with some scholars, decided that every turn of the century that was dividable by 400 was a leap-year, those that are not (1800, 1900, 2100), are normal years. This leaves the difference with the actual solar year 26 seconds, i.e. 1 day per 3323 years. We still use the Gregorian calendar.

During the Revolution, the French tried to reinforce the 12 months/ 360 days - year, using a decimal timescale, adding 5 days of festivities at the end of the year. A day consisted of 10 hours of 100 minutes. Minutes were divided in 100 seconds. 10 days made a "week", called a "dekade". There were 30 days in a month. The republican calendar was not a success and lasted only from 1793 till 1805.

The Magic Number in the early calendar was 60. The zodiac was divided in 360 days/degrees; days are divided in 2 x 12 units, 60 minutes per "unit, 60 seconds per minute.

From here.

And for all you Australian lover/haters: metric time down under.

[ December 02, 2003, 12:19 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Originally posted by Dave H:

<big>Good Morning, Maggots and stray dogs!!</big> :D:D

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Since we are located directly to the West of Pennsyl-tucky, it falls on we of the eastern Ohio area to be on constant watch to repel the repellent hoards of in-bred mutant hill folk who are constantly trying to cross the border into our own little heaven...(or Little Italy, depending on the day's specials)...and spirit away our wimmen folk in the hopes of getting their sad, little family trees to branch at least once.

I thought the only thing we had to watch for coming out of Pennsylvania was the Amish. You make it sound like they filmed "Deliverance" and "Southern Comfort" just across the border. :eek: :eek: :eek:


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Did I mention that I'm knackered?

It's been a long few days, what with making sure the Return of the King got away to a good start, drinking as much of the bosses money at the Christmas lunch and sundry other celebrations being held for reasons I'm not to sure of....I'm just stuffed.

Turns will be resumed when I feel up to doing them.......yawn......

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Have I mentioned the Vikings recently, no? Well after a stunning loss to the feckin Rams, the Vikings are showing themselves to be the Dave H of the NFL. Full of sound and fury, off to a brilliant start, only to degenerate into a useless pile of ****e.

Go Vikings.


Hah! :rolleyes:

I mock your depression! :mad:

My Super Bowl Champions are 5-7 and going (thankfully) nowhere. They have shown themselves to be the Jim Boggs of the NFL. :cool:

Maggot!!! :mad: :mad:

Once again your miserable existance pales when compare to mine!!! tongue.gif

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Have I mentioned the Vikings recently, no? Well after a stunning loss to the feckin Rams, the Vikings are showing themselves to be the Dave H of the NFL. Full of sound and fury, off to a brilliant start, only to degenerate into a useless pile of ****e.

Go Vikings.


Mr. wino/nugget/squire, would you care to put your Combat Mission skilz to the test? That is, if you can tear yourself away from the vines, watching for the first blossom, anticipating the great taste of your next gallon of Ripple or MD 20/20. Seems to me that we have either had draws or you have been spectacularly gamey in your unit selection in our previous PBEMs. As you may recall, I don't consider my loss to Mike the wino2 as a loss to you. tongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif

So, if you'd like to see if you can take as big a pratfall as your beloved Vikings, we'll try a little CMAK - when the full game gets here. None of this demo foolishness. On the other hand, we can start a CMBB game right now. Pick your poison, wino-maggot! :D:D:D

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Well thanks very much. smile.gif We spent the day talking about her and Papa. The two of them met in the service and were married in Halifax without permission. They were confined to quarters -- not together you pervs -- for a week because of their lack of respect for military procedure. :rolleyes:

When I went to school in Halifax, I used to walk by the place their barracks used to be situated, near the Citadel. Papa remembered the street cars that used to run in Halifax. (They're long since gone.) Fifty years later he recalled many of the streets. He told me about the time all he had was a $20 and when he tried to pay with it, the driver sneered, "You Upper Canadians, always flashing around your big bills." :D

One of the saddest things my father had to do yesterday (he's an only child) was phone Nana's best friend Ruth. The two were born in the same small town in Nova Scotia (Brookfield). They went to school together, they enlisted together, they got married around the same time and both moved to Kirkland Lake with their husbands to find work. Ruth moved back to Nova Scotia three years ago. When dad called her she said, "I've lost my best friend." Sad, but how many of us will be able to claim a friendship of more than 75 years when we go? smile.gif

Another foot of snow today! :mad: Where the hell is my copy of CMAK?!?! :mad: :mad:

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WHOA!!!!! :eek: :eek:

This must be some Premium malt liquor!! All the fonts and stuff on the old Forum have gone totally psycho delic or sumfink!! :confused: :confused:

[edit to test new fangled Forum Stuff]

[ December 02, 2003, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Hey Snarker -- so sorry about knocking down that building old bean.

Paula's been watching so many TLC redecorating shows, my anti-building rage got the best of me. :mad: :mad: :mad:

(See?!?! :mad: :mad: )

[ December 02, 2003, 07:25 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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