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Thanks to all the mod'ers... And a note from an old grog

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I just wanted to post a quick thanks to all the mod'ers. My god you guys spend a $hitload of time doing incredible artistic work I could not do if I had eternity on my hands!!!!

I don't get to game much these days and get to visit the forums even less...

But with a new PC and a new hard drive I was searching for mods after a new install and found a TON of them still being cranked out! Bless you all and may you all continue to have the spare time I do not. :-(

If anyone from the old days (or new days) wants a game I might be able to handle one or two in between contracts shoot me a line at grumbling_grognard@hotmail.com

Say hey to Fionn for me if you see him! And I SWEAR if I ever get to Ireland I 'will' look him up and buy him a pint (if he will have me, that is)! :-D



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I got this one Michael smile.gif

Welcome Back GG

I checked you recent posts

and while you qualify as an "Old One"

you haven't been around these parts for awhile

Fionn hasn't been around for some time

stormed off a while back over I dont remember what

and hasn't been seen or heard from since

though I think he may still be in contact with a member or two

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LOL! Sorry I have had a few tonight and the wife is out for the weekend or lord knows the I would not even be here! :)

Yeah... I'm "legit". If you want to know the truth I lost my FIRST profile in the "Night of the Refresh Monkeys"...yep I was Chimp #1 that night!!!!

...and I still remember my id from the old “Computer Squad Leader” forum too if that helps! ;-D

Fionn "stormed off " eh... some things never change... LOL!!!!!!!! (and that is a 'real' LOL btw! )

But, At least he was not banned again. ;)

Sure, I will take my fair share of blame in that sorry bit of business...

I fear my Stubborn streak (a freakin’ mile wide by the way!) did not mix well with Fionn on many esoteric issues (the last one was regarding the effectiveness of Nahverteidigungswaffe if I recall correctly – yeah…I know...get a life...) but I still say I was right!!! Nah! ;)

Somebody drop him a line and tell him to email me at grumbling_grognard@hotmail.com (same email all these years!) I am feeling nostalgic and I doubt any of you can give me a game half as good as he could! :-D

(and if you are reading this Fionn I am winning 1-0 because the only game we ever played was 101st airborne and I won!! -- taunt taunt!! Email me you sorry sob!)


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Originally posted by Grumbling Grognard:

I fear my Stubborn streak (a freakin’ mile wide by the way!) did not mix well with Fionn on many esoteric issues (the last one was regarding the effectiveness of Nahverteidigungswaffe if I recall correctly – yeah…I know...get a life...) but I still say I was right!!! Nah! ;)

Ah, well, cough, cough, those were the days. I can still remember when I saw the one of those flying up from the Tiger in Last defence, hitting a unit on the second floor at the edge of town. Might have been one of the first spottings reported, it was one of those wow moments when you got an insight into the level of detail BTS aimed for.

Here’s a site for those who want to know more:

The place to look.

Welcome back by the way! Nice to reminiscence a bit, about the time when we were all a big bustling family rooting for BTS and CM :)


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