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A New New CM


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Im talking about the same style, not 1:1 representation.

I raelly dont see a future with 1:1 representation with serious realistic war games, the AI is just too difficult to simulate.

I would however love to see the original CM engine reworked or advanced or even a new theater opened up like the Pacific

Be honest, who else would pay for a new CM in the Pacific or China or Europe as a whole? Or even other wars on a similar engine to this one?

I'd love to see amphibous assaults, better buildings, rooftops, better/smoother terrain representation, caves, better fortifications, occupiable bunkers, smoke grenades.

I know the devs are burnt out with WWII but the abstractness of the original CM still has a very serious following IMO. What would really crown the CM series would be a reworked all theater WWII representation with new features.

There's plenty of areas to advance not involving trying to do a 1:1 representation.

I dont care for a series moving closer to other games like Company of Heroes or whatever, I want my little boxes I can move around and fire at other boxes not brainless individuals too stupid to hunker down behind a building from enemy fire or know when to make a run for it. I want strategy and tactics dangit. And if 1:1 rep takes away from that, then I dont want it. I'm perfectly aware what a rifle squad is doing without watching each individual soldier.

At least let someone else develop it, I cant play anymore CMSF and I dont wanna play anything else with the engine

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Unless there are huge leaps and bounds in improvement to the CMSF engine, particularly the TAC AI for individual infantry, I won't buy a WWII game based on it.

I think Matrix or someone needs to pick up the CMx1 engine and improve on it. By doing the ideas above I'd certainly buy a new game. Then modules based on different theaters or conflicts (Arab-Israeli, Korea, WWIII, etc.) There is still lots of money to be made with the old system, without a huge amount of work involved.

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Given the reputed difficulty of anyone other than Charles understanding the programming language, the chance of this happening runs the gamut from "extremely unlikely" to "vanishingly small" to "completely and irrevocably impossible".

I mean, look what's happening with CMC even if somebody does get permission to tinker with the engine.

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Well I hate to be that guy but Im just not supporting a WWII with the new engine unless it changes completely especially with that kind of attitude about the original games which still have a community

It doesnt give me anything near the same enjoyment as the original CM. I need a cross between contemporary war games and the turn-based games where you were moving troops around in hexes. Not a cross between sudden strike and CoH.

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There have been reports all over the map with regard to which of the CM x 1 games will or will not run with VISTA. Perhaps it is more than just the operating system alone that determines that issue for a particular computer.

One thing seems clear, at least at this point in time. That is: CMBB is the most difficult of the three to run with VISTA.

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