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CMAK Shermans vs tigers or panthers scenario question

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I am a Mac guy so I have had to ressurrect an old G4 with OS 9 to get my copy of CMAK back in action.... :rolleyes:

I have not played for quiet a while and I am not familiar with any of the newer or old CMETO scenarios

I prefer to play the Americans and I an interested in hearing about any good (or GREAT ) scenario's for CMAK (Italy or ETO) where there is a GREAT tank battle where Shermans an/ or Hellcats go up against Tigers or Panthers.

I have not played very many so please don't think "oh I won't suggest that because he has probably playyed it awhile ago" . NOT smile.gif

I don't really play all that much so I am looking for some REALLY good fun tank battle scenarios that I can play or find or download.

I am specifically looking for GOOD scenarios I can play against the AI (solo) where I play the US and the German AI computer player (because it is a well written scenario) will give me a GOOD battle....

Any suggestions?



-tom w

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If you were willing to wait for it, the "Tiger Valley" scenario that was created for RoW V is probably one of the best, most fun CM battles I've ever played. It'll probably be a while before it's published to the general public, though... You'll eventually be able to find it on the Boots and Tracks web site, I think.

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Originally posted by David I:

"The Sharp End" it's Brits vs Germans ETO snow,

Shermans vs Panthers. Should give you everything your looking for.


That may be my scenario. HSG B The Sharp End. It is one of HSG's Battle of the Bulge scenarios.

HSG has an array of scenarios that feature Panther and Tiger battles vs the Allied armor forces. If you are interested I could email you our scenario pack. The scenarios are all either Semi-historically or historically based as well.

Email me at the address on the site if you are interested.

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Off the top of my head, HSG has a couple recreations of the 4th Armored Division action at Singling (06 December 1944) that are pretty good — and loads of fun. They are (if I haven't changed the file names):

HSG Singling vs AI.cmg; and

HSG Singling Battle 2.cmg

Although both have a few elements that are not historically accurate*, they both are pretty good reproductions of the actual battle, especially for the overall feel of the action. You should find plenty of "Shermans vs Panthers" fighting waiting you in either of these battles. Additionally, the German AI does tend to put up a pretty good fight in both as well.


*Different designers worked on each of these, so it is interesting to see the take that each person had on the action, given the sources that they used. I think that the first scenario listed relies a bit too much on Kenneth Macksey's rendering of this battle in Tank Versus Tank, which gives a nice overview but is incomplete and somewhat misleading on some points. As a result, it includes a platoon (or so) of TD support of the 704th TD Battalion; in the event, the TDs were neutralized by the German artillery, and did not contribute to the action — and certainly did not join in the assault into the town. I feel that the map suffers somewhat from conjecture around its periphery (although the town itself is pretty good, given the limits of CMx1 maps). A minor point: the Americans have "Easy Eight" Shermans in one platoon, when these wouldn't have been available until after Christmas of 1944. I think these probably creep in since Macksey indicates a platoon of "M4A3 E2 models with the 76.2 mm gun firing the latest HVAP shot" [sic] as being present; I think that these should be plain-vanilla M4A3(76)W tanks (I've seen nothing to indicate any M4A3E2 Assault Tanks participating in the Singling fight).

I prefer the second scenario by a nose; it seems to be slightly more historically accurate, and feels like the designer used the ultimate source for this battle (the CMH Small Unit Action, written from on-the-spot AARs done just days after the fighting). As a minor quibble, Sgt. Grimm, the American assault gun commander, is saddled with an M7 Priest instead of an M4(105) or M4A3(105). Go into your Scenario Editor to change that minor error, and I think that you'll have a pretty accurate historical scenario of this action.

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Buq-Buq that is a pretty accurate comparison of the two scenarios. Mine was the HSG Singling vs AI. I did use Tank vs Tank as my main source. That proved to be a bit more semi-historical than I normally strive for but sometimes you don't get exactly what you are looking for.

The reason I answered you here is to talk about the map. The distances in the book seemed suspect to me so I used mapquest to check the distances and then correct those with the terrain features shown. A bit of triangulation from then to now.

Thanks for the great comments on the two scenarios. I had just released my scenario when Bertrand Dossmann, the designer of the other scenario, told me of his scenario. We decided that it would be interesting to release them both and to let other people see the different points of view of the same battle. Just as you pointed out.

Thanks again for your kind words.

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Panther Commander,

I have played your excellent scenarios for some time. So it is I, who thanks you.


Excellent suggestion, Knifefight. Love playing it as the Allies. Can't recall winning though (except against the AI).


[ November 03, 2005, 06:57 AM: Message edited by: David I ]

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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:


Thanks for all the advice and suggestions

See you at the proving-grounds.com


-tom w

I see you have actually been a TPG member since 9 June.

At TPG my handle is the Mad Russian. Tried to use the same handle everywhere but they wouldn't all go through.

Should change them out to a single one at some point... :rolleyes:

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Thanks again

playing CMAK is like hooking up with an OLD friend! smile.gif

I have not played for quite some time! (almost a year) BUT this is still ONE great game.

ALL the great scenario's and CM ETO mods and battles are REALLY what make this game GREAT for me. Its like CMBO but WAY better and tweaked perfectly. I am once again enjoying CMAK (sadly not on my OSX only G4 Mac powerbook :( ) but on a nice G4 iMac that does the trick for me JUST fine. smile.gif

I have been having fun with it all weekend, with all these new scenarios and CMETO mods its like getting a whole NEW computer game for FREE :D ! Many thanks to all who have posted here and the guy that did all the CMETO mods and that scenario pack too!



-tom w

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  • 2 weeks later...


At CMMODs. Someone saved all the Scenarios from the Depot and there are a ton of scenarios there.

There is also a spread sheet that describes each scenario. Using that I was able to divide the scenarios up between CMAK/CMETO/CMNormandy.

As I recall there are a bunch of HSG scenarios there.


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Originally posted by GreenAsJade:

Can someone point me to where the not-Beta HSG scenarios can be found?

I'd like to get The Sharp End in particular, and browse what other ones there are.


Email me and we'll talk.

Unless I'm mistaken though Scenario Depot II is set to open it's doors sometime in the next week. Then you'll be able to get them there.

An early Christmas present would be nice.

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