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I beg Your Pardon, Madmatt Never Promised Us A Peng Challenge Garden


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Originally posted by Kitty:

Don't you ever send turns? =(


Originally posted by: stikkypixie:

At least MY exams come on time, what can not be said about your turns! Here one for the road ->

How about some glitter? When I headlined in Paris, audiences always loved it when I sparkled.

You'll get your turns in good time.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Hmmmmmmm maybe you can, CM battles for money, a novel idea.

Little chance of you earning a living then... unless it works kinda like it does for weathermen </font>
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There's usually a sign, "Please Do Not Annoy, Torment, Pester, Plague, Molest, Worry, Badger, Harry, Harass, Heckle, Persecute, Irk, Bullyrag, Vex, Disquiet, Grate, Beset, Bother, Tease, Nettle, Tantalize, Or Ruffle The Animals".

But I suppose, with that pic, it's all the warning you'd need...

[serious]btw Matt, good job on getting the forum going again.[/serious]

SSN Hint Of The Day: Leave the alarm on when your partner doesn’t have to get up.

Now sod off.

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[serious mode on]

Dear YK2, Mace, Boo, and Kitty,

In case you thought I was seriously requesting that you be banned, allow me to show you the entire post I made:

I spend the long weekend returning PBEM turns and ignoring the Cheery Waffle thread and look what happens! Somehow I'm sure the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> infiltrators are responsible for the demise of the thread. BFC should go ahead and ban YK2, Mace, Boo, and Kitty for crashing the forum. Even if they didn't do it, at least it would keep them from aggravating Soddball. Since he's threatening to channel MasterGoodale, I think any action BFC can take to keep him calmed down is a good move. ;):rolleyes::D:D

If that message caused MadMatt to think I was truly asking to have you banned, please accept my sincere apology. Apparently my attempt at being funny overstepped the boundaries allowed.

[serious mode off]

Now let me get out of here before something sticks to me. :eek: :eek:

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<big>Good morning maggots, ladies and the long lost lenakonrad!</big>

Ah, a close one that. MaddMatt apparently hit the 'Emergency Broadcast System' and decided later that it was only a warning. Could you imagine the mayhem if it was an actual emergency and the Waffle was obliterated? Homeless maggots roaming the halls with naught but their TNT and smilies looking for a place to call home...

Be careful what you wish, for it may come true - and as mighty Rome discovered, those barbarians you taunt come home to roost.

I can see it clearly... Poolers turning the Waffle into another Peng... BFC holds to the promise of only one Peng thread... displaced Wafflers move to the MBT, following no rules. Bedlam, I dare say! The MBT would be changed forever, no living with the Goths, eh?

Ah, yes. Could be the ruination of all we (you) hold dear - growling and puss would find a home in the MBT for lack of a proper playground. TNT chuckin' in the 'Cess, splattering all manner of flotsam on the walls, kannigits and (unfortunately) the ladies.

Shame, really. Seems you lot control the fate of both threads. Heavy, heavy is the preccciousss.

A honkin' big, wet sloppy kiss for all.


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Originally posted by Dave H:

[serious mode on]

Dear YK2, Mace, Boo, and Kitty,

In case you thought I was seriously requesting that you be banned, allow me to show you the entire post I made:

I spend the long weekend returning PBEM turns and ignoring the Cheery Waffle thread and look what happens! Somehow I'm sure the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> infiltrators are responsible for the demise of the thread. BFC should go ahead and ban YK2, Mace, Boo, and Kitty for crashing the forum. Even if they didn't do it, at least it would keep them from aggravating Soddball. Since he's threatening to channel MasterGoodale, I think any action BFC can take to keep him calmed down is a good move. ;):rolleyes::D:D

If that message caused MadMatt to think I was truly asking to have you banned, please accept my sincere apology. Apparently my attempt at being funny overstepped the boundaries allowed.

[serious mode off]


You're on the short list now, DaveAitch! You and all the rest of the swill swilling swillers that cast asparagus, aspersions and AsperGum my way!

I will hound you, lad! Hound you like a Baskerville canine, foam flecked flanks flying beneath an opalescent moon.

Glints of starlight caught in her titian hair, and angered by his remark, she turned on her heel, let it run for awhile and then turned it off.

But, I digress...

I'm your Ahab, DaveAitch! Your Ahab!

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Originally posted by Dave H:

[serious mode on]

Dear YK2, Mace, Boo, and Kitty,

In case you thought I was seriously requesting that you be banned....

Go on ya daft git... Of course we didn't think you were serious.. I was playing with you...

*Shakes head*

As for Panda Boy taking any notice of anything we have to say..... well. I think there is more chance of hell freezing over than that...

*Pulls Dave closer and wipes his nose*

Now off back to the wannabe thread with you before it disappears again!!

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As we move forward from the near tragedy that came so perilously close to wiping certain Threads from the Forum, I would like to join the Maggoty Dave H in offering apologies:

1) I am sorry that Boo is a nattering nabob of negativism

2) I am sorry that Berli has a three line maximum in his BFC posting agreement

3) I am sorry that The Ladies of the Pool have taken over and completely neutered the Olde Ones.

4) I am sorry that Joe Shaw has his tongue in the wrong cheek......again!!

5) I am sorry that dalem has taken up drinking Papa Khan's leftover beer.

6) I am sorry that Lars drank all his beer and left none for dalem

7) And finally, I am sorry that Seanachai had his car stolen, without him being in the trunk.

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Genug! I've been playing, more or less, CM for years now, literally years, and it's taken a toll lads and lasses, it's taken a toll.

I have a few games still ongoing, most of CMBB though it wouldn't surprise me to find the odd CMBO game still hanging fire somewhere. I DO have a CMAK game going but it sucks so it fits right in.

If I owe you a turn, forget it, ain't going to happen. If you need a surrender let me know and I'll forward it along with my best wishes ... truly.

Does that mean I'll be leaving here? Shmendrik! You should BE so lucky! I am the Knight Champion of the MBT, the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, the CessPool Drain Commissioner and the founder of the Shavian House ... it is my DUTY to be here and ride herd on you unamiable lot.

No, I'm merely taking a break from CM for a bit. It's far too good a game to simply not play, just not right now.

Why am I telling you this ... because I can.


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

Originally posted by Kitty:

Don't you ever send turns? =(


Originally posted by: stikkypixie:

At least MY exams come on time, what can not be said about your turns! Here one for the road ->

How about some glitter? When I headlined in Paris, audiences always loved it when I sparkled.

You'll get your turns in good time. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Does that mean I'll be leaving here? Shmendrik! You should BE so lucky! I am the Knight Champion of the MBT, the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, the CessPool Drain Commissioner and the founder of the Shavian House ... it is my DUTY to be here and ride herd on you unamiable lot..

*Phew* You had me going for a while there Joe... Glad you're still gonna be around to keep things in order..

Of course as your Queen I blame you for all the shananigans that has been going on in here over the last 48hrs or so.. Had you been around then my *twitch* would never had resurfaced....


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Yes Boggs you are quite sorry. Did you ever think about sticking your head in the oven, turning up the gas, after dousing the pilot light,

and drifting off to a happy oblivion?

It would make the rest of us so very happy, if you would consider it.

Okay, I considered it. Of course we have an all-electric kitchen, but that didn't stop me.

By the way, you'll be interested to know that the little oasis you and your Brits are splashing in and guzzling water from is marked as a latrine site by the Germans on our maps.


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