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Peng in the New Year With A Resolution to Challenge Peng!

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Originally posted by Mace:

Actually the more I think of it I think pissing off Geier is one of those life fulfilling opportunities.

That may be so. But I get a T-shirt for that service. Now run off and play in the backout, outbehind, infront, affront ... whatever. Or traffic.

Heavy drunk traffic in the dark.

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Originally posted by dalem:

I just got done smoking a cigar bigger than a rhino's dong.

And I'm drinking something called Glengoyne.

I think I will wind up my fine taste with... you guessed it, a S'more.

I would take you North, to my Family's lake place, a cabin on an island, 9 miles from the nearest road by boat, in a beautiful and remote part of Lake of the Woods.

But you're a big, big fecking idjit.

Oh, what the hell. Let's go up there next summer. Never found a better place to drink rum and whisky at.

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Originally posted by dalem:

And fire. Must not forget fire.

Oh, lad. You've not seen fire until you've seen a pine log bonfire on the shore on an island up north.

We get the wee drunk ones to 'leap through the fire'. After we roll them in a Hudson Bay blanket, we give them a shot of single malt.

Eventually, their hair grows back.

And while they're sitting there, all over taken with wonder at the beauty of the north country, sipping their beer, and their whisky, they can watch the Northern Lights.

It's worth the scars, laddie. It makes everything else seem...


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Originally posted by YK2:

What I want to know is.....

Why is the wee scunner known as Seanachai speaking with a Scottish accent?

Has he drunk that much of our finest that it's turning him into a Scot!!!!!

Help ma boab.........

Oh, delicious! Here's the Scottish Babe, doin' the thing...

How 'bout a song for a much Smaller Emma, eh?

Let me dive into a river of songs

Let them rest easy

While we right the wrongs of the world

Let me hear all the notes played on the scale

That were sung long ago

In the rain while we waited to dance

Let them sing

when you play those strings

Like the little one dancing

And all that romancing

Won't you let them sing

Hear the words scanning the length of the line

Why don't we sing them

With hope in our hearts one more time

Carry me down to that river of tunes

Carry on dancing

With all the grace that you can

Let them sing

when you play those strings

Like the little one dancing

And all that romancing

Won't you let them sing

No one quite knows where the music comes from

No one can answer the questions

From those far away

Everyone knows what their soul holds within

Everyone dances a little

To tunes that are played

Let them sing

when you play those strings

Like the little one dancing

And all that romancing

Won't you let them sing

Let Them Sing


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Ah, what was it Shakespeare said?

Some are born Scottish, some achieve Scottish, and some have Scottish...Here, you! Ah'm talkin' to you, Jimmy! I see you, you barstid! You scunner! How'd you like a Glasgow kiss, you windae licker?! Hae' a face full o' head, eh, you tedjious awful feck!

Ahem. And unto some, Scottish is thrust upon...don' you gie me that look you tourist! I'll gie you sich a kickin'!

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Originally posted by YK2:

So far?

A guy in green tights who seems to be dripping wet, and another in a tux who says he can't act..

But hey, it's free and I don't have to stay over..

Ah! I'm the one in the tights. Berli's the bugger in a tux. He can act, he just won't dance. But he will sing. Seen and heard him do it.

I tell ya', lass. It's another world in here.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Macey, you arse! You ever come here, I'll take you to my family's place up North. No problem, eh?

You're on.

Err, it's not one of these two go up there, only one returns type things is it?


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Macey, you arse! You ever come here, I'll take you to my family's place up North. No problem, eh?

You're on.

Err, it's not one of these two go up there, only one returns type things is it?

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I'm the one in the tights.

Nothing surprising there..

Berli'sthe bugger in a tux. He can act, he just won't dance.

Yeah maybe not with a Gnome dressed in green, (already skin tight) TIGHTS!! who's promising he wont be so clumsy next time.

On the other hand, I have it on good authority that he WOULD dance in his tux given the right time, place and partner....*sticks tongue out*

I tell ya', lass. It's another world in here.
Again nothing surprising there.

You forget that I've spoken with the AI... after that, green tights and smiling faces come as somewhat of a relief...even if falling naked from the sky!

Bring it on!

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Taken from the Guest Book of the OFFICIAL Justicariate Web Site: What the HELL is this? I give you a perfectly good picture of myself about to devour the first born, and you crop the picture in favour of showing my ear hairs? How Penglike! What unsportsmanlikeconduct EVEN! I smell a rat. Was it Seanachai who put you up to such a vile, loathsome trick? And why don't you have a category for "Mortal Enemies"? Make it a subset of Coventry if you must. And why to TtE and GF have seperate entries? They were the same person! I am revolted by these disgusting turns of events. A pox on you! A pox on All of you!!! Feh!
My Dear Grog Dorosh allow me to address your concerns in order:

A pox on you! A pox on All of you!!! Feh!
Which form of pox did you have in mind? A simple chicken pox perhaps or are you in favor of a SERIOUS pox, one with some moxie ... a Moxie Pox in other words?

I smell a rat.
Have you checked the little tyke's diaper?

I give you a perfectly good picture of myself about to devour the first born, and you crop the picture in favour of showing my ear hairs?
Size matters Grog Dorosh, surely a phrase that YOU have heard before. I chose to crop the photo to reduce the size so as not to strain the limited budget of FREE storage space available on the site. Surely you don't suggest I actually pay money to host photos of YOU? Besides, your ear hairs are your best features.

And why don't you have a category for "Mortal Enemies"? Make it a subset of Coventry if you must.
Oh brilliant, just what I'd expect of a Canadian. Let's create a whole NOTHER category ... FOR PEOPLE THAT DON'T EXIST! There are NO Mortal Enemies, certainly none worthy of the name. Find me a Mortal Enemy and I'll post them.

And why to TtE and GF have seperate entries? They were the same person!
Indeed? And where is your PROOF Grog Dorosh? We deal in FACTS here in the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread, FACTS ... well, Facts and unsubstantiated rumor when it suits our purpose and serves to slander someone. In any case, Coventry was proclaimed individually on the above and they will be shown individually.

Surely you like the moose though ... I did that for the Canadians.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />A pox on you! A pox on All of you!!! Feh!

Which form of pox did you have in mind? A simple chicken pox perhaps or are you in favor of a SERIOUS pox, one with some moxie ... a Moxie Pox in other words?

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Never found a better place to drink rum and whisky at.

I love it when you end a sentence with a preposition, you pig ignorant mouth breather! Almost as much as when you end a sentence with a proposition, because when that happens, the propositionee ends the situation with an ear ringing slap to that bruised eggplant you call a head.

I try to teach you and it avails me naught!

It is to weep.

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