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Peng in the New Year With A Resolution to Challenge Peng!

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Last time I start up a web page that's all I can say.

Berli, I was quite sure that, in the continuing absence of the scaly one, we had proclaimed Mace to be Seniour Australian. As always I bow to your wishes but one wishes to be sure.

Berli, I ALSO said that if you didn't like the blurb you or for that matter anyone who comes up with something better is perfectly able to send me an email and I'll consider changing it based mostly upon the denomination of bills that show up in the snail mail. I'm willing to be reasonable you see.

Perhaps we could rely upon Seanachai to draft up a few words ... scratch that, perhaps Seanachai could write something that I could edit down to a few words.

Seanachai, could be, could be. I vaugely recall something of the sort being proposed but I thought I stuck out my lower lip and got petulant over a Squire being made Knight without even a SEMBLANCE of a Quest. As I recall he most graciously declined the honor, as indeed he should have, and awaited another Knight taking him to Squire but I don't believe anything transpired after that.

That, you see, is why we NEED a website to track these things.

Seanachai ... READ THE HOME PAGE ON THE WEBSITE. I think you'll see that the chances of seeing a "kinder and gentler" Justicar are roughly the same as those of Boo actually being the husband of the Lady Rose in the photo he sent ... it is to laugh.



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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Ok Joe, does that sound like any kinda ego of mine? Alter or otherwise?

He's got you there, Joe.

How 'bout a group hug, everyone?! </font>

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Time for a sing song.....

Auld Lang Syne With a Differnce


Auld Lang Syne (Peng Version)

Should auld acquaintance be forqot,

Tho' they return with scars?

These are a noble hero's lot,

Obtain'd in glorious wars;

Welcome, my Varo, to my breast,

Thy arms about me twine,

And make me once again as blest,

As I was lang syne.

O'er moor and dale with your gay friend

You may pursue the chase,

And after a blythe bottle end

AII cares in my embrace.

And in a vacant rainy day

You shall be wholly mine:

We'll make the hours run smooth away

And laugh at lang syne.

Shall Monarchy be quite forgot,

And of it no more heard?

Antiquity be razed about

And slav'ry put in stead?

Is Scotsman's blood now grown so cold,

The valor of their mind,

That they can never once reflect

On old lang syne?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by v42below:

You might want to size it down a bit...


Do you THINK so then laddie? OR I could have just posted as it was and used up ALL my free space for your 8 X 10 ... sheesh.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

*snip* Seanachai, could be, could be. I vaugely recall something of the sort being proposed but I thought I stuck out my lower lip and got petulant over a Squire being made Knight without even a SEMBLANCE of a Quest. As I recall he most graciously declined the honor, as indeed he should have, and awaited another Knight taking him to Squire but I don't believe anything transpired after that. *snip*

Pretty much. I was knighted by the Queen, but considering all the feathers ruffled, the fact that I was being knighted alongside SturmSebber, and the Justicar's ruling that I cannot be a kanniget and remain Squire to the Queen at the same time, I voluntarily gave up the knighthood. I was to earn my knighthood by completing a PBEM with stikky. The game is still going - rejoice, stikky! I am installing CMBB on my new laptop as I type. Your doom (or was it victory?) will be in your inbox soon.
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Originally posted by v42below:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

*snip* Seanachai, could be, could be. I vaugely recall something of the sort being proposed but I thought I stuck out my lower lip and got petulant over a Squire being made Knight without even a SEMBLANCE of a Quest. As I recall he most graciously declined the honor, as indeed he should have, and awaited another Knight taking him to Squire but I don't believe anything transpired after that. *snip*

Pretty much. I was knighted by the Queen, but considering all the feathers ruffled, the fact that I was being knighted alongside SturmSebber, and the Justicar's ruling that I cannot be a kanniget and remain Squire to the Queen at the same time, I voluntarily gave up the knighthood. I was to earn my knighthood by completing a PBEM with stikky. The game is still going - rejoice, stikky! I am installing CMBB on my new laptop as I type. Your doom (or was it victory?) will be in your inbox soon. </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Not bad rules Boo, for someone from Ohio at least.

And did you notice how artfully I put Peng's name in the title TWICE? Ahh, sometimes my cleverness amazes even me.

(And my thread titles are WAY better than dalem's.)

The OFFICIAL Justicariate Website now features yet another Newsletter article with a CLASSIC example of OGSF gibberish. Don't miss it.

But Boo, did you REALLY think you could put one over on the old Justicar?

Does the Pope wear a tall hat?

My friends, Boo Radley has shared HIS photo with us, as a reminder, here it is ... I advise eye protection by the way:


Who could resist those impish good looks?

Then he has the nerve to send me THIS photo claiming that it is of his lovely wife Rose a.k.a. Shewhomustbeobeyed:


Can I help it if the women find me charming?

But the old Justicar is too smart for YOU Boo Radley ... mind you a ripe banana would be too smart for you but to continue ... I watch CSI religiously, the original in Las Vegas and still the only one worthy of the name. Does anyone other than me see a ... resemblance?


No, she looks nothing like you.

Boo, I'm quite certain that Lady Rose is charming and lovely in her own right ... you didn't need to stoop so low as to ... well, let it go I suppose.


You had better say she's lovely and charming. Or she'll pount you into a thin, grey gruel.
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Originally posted by YK2:

O'er moor and dale with your gay friend

You may pursue the chase,

And after a blythe bottle end

AII cares in my embrace.

Okay, I'm up for the bottle and your embrace, but why do I have to chase all over a bunch of north african muslims and Dalem with SturmSebber first? I mean, talk about kinky...
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A winter tune for those stupid enough to live in the north. Myself included.

But, at least for the last 4 days the temps have been in the 50s. (To you ferriners that are on the Centigrade scale, that's 14 parsecs)

I'm singing in the snow

Just singing in the snow

What a glorious feeling

It's 20 below

I've a smile on my face

That's frozen in place

We've got a foot

The prediction was a trace

I'll shovel the lane

With a happy refrain

Doesn't this prove

I'm totally insane

That's all I have so far. Check back with me in February.

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I'm sick as a ... well, I don't know *how* sick I am, but I feel like I've been run over by a Mack truck.

I blame Emrys.

And don't a damn one of you lot make fun of the way I talk with a "stubbed ub node". I've been made fun of far too frequently the last couple of days.


Oh...and Happy New Years and all that rubbish.

Turns'll be out when my fever's down to normal again and I don't have a load of mucus-y ick in my sinuses and lungs.

*hack* *wheeze* *sniffle*


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