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Can You Articulate Exactly WHY you Challenge Peng?

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

I can see the tear in Seanachai's eye as he contemplates the end of another of his life's tasks.

Wow, I completed something? What was it? </font>
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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

So what's the symbol of infinity?

All I know is that it's measured in what's known as Seanachai Turns.

You can ask around.

I'll do you for that one, Boggs. I demand a setup!

I will take you to the place where pain knows no ending. You think Shaw is bad?! Haha! It is to laugh!

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

And you are still a half-baked, ulcerous, puss-laden pimple on the arse of Joe Shaw.


My, my, Noba, or should I spell it aboN so that you might, perchance, be able to read it … traveling as you are on the backward half of the planet. Take some time out from nibbling the crunchy bits clinging to the scruffy butt hairs of Joe Shaw and offer up a righteous taunt — one with acid panache and a bit of humor. I realize that Joe Shaw will miss your services and that this will be difficult for someone so new to the M.B.T. but do give it a try. </font>
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Ah, you're back. And I thought the smell was from that dead lizard. Clever of you to turn four letters around. If I was sure you would be capable of recognising wit and panache, I'd borrow some from Mace and fling it straight at you. Go back to being a full time player in obscurity, it's far more comfortable for us all.

Smell from a dead lizard? Perish the thought. I shower once a month whether I need to or not.

"Wit," "panache" and "Mace" in one sentence? I had not thought it could be done. A tip of the fedora to you.

And since my return to the M.B.T. bothers you, Sir Noba to the extent that have asked me to leave, I believe I'll pull up a chair and stay awhile.

[ August 21, 2004, 12:27 AM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

Prove it you moppish fembot.

Moppish fembot? Are the dealers in your ghetto giving free samples at the tacoria?

What say we settle the issue of your supposed humanity once and for all. You've mocked my person, my politics, and my heartfelt spiritual beliefs. I could forgive all insults aimed at my person, because I acknowledge that my person is no more than what it is. And politics are merely politics, and nothing more than a disagreement about how individuals should respond to the distribution of resources and what is an appropriate response to being forced to share the same polity.

But you, Dalem have gone further. You have mocked my spiritual beliefs. You have sought me out, and, although I have never come to your door on a weekend morning, wearing a narrow tie, smiling, and asked you to believe what I believe, you have seen fit to belittle that which I hold most dear. You have displayed an arrogant disregard for the one thing that distinguishes a man from the void that surrounds us all.

You've belittled my Faith.

And not even very well, I might add. In days past, I might reasonably be expected to hold your dripping, bloody heart over an altar of stone in a forest clearing. But I'm almost sure that, no matter how I cut and slashed at your lame carcass, I wouldn't be able to come up with a heart. For no one with a heart could so dismiss another's innermost beliefs.

Of course, happily, an acceptable alternative would be for me to see how far your intestines would stretch towards a sacred oak tree, or such. And I'm pretty damn sure you've got intestines. In any case, I'd be willing to find out.

Or you could just buy me several drinks, and maybe have some snacks on hand, and maybe have Papa Khann in attendance for some 'alternative wargaming', and we could call it quits.

The choice is yours.

But before you decide, I want you to know that I know of several sacred oaks within a 20 mile radius of your house.

Now, what's it to be? A heartfelt apology and immediate conversion to my faith, or some roistering and wargaming? Or entrail tape-measurements of the local forest?

Fortunately for you, my Goddess is pretty much happy with any of these alternatives. That's the lovely thing about Paganism. You're not locked into any particular option.

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Ah, you're back. And I thought the smell was from that dead lizard. Clever of you to turn four letters around. If I was sure you would be capable of recognising wit and panache, I'd borrow some from Mace and fling it straight at you. Go back to being a full time player in obscurity, it's far more comfortable for us all.

Smell from a dead lizard? Perish the thought. I shower once a month whether I need to or not.

"Wit," "panache" and "Mace" in one sentence? I had not thought it could be done. A tip of the fedora to you.

And since my return to the M.B.T. bothers you, Sir Noba to the extent that have asked me to leave, I believe I'll pull up a chair and stay awhile. </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Prove it you moppish fembot.

Moppish fembot? Are the dealers in your ghetto giving free samples at the tacoria?

What say we settle the issue of your supposed humanity once and for all. You've mocked my person, my politics, and my heartfelt spiritual beliefs. I could forgive all insults aimed at my person, because I acknowledge that my person is no more than what it is. And politics are merely politics, and nothing more than a disagreement about how individuals should respond to the distribution of resources and what is an appropriate response to being forced to share the same polity.

But you, Dalem have gone further. You have mocked my spiritual beliefs. You have sought me out, and, although I have never come to your door on a weekend morning, wearing a narrow tie, smiling, and asked you to believe what I believe, you have seen fit to belittle that which I hold most dear. You have displayed an arrogant disregard for the one thing that distinguishes a man from the void that surrounds us all.

You've belittled my Faith.

And not even very well, I might add. In days past, I might reasonably be expected to hold your dripping, bloody heart over an altar of stone in a forest clearing. But I'm almost sure that, no matter how I cut and slashed at your lame carcass, I wouldn't be able to come up with a heart. For no one with a heart could so dismiss another's innermost beliefs.

Of course, happily, an acceptable alternative would be for me to see how far your intestines would stretch towards a sacred oak tree, or such. And I'm pretty damn sure you've got intestines. In any case, I'd be willing to find out.

Or you could just buy me several drinks, and maybe have some snacks on hand, and maybe have Papa Khann in attendance for some 'alternative wargaming', and we could call it quits.

The choice is yours.

But before you decide, I want you to know that I know of several sacred oaks within a 20 mile radius of your house.

Now, what's it to be? A heartfelt apology and immediate conversion to my faith, or some roistering and wargaming? Or entrail tape-measurements of the local forest?

Fortunately for you, my Goddess is pretty much happy with any of these alternatives. That's the lovely thing about Paganism. You're not locked into any particular option. </font>

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A new feature of the MBT is the " Peng Nature Series" , better than "Animal Planet and no commercials.

For those of you cretins who are ignorant of the world of nature (among many other things), this is a must read feature.

Pictured above is the Australian Rocket Frog, yes boys and girls Australian , found in the tropical rain forests of Queensland. This little amphibian has a short stacato call, that becomes louder and louder as it continues. Sounds a little like Mace after a long night of pub crawling, as he staggers home making strange noises to himself, scaring the daylights out of passersby.

The Rocket Frog is aptly named, for he is able to jump amazing distances as he attempts to avoid predators. Boo Radley, in our recent battle, launched several salvoes of Rocket Frogs at my unsuspecting troops. The carnage was complete, as thousands of the little buggers were squished beneath the treads of my panzers.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Boo Radley, in our recent battle, launched several salvoes of Rocket Frogs at my unsuspecting troops. The carnage was complete, as thousands of the little buggers were squished beneath the treads of my panzers.

I have absolutely no idea what you're going on about, but it sure is entertaining.

You remind me of this crazy bugger who used to live in the dumpster behind the Bucket Shop, a seedy dive in Highland Square.

His name was Tom and we called him "Dumpster Tom" (because of his choice of living arrangements...are you with me so far?)

We'd be out in the alley, back of the bar, drinking our Budweiser longnecks and usually partaking of a certain illegal substance when Tom, smelling the illegal substance, would bang back the top of the dumpster (making us all jump about a foot in the air) and climb out (Tom was all about sharing, you see).

And as we stood there and listened, Tom would tell us about all these wonderful conspiracy theories he had concerning Kennedy and Charlemagne and how the two of them in concert had screwed up Western civilization, all the time punctuating his soliloquy with knowing laughter and an obsessive picking at his upper lip.

You, Nidan, are our Dumpster Tom.

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Next in our "Peng Nature Series" is the Stagbeetle. The largest terrestrial beetle in Britian. Despite its fearsome appearance, the stagbeetle is quite harmless. However during the mating season, female stagbeetles are know to nip if you put your finger in the wrong place.

Recently Mrs. Hermione Appleby of Kent, was rushed to hospital, after being clamped on the nostril by an outraged stagbeetle, while tending her flower garden. Mrs. Appleby is resting comfortably, and is no worse for wear after her "close encounter" with the insect.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

The largest terrestrial beetle in Britian.

Pardon me, oh great Spell Checker de Pugh, far be it for me to ask, but would you be speaking of Great Britian or New Britian?


I will not be ensnared so easily by your callous and cunning chicanery.

For some strange (rune) reason I find a scenario in my inbox from some strange (rune) and demented (rune) scenario designer.

Apparently you have also received the same scenario. Quite the coincidence wouldn't you say?

As a tribute to your stature and good nature *CoughsnickerCough*, I will defer the selection of opposing forces to you, so that you may immediately (by October?) send it to me, then I can set up the other side and we can proceed.

What could be more fair?

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Seanachai has stated ... well, actually he's WRITTEN but it's essentially the same thing:

You've belittled my Faith.

And not even very well, I might add

All well and good but DID you? Eh? You MIGHT have, that much you admit, but DID you add it? Did you follow through on THIS as you've so often failed to do in the past? Have you "turned the corner" as a prominent politician has recently said? And if so how many turnings did you make and were you, therefore, LOST?

Seanachai you've much to answer lad, no error.


p.s. I'm back, I MAY get turns out before I dash to Albaqueque on Monday ... and I may not.

p.p.s. Moriarty is back I see ... <small>huzzah.</small>

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Pardon me, oh great Spell Checker de Pugh, far be it for me to ask, but would you be speaking of Great Britian or New Britian?

If it was New Britian I would have said New Britian you nit picking ignoramus.

This is why I am presenting the "Peng Nature Series", you never know what you will learn.

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