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Highly unusual CMAK mod & scenario possibility

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If you're graphically talented and know/are a scenario designer, have I got a wild one for you. It's Brits vs. Germans in Antarctica--right after WWII in a super covert commando raid on a secret base there. In case you're wondering, there's considerable evidence there was such a base there:

from the Germans, from the statements made by Admiral Byrd to various reputable South American papers before returning to the States, and now from the British. Just last week, the History Channel on a UFO Files episode openly discussed and showed photos and plans of Nazi UFOs, as well as the subsequent transfer of skilled personnel and tech from those programs to the U.S. and U.S.S.R. after the War.

Two parts of the stunning three part series are online. Change the 1 in the URL to a 2 to read the second part.


For an overview of the many mysteries of Antarctica, please see my article "Ice Puzzles" in Issue 54 of ATLANTIS RISING magazine (www.atlantisrising.com) or get the free PDF from the listed URL.


John Kettler

[ November 17, 2005, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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It was an entertaining read, but honestly, you can't believe that this is true...

Uh, and I would expect a serious historian to know how to spell "Kreigsmarine" (nearly fell off my chair each time I read that word)

Anyway, that doesnt mean I wouldn't enjoy such a mod. It's just that I'd rather call those battles fictional.

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Dry Valleys... largely confined to the margins of the continent, nearby islands, and the Antarctic Peninsula,

Still a fanciful tale from a supposed unidentified "last survivor" dressed up over an intriguing nugget of mystery with only hokumish supporting circumstantial 'evidence' i.e. stamps Nazis etc

BFC staff implicated in Antarctic Nazi hunt...


The truth is often stranger than faction...

[ November 19, 2005, 11:53 AM: Message edited by: Wicky ]

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Originally posted by the_enigma:

just wondering, how much of this 'secert war' is true?

Interesting if not so as exotic...

Antarctic History

The U.S. Antarctic Service Expedition, commanded by Richard Byrd, arrived at the Bay of Whales in November of 1939. Unlike his first two expeditions, most of the personnel this time were military and the entire mission was funded by and under the auspices of the U.S. government. Two bases were established: West Base at the Bay of Whales and East Base at Marguerite Bay on the Peninsula. After hunkering in for the winter of 1940, scientific parties were sent out during the summer of 1940-41 for what amounted to a major research effort. War threatened, however, and both bases were closed and evacuated by March, 1941.

World War II interrupted any further research efforts in Antarctica, but the continent was not immune to wartime activity. On the night of January 13, 1941, German commandos boarded and captured two Norwegian factory ships in the sea north of Dronning Maud Land. By the end of the next day, the Germans had taken possession of three factory ships and eleven catchers. The German Navy subsequently used the waters of the Peninsula and the sub- Antarctic islands as a haven from which they could venture forth to attack allied shipping. Their main base was an obscure harbor on Kergulen Island. Mines laid by this German Antarctic fleet around the ports of Australia sank the first American vessel lost to enemy action.

In response to this activity, the British set up secret bases on Deception and Wiencke Islands and at Hope Bay. The Hope Bay base was destroyed by fire and evacuated in November of 1948. (When the British returned to re-establish the camp in 1952, an Argentine military party tried to prevent them from doing so by firing shots over the British heads. These may have been the first shots fired between competing claimants in Antarctica. Subsequently, Argentina and Britain went to war over the Falkland Islands and South Georgia in 1982.)

Almost immediately after the Second World War, modern, high- profile, government Antarctic activities began in earnest. In 1946 the United States launched the U.S. Navy's Antarctic Developments Project (also known as Operation Highjump). It was an exercise with a largely threefold purpose: provide cold environment training for the Navy, investigate potential Antarctic base sites, and establish a major U.S. presence in the Antarctic. All the new technology developed during the war would be brought to bear in the cause of scientific exploration (Weasels and Helicopters!). The Highjump expedition, still the largest single Antarctic expedition ever launched, entered the Ross Sea ice pack on December 31, 1946 with thirteen ships, 23 aircraft, and over 4700 men.

World War II

Kerguelen History

The fjord-like inlets of Kerguelen offered ideal hiding places for Axis Commerce Raiders, and the Allies worried that they could also be used as submarine bases. The German raiders Pinguin and Atlantis visited in 1941, and eventually HMAS Australia mined several anchorages. This deterred the Germans and Kerguelen remained untouched for the rest of the war. Several parts of the archipelago are still dangerous.

wikipedia - Kerguelen Islands

During Christmas 1940, the German auxiliary cruiser Atlantis was at Kerguelen Island. During their stay they did maintenance and replenished their water supplies. The crew suffered its first fatality when a sailor fell while painting the funnel. He was buried in what is sometimes referred to as "the most southerly German soldier's grave".

German auxiliary cruiser Atlantis

German vessel 'Atlantis' meets British freighter 'The Scientist'

Design of Atlantis

This ship was 155 m long and displaced 7,862 tons. She had a single funnel amidships. She had a crew of 349 (21 officers and 328 enlisted troops) and a Scottish terrier, Ferry, as a mascot. The cruiser carried a dummy funnel, variable-height masts, and was well supplied with paint, canvas, and materials for further altering her appearance, including costumes for the crew and flags. Schiff 16 was capable of being modified to 26 different silhouettes.

Mach 2 UFO that flew from Atlantis! ;)

[ November 19, 2005, 03:20 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]

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The reactions do, however, show who knows his history and who's still thinking the Germans were as stupid as shown in hollywood movies.

About the UFO's: that has been shown before. I remember reading about it many years ago. The Nazi's did some investigations in India, as many Hindu-writings explain how those machines work.

I also remember many picture's of US troops with UFO-like machines in German factories.


Nice flag Erik, or should I call you Greta?? smile.gif

EvilEmpire?? Should be 1 down, several to go.


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