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Dust and You. What the Cheery Waffler needs to know about North Africa


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Which one of you little, mincing, rouge-wearing, toe-dancing, ABBA-lip-syncing, frilly-flouncing, show tune-loving bottom-biters is responsible for "Road to Moscow"?

Know that I hate you with all the white hot passion you normally elicit from your parents, who probably cursed the gypsies the day they returned you in the foetid birthing rags you came in, saying, "Hoy! This one's WAY too squirrely even for us. And the nasty bodily funk he emits burns our eyes, damn your souls!"



That would be Abbott. Awesome scenario, though I have yet to beat anyone playing it. So, I decided to challenge an Aussie, and now I have him on the ropes and should have a victory soon.

Peng Scum Lesson of the Day: To end a losing streak, challenge an Aussie.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Axe has got a game with Berlichtingen. I believe Snarker has challenged Seanachai as well, but I'm not sure.

So, none of ya have the stones to challenge Peng? Not surprising from this bunch of lower primates. Hell. you even cower from the likes of Joe Shaw. Pathetic, simply pathetic </font>
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Hi guys. My posting and turns will be spotty for a while.

My paternal grandmother died today. She was 79. Alice May Ballantyne was a hell of a woman; funny as hell, stubborn but always with a soft spot (especially for me, her first granddchild ;) ) She volunteered in 1943 and served in Debert,Nova Scotia and Halifax as an ambulance driver and engineer. That's where she met my grandfather, who was an engineer as well. He died in 1999 and she was never the same without him.

See you in a bit guys. I'm off to my parents'.


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Thanks guys. smile.gif Yesterday was bad, today is better. Lots of stuff to get done before my dad heads up to Kirkland Lake (where my parents and I were born -- way, way north, way, way cold) to take care of the final arrangements. To top it all off, 30 to 40 centimetres of snow (about a foot Dave tongue.gif -- oh and a tongue.gif to Y2K too) is supposed to fall today. Dad's rented a fully loaded Tahoe to drive up -- he got a deal through a friend of my mom's -- $45 CDN a day and unlimited mileage! :eek: Too bad the thing costs $80 to fill and he'll probably have to fill it three times for the seven-hour trip! :mad:

I'll be back online later today. Until then, take care everyone! You never know what tomorrow will bring. Aside from TNT and my horrendous armor strategies (of which Teddy can attest to :mad: )

Oh, one more thing -- if you haven't read Vasily Grossman's Life and Fate you need to do yourself a favor and get it. I'll write a bit more about it later but trust me -- I haven't read any Russian literature like it since Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

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<big>Good Morning, Maggots!!</big> :D:D

Yes, it's back to work for all of us who just completed a four-day weekend. I could get used to this schedule very quickly. I'll be doing it all over again for Christmas and New Years Day. Definitely something to look forward to.

Quick PBEM updates: Lurkur has begun pulverizing the Warsaw ghetto. My brave partisans can only run away from his Germans. It appears rune has provided the Germans with Weapons of Mass Destruction in this scenario, and Lurkur is not afraid to use them. Thanks a lot, rune!

Mike and I finished our scenario in the rubble of a German city. My SMG company, platoon of SU-76, and M17 had far too much firepower for his militia. SMG-armed troops, in an urban area, fighting in fog are pretty tough hombres. Thanks Mike for a fun game.

86smopuim is probing my Soviet defenses with his gamey infantry guns and halftracks. We're using a map that doesn't provide much defensive cover near the VLs, so holding them will be really tough for either side. In addition, only one VL is real, so I have to try to defend them all while El Skunkito can focus his attack on one. GRRRRR!!! :mad:

Keke is being his usual gamey self. My Soviets are trying to attack his Finns, in the middle of a forest, in the fog. As usual, his uber-Finns are brandishing toothpicks and pine cones and sweeping all before them.

Stikkypixie, Becket, and THumpre are out there somewhere, doing their best MasterGoodale disappearing imitations. GRARGHARGHRRARHGGRAHR!!! :mad: :mad:

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Axe - sorry to hear about your Gran. She sounds like a real character.

For those who give a stuff: I expect lots of hot PBEM death when CM:AK comes out. I have already planned to convert Inferno and Cheery Waffles to CM:AK but you can look forward to pure evil in Scenario form to roll out from under my purple hood. :mad:

My final CM:BB Scenario should be due for release to The Scenario Depot sometime in the next week. Alpine Summer weighs in at 120 turns and 44,000 points (total). It's fantastic. Ever wanted to lead 2 Regiments of Russian infantry on the attack? :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

(snip) Dad's rented a fully loaded Tahoe to drive up -- he got a deal through a friend of my mom's -- $45 CDN a day and unlimited mileage! :eek: Too bad the thing costs $80 to fill and he'll probably have to fill it three times for the seven-hour trip! :mad: (snip)

So in US dollars, how much is the whole trip going to cost? About $10? tongue.giftongue.gif:D

Oh, and thanks for translating those peculiar little French measurements into real ones. A foot of snow - now that means something! Even a dim bulb PENGuin (did someone say Seanachai?) can understand that. :D

PS. You spelled YK2 incorrectly. Be careful or you'll lose your head. I watched a few hours of "Shogun" over the weekend, so beheadings are very much on my mind today. :D

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Alice May Ballantyne was a hell of a woman; funny as hell, stubborn but always with a soft spot


My wife and I send our condolences on your loss.

I think her legacy lives on in the personality of one:

Jason Ballantyne

Although your soft spot is in your head!

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I would post spoiler warnings, but as Dave H must be the only maggot in the world who hasn't played the demo I won't bother :mad:

Originally posted by Axe2121:

You never know what tomorrow will bring. Aside from TNT and my horrendous armor strategies (of which Teddy can attest to :mad: )

You're being too hard on yourself, maggot. It was a beautifully terrifying sight to see your Panzers charging across the desert at full speed, in a sandstorm of dust and TNT. It took me rather by surprise and is so far the top contender for my "CMAK moment of 2003". I'll be amazed if our battle lasts much more than 20 turns, although I've no idea who will emerge triumphant.

Snarker is being a little more circumspect (the sneaky maggot) and no wadi is too small or shallow for his evil Hun to crawl along. His mechanised warriors are inching forward, while my brave Shermans are looking dangerously exposed :mad:

Meanwhile, in Italy, Mike, the lucky maggot, has shot down my fighter. Mind you, reading all the tales of friendly fire woes this may not be such a bad thing. I think I've caught him unawares - he's running his defenders around the village while I'm indulging in a little impromptu town planning. Marvellous.


Edited because I care

[ December 01, 2003, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

It was a beautifully terrifying sight to see your Panzers charging across the desert at full speed, in a sandstorm of dust and TNT. It took me rather by surprise and is so far the top contender for my "CMAK moment of 2003".

It was pretty cool, wasn't it?
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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

I would post spoiler warnings, but as Dave H must be the only maggot in the world who hasn't played the demo I won't bother :mad:

Thanks, Teddy, it's always nice to know you care. tongue.gif:D

Axe, I'm certainly glad to see you bouncing back to your old self today. While the death of a loved one hits us hard, we have to learn to cope with it, because all of us will face that situation eventually. Have a safe trip up into the wilds of the Great White North, you hoser. tongue.gif:D

Soddball, did you create your new scenario in a bid to outdo the deranged molten TNT chucking we all came to know and loathe from MasterGoodale?

Jim Boggs, how is your inter-thread game going with that no-good varmint, PENGuin Jim? We're counting on you to pulverize him and then stomp on all the tiny pieces. Show him a cherry waffle or two. :D

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Originally posted by Dave H:

<Stikkypixie, Becket, and THumpre are out there somewhere, doing their best MasterGoodale disappearing imitations. GRARGHARGHRRARHGGRAHR!!! :mad: :mad:

You take that back!

Have you told the forum how your Panzer and my SU each simultaneously killed the other? Helluva thing...had either tank fired a second earlier, then the surviving tank would have ruled the battlefield, game over.

As it is, it appears we are in store for a deadly infantry fight to settle this.

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