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Tiem Commander & Combat Mission


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They'd have to find a way of making it flow a bit more - alot of the problems facing the 'players' is time pressure.

Plus generalship and battles in WWII usually means huge battlefields that you can't possibly see all of and battles that last for days.

Might be good if you changed the format somewhat - possibly making the players fight at operational level while battles were fought off-screen by people role-playing battalion commanders. Reports bolstered by in game footage would periodically come in to the op-centre. This would compress the battle time considerably

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Well I guess it will not be like playing a game of CM with a tv camera in your neck smile.gif

The actually time spend in the studio will be rateher longer then shown on tv all a matter of editing the show but that is what tehy do now allready with the current format.

And yes I guess we could write a letter to the BBC, but the again Battlefront would at least be a bit interest in the concept. (Their game engine being used yet slightly altered a bit making it playable for the show)

Anyway ofcourse the show format should be altered a bit: now they are playing Roman wars on the level of armies hence on a "general level"

In the CM version ofcourse it would be played on a "lower"echolon level: Battalion or so...

Yeah I know some changes would be needed but having a couple of guys playing CM on tv you can watch and comment on while 2 experts making comments on the background (mhh maybe an opportunity for JasonC and Pillar to make their tv debute:) ) would be fun smile.gif

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Saddly the on-screen graphics of CMBO, CMBB and CMAK are a generation out of date. Remember that Time Commanders is using the yet to be released Rome:Total War engine, not the Medieval:Total War engine.

Basically that is the equivalent of using CMX4.

I doubt that TV audiences would warm to 2D images giving a false 3D effect, abstracted vehicle sizes/locations, 3 man squads, etc.

Basically, I can see the Wartime Command engine being used, but not the current CM engine.

That said, BFC isn't making software for TV programs, so it is no loss to the CM community (though the exposure/advertising potential would be nice!).

Please send all death-threats, fatwas and ex-communications to the above email address.



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Sniff! Sniff? What is that smell????!!!!

Oh it's you Seanachai. I see that they have left the gate to the pool open again.

Dear wannabe understudy to one of the four horsemen, I greet your arrival with the same joy that I'd greet a proposal of marriage from Courtney Love (that shotgun under the chin is just so inviting, eh Kurt).

Normally I would hold a handkerchief to my nose and wait for you to leave, but today, dear Gnome, I have something to tell you. I have seen your future.

While you await CMAK with cheese-baited breath, in the hope of being able to shoot Australians, you have overlooked a simple fact: you SUCK at CM!

That's right; it's the Aussies who will be shooting you! Hundreds of them, thousands of them. Whole battalions of pixelated Aussies marching across the CMAK desert - each one lovingly modded - to put your hapless, cringing troops to the bayonet with the tradition cry of "too late chum!”

That's right, a horde of bronzed men, Adonises in Khaki and a slouch hat, men who suck up hardship like real Aussie beer, men who laugh at danger, men who understand that rubbing lanolin on your skin has more than one meaning, Antipodean Gods even are coming to haunt your every dream and nightmare (much like a Crocodile Dundee movie).

So sleep while you can, oh pickled gnome, for the Australians are coming.

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi!


[ October 14, 2003, 02:43 AM: Message edited by: A.E.B ]

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Originally posted by A.E.B:

Oh it's you Seanachai.

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi!


I forget, sometimes, which amongst you is Australian, and, therefore, vile.

You see, I'm a forgiving man. I'm an understanding man. Far be it from me to dislike, abuse, or make certain 'off-line' arrangements to have a CM poster 'seen to' on the basis of something as silly, and as simple, as nationality.

That isn't to say, of course, that I will not crush each and every one of you Australians, and use the flour of your bones to make my bread. But when simply posting, as opposed to giving each and every one of you primitive pouched mammals a roight good seeing to in CM, I tend to forget which of you is by nature beyond redemption.

I had forgotten, A.E.B. (Australian Expeditionary Bugger? Or perhaps that should be 'Exploratory'?), that you were Australian. And, therefore, of course, one of my most hated enemies.

Fairly nice post, by the by. Except for the rather fatuous 'cheese' reference. I'm not from Wisconsin, lad. I think my own hatred and way with the words of dismissal must be rubbing off on you lot. I'm leading you into the light, as it were, and quickening your faltering steps on the path of evolution simply by the efficacy of my hatred.

In the words of an author whose name is lost to me: Choose your enemies carefully, for that is who you will become.

You Australians, under the tutelage of my hatred, are becoming more and more like me every day.

It's doing you a world of good. Many of you can now almost converse in English.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

What the hell do you mean, 'former prisoners'.

I mean, 'once was yur, ain't no mo'

Y'know, sending prisoners back to the rear where I had troops that you ignored in your hasty tromp through the woods, made it so much easier to liberate them


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Fairly nice post, by the by. Except for the rather fatuous 'cheese' reference. I'm not from Wisconsin, lad.

Wisconsin, Mini-Soda, what's the difference? Oh yeah! Folks from Wisconsin can buy beer in their own state on Sunday. Seems like he paid you a compliment by refering to you as a cheesehead
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You Australians, under the tutelage of my hatred, are becoming more and more like me every day.
Now that is just plain nasty, on so many levels!

Oh Seanachi, how can anyone hate you? You are just so unworthy of hate. Not even Goat boy could maintain his hatred of you (and he hated so easily). Instead, like anyone you have ever known, he took his interest and his hatred and gave it to your betters.

To we Australians you are like that family dog, you know the type - butt ugly, smelly, anti-social, mangy, incontinent - that you can't put down because the children will cry.

So we Aussies don't hate you Seanachi. After all, every morning you wake from some beautiful dream (where you're winning at CM), look at the ceiling and croak "f~~k I'm in Minnesota!"

That is punishment enough.

Still true blue


[ October 14, 2003, 03:08 AM: Message edited by: A.E.B ]

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Originally posted by A.E.B:

Oh Seanachi, how can anyone hate you? You are just so unworthy of hate. Not even Goat boy could maintain his hatred of you (and he hated so easily). Instead, like anyone you have ever known, he took his interest and his hatred and gave it to your betters.

That was cruel on so many levels. It would have been intolerable if there was actually anyone who could be counted as 'my betters'.

Still, to make a point of my inability to keep a Mortal Enemy was a vicious, unkind cut.

Originally posted by A.E.B:

To we Australians you are like that family dog, you know the type - butt ugly, smelly, anti-social, mangy, incontinent - that you can't put down because the children will cry.

Roughly speaking, then, I'm like the father of all Australians? Another unkind cut.

Originally posted by A.E.B:

After all, every morning you wake from some beautiful dream (where you're winning at CM), look at the ceiling and croak "f~~k I'm in Minnesota!"


Indeed, I awake every morning and know the surge of relief that says: "Yes, indeed, I am in the North. I am happy. The children will grow up strong, and the women will be beautiful, and the men will be no worse than they are anywhere else, and the Australians are far, far away. Further away than even the bloody Illinoisans. I am in Minnesota. God is in his heaven, and all is right with the world."

And then I think about you, A.E.B.

And then, of course, I get up and relieve myself.

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And then I think about you, A.E.B.

And then, of course, I get up and relieve myself.

There's a visualisation that's going to make some therapist rich! That is truly, truly bent. I come from Sydney and I still say that that is truly, truly bent.

At least I do my bit for public health, allowing you to knock the crust off each morning, which cannot be easy given your diet/level of socialisation.

I must admit that I watch your verbal antics with rye amusement. It is like watching someone else's child chuck a tantrum in the supermarket. One of life's simple pleasures.

I have decided that the root cause of your Australian fixation is the fact that you want to become one of us, though I must admit that when you live in Minnesota moving to Somalia or Chechnya must also seem appealing.

I'm sure you picture yourself as a lifeguard on some sun drenched Aussie beach, far, far away from people who say ya'll.

We're a regional superpower!


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You Australians, under the tutelage of my hatred, are becoming more and more like me every day.

That's a somewhat distressing thought.

However, I have yet to feel any compulsion to stand in the front garden wearing bright clothes and pointy hat.


[ October 14, 2003, 04:44 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by A.E.B:

I must admit that I watch your verbal antics with rye amusement.

I will give you the benefit of an amusement you have not earned, and assume you mean that you're only amused by my antics when you've been drinking New World whisky, rather than giving a nod to your 'wry' sense of humour.

Originally posted by A.E.B:

It is like watching someone else's child chuck a tantrum in the supermarket. One of life's simple pleasures.

Yes, lad, but I am strong, and will overcome my sense of amusement, not to mention amazement, and I will do my best to raise you up right, in the way that you are to go, and you will become one of my little lambs.

Originally posted by A.E.B:

I have decided that the root cause of your Australian fixation is the fact that you want to become one of us, though I must admit that when you live in Minnesota moving to Somalia or Chechnya must also seem appealing.

I'm sure you picture yourself as a lifeguard on some sun drenched Aussie beach, far, far away from people who say ya'll.


I will never, ever lad, say 'ya'll' which is an abomination onto the Mother Tongue, and only really stupid American Southerners say ****e like that.

I do not picture myself as an, er...what was your conflicted, bisexual reference to sun drenched beaches? In any case, lad, I am a short, fat, jolly bugger who looks as 'at home' on a beach as an Australian looks 'at home' in a college of letters, or pretty much anyplace other than a pub, knocking shop, or place of incarceration.

Given that, I do want to be like you. It's just the wit, intelligence, and savoir faire that are standing in my way.

I shall read your posts with attention and a studied urgency, so that I may myself in time become just as 'Australian' as the rest of you primitive pouched marsupials.

That transition, will, finally, free me from the burden of superiourity that you lot never, ever can feel.

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