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Joe Shaw, you treat YK2 with complete apathy, and with borderline derision when she is quite clearly right. That makes you wrong Joe, your behavior is wrong and out of line.

Did that spark of spirit she showed alarm you Joe?

Did her questions make you quake in your boots?

I f-ing love what she posted.

You have no idea how much it f-ing pleases me to see spirit in people.

YK2 is one of the most likable people on this forum to me. That means more than alot of you will ever understand right now.

Whether she likes me or not was and is moot, you cannot like or dislike what you do not understand.

Some people in this world are afraid to be themselves, in fact it terrifies them. I hope for all to conquer this fear and someday know and love themselves. YK2 is not cowering in the shadows, remember that next time you even think to consider posting rubbish to her Joe Shaw.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Now that you've chosen to reveal that dainty yet daunting 6" stiletto heels comprise a portion of your wardrobe, I hate Hiram all the more.

I keep telling you that your ankles are too damned thick for stiletto heels you floosie. </font>
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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

[various grunting and strained *honking* noises from behind the shrub as if something was being forcibly moved]

Forceps? </font>
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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

.... pump, gimme the pump...

Perhaps the most disturbing words ever posted on the forum.

My mind has gone blank with a white-hot haze of awkward uncomfortableness. I reel. </font>

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

.... pump, gimme the pump...

Perhaps the most disturbing words ever posted on the forum.

My mind has gone blank with a white-hot haze of awkward uncomfortableness. I reel. </font>

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Originally posted by Tim The Enchanter:

Joe Shaw, you treat YK2 with complete apathy, and with borderline derision when she is quite clearly right. That makes you wrong Joe, your behavior is wrong and out of line.

Yadda yadda, vintage Tim. Comes in, creates annoyance by his presence, delights in getting people to choose up sides, quick to stir up discord and take advantage of it to create even more. Sucks up to anyone he think might take his side, shows his little teeth and yips at anyone else.

Why is anyone shouting at Joe? He did nothing more than formalize what I'd already suggested and a number of the lads had signed off on. People should shout at me, if they like.

I imagine Tim is not Gaylord. Kwazy assures us it is so. But that isn't the point. With every post of his I read, I think 'Oh, look, a Gaylord that's learned (somewhat) to spell, and form complete sentences.

It was only a matter of time, after he and his little buddy Kuniworth tired of spamming the GF (and being warned about it in no uncertain terms) that one or the other of them, if not both, would show up here to attempt to be disruptive. And 'surprise', here he is.

He was an annoying little pillock on the GF, and earned himself several warnings from the Mods, and only stopped because he was in danger of getting the boot. I, for one, have no interest in flinging wide my arms and clasping him to my breast when he shows up here, especially when I have every reason to believe that he's only doing so with the intent of choosing his moment for being nasty and disruptive.

Anyone who wishes to speak with him may certainly go ahead. He's given me no reason to like him and his smirking hypocrisy in coming here to be one of a group he's denigrated and mocked elsewhere doesn't fill me with a new, wonderful feeling of 'Oh, look! He's all different now!'

And frankly, anyone who constantly posts, calling everyone 'friends' with every line, is either a very serious Quaker, or a greasy little sneak. I don't presume to know what Tim is, but I can almost guarantee he's not a Quaker.

So, Joe, consider your duty done and your hands quite clean. You shall be Pilate, and I shall be Herod.

Now, then, in the interest of being 'fair' (I'm almost sure that's a violation of our charter; or would be, if we had one), are there indeed those who think that Tim the Enchanter is not here simply in the interest of causing trouble, and being a snarky little pest?

I'd be interested to hear, because as far as I can see, that's all he's managed so far, and I don't see any intent to participate in this Thread for any other purpose.

But if people think he should be given a chance, then by all means, let them say so. He's had his shot with me, so I certainly won't be responding to him here again.

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Well did you at least get to have some fruit with your beer? How many times do I need to explain to you morons that if it's beer, it ain't the best beer unless you're supposed to have fruit with it.

So you're the guy who ordered the poofter drink?

That's one of Australia's greatest mysteries solved.


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Originally posted by Tim The Enchanter:

Queef2K: Why thank you!

(...the rest of the post snipped and thrown in the shredder...)

Y'know...even if I had never seen the mass of ****e he's splattered all over the GD lately and his trolling attitude barely disguised as condescending politeness, THIS little "typo" is MORE than enough for me to wish the bugger banned.

Since the "f" and the "n" keys are not near enough or typed even by the same HAND on the keyboard and TtE doesn't seem to MAKE typos that I've seen, I am certain this was intentional.

AND it was after YK2 politely responded to him not knowing he was deemed to be in Coventry.

Unbelievable. And VERY insulting and immature on his part. But that's the norm for this person (and I use the term loosely).

[ October 15, 2004, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Lady Moraine Sedai,

Clearly, Lars should be flogged. Plus, his posts about me are mostly false. I am too wearing pants.

Well, I don't know who to believe. I think you should *both* be flogged. Just for good measure, you understand. Nothing personal in that at all.

No really...

I would send a shrubbery, but as the oaf Lars has pointed out, here in the hinterland we expect snow tonight, so obtaining flora may prove difficult. I would attempt to pot Boo and deliver him to you posthaste, but by his own admission his feet are enormous and finding a suitable vessel in which to pot him may also prove difficult. Besides, sending Boo could be interpretted as an affront, which without question I would seek to avoid.
Yes, I would, indeed, see that as an effrontery. Imagine my surprise should I be met at the door by a delivery person bringing Boo to my door with his foot in a pot full of dirt.

I mean, really...he should be planted head-first at the very least. But then you *really* couldn't find a pot big enough.

Now that you've chosen to reveal that dainty yet daunting 6" stiletto heels comprise a portion of your wardrobe, I hate Hiram all the more.



Have I mentioned lately that I hate Hiram?

So sorry to have upset you so, dear. I truly did not know you were that emotional.

[ October 15, 2004, 04:29 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

I think you should *both* be flogged. Just for good measure, you understand. Nothing personal in that at all.

No really...

Written in the true spirit of the MBT. Bravo!

I'll even overlook your misspelling of 'effrontery'. Just this once.

Papa Khan is another matter. He can't even spell his own name correctly. Why Seanachai would take his case, I can't imagine. :rolleyes:


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